a/n: hey I just realized that I've been spelling Robby and Lilly's names wrong for like...weeks--sorry! I'll be going through and fixing that later this week--thanks for reading! make sure to review, it makes me happy :)


She found him at the beach, sitting at Rico's, surrounded by people. They were all clamoring to talk to him.

'Amazing,' she thought, ironically. 'The one time I absolutely need to talk to him and he's inaccessible. What inopportune timing for popularity to strike.'

She stood at a distance, frantically brainstorming ideas to get him alone.

Suddenly it hit her.

Or rather she remembered the rolled-up newspaper in her hand. She grinned at it consideringly.


"Oliver Oken—HOW DARE YOU?" Miley wasn't yelling into a bullhorn, but for all the noise she was making, she may as well have been. "I can't believe you're leading all these people on—you're dating Hannah Montana?" She waved her newspaper high over her head and worked furiously to keep from smiling: every girl in the crowd looked disgusted and was talking angrily with her friends as they left.

"And she's a horrible kisser on top of that!" All the guys left too, having been convinced that Hannah Montana was nothing special.

Oliver spluttered ineffectually, trying to convince his entourage to reassemble.

It was a full minute before he was able to bring himself to look at Miley and talk to her.

"What was all that about?" he finally demanded, jumping off his stool and stalking towards her.

"Oliver, don't be mad," she said, pleading innocent.

"Don't be mad?" he echoed in disbelief. "Miley, those guys—those girls—" He shook his head, still astounded.

"What do you need all those other girls for?" she asked, trying to keep her tone light.

"I mean, come on, that's the most attention I've gotten from girls in like...forever…"

"No," she shook her head, taking a step towards him and taking his hand. "What do you need all those other girls for?" she looked meaningfully at him, no trace of a smile on her face.

He stared blankly for a moment.

"Oh," he said simply. Then, "Oh."

"I'm sorry," she said suddenly. "I know this could be so weird because we're such good friends—"

"Or," he interrupted, smiling, "it might be weird because you're such a bad kisser."

A smile broke across her face and she started laughing, feeling happiness and relief bubble up within her.

He grinned at her and leaned forward to kiss her. She put an arm around his neck and leaned in.

"So," she said teasingly, "am I a bad kisser?"

"I, uh, don't know. I wasn't really paying attention…"

"Well we can't have that…"

Lilly observed her two best friends from afar.

"Well done, well done. Lilly the Amazing has once again make the world a better place for LOOOOVE!"

♥♥♥ The End ♥♥♥