Disclaimer: don't own, so don't sue…

you are perfect/ and i want you

do you know me/ do you want me too?

i'll be your princess/ you be my prince

i know you'll love me/ if you give me a chance

we should get together

we were made for each other

we can't wait another minute

come on, let's get to it

baby, let's be us!

when i see you

i admit i'm caught off guard

when you're near me

how is talking so hard?

when you're with me

does this happen to you too?

don't know what we can do

i just know…i want you!

Hannah Montana looked out at the screaming audience and waved at them: "How's everybody doing tonight?" They responded by cheering louder, and she smiled and laughed. "Sounds good to me! Let's get to it!"

People got audibly excited at the segue and music cues to her newest song.

"Can't wait another minute, come on, let's get to it," Hannah sang, getting into it, "baby–let's be us!" She smiled out at the crowd, and just as she sang, "when I see you" she caught a glimpse of someone she thought she recognized. She gaped out into the crowd–Oliver? No way, he was home studying for the huge math test they had the next day–right? Of course he was.

But no matter how many times she asserted to herself that it wasn't Oliver sitting out there watching her–waiting, along with the rest of the audience for her to keep singing–OH!

"Why is talking so hard?"

In the end, the audience thought her mid-verse freeze-up was part of the act. How could they know, Miley thought later as she packed up in her dressing room and prepared to head home, that what they had actually witnessed was Hannah's every thought flying out of her head except for: "Oliver came to see my show? Oliver came to see my show?" Not even she herself could identify the importance of this, however.

The next day at school she was silent and jumpy.

"Hey." She spun around quickly, eyes wide with surprise.

"Whoa," Lilly said, taking a step back, "Settle down."

"Sorry," Miley said. "Hey, I have a strange question to ask you…"

"Hmm, I'm intrigued," Oliver interrupted, sidling up to them. Miley gave him a look, planted a hand on his chest, and pushed him several feet away down the hall.

"Lilly this is a top secret question, no repeating what I'm about to ask–okay?"

"Of course! Now tell me–the suspense is torture!"

"Was Oliver at my concert last night?"

"What!" Lilly exclaimed, shocked. "Was he—"

"Shh!" Miley hissed. "Quiet! Top secret! Mucho silencio! Was he?"

"It was an hour away!"

"Lilly! Was he?"

"No," she replied, still dumbfounded, "he was home studying." She adopted a sly look. "Why do you want to know?"

"That's just it, Lilly, I don't know why I want to know. I saw someone who looked just like him last night and I completely froze up on stage! It was so weird! I mean it's just not possible that I—"

"Are you two done being secretive yet?" Oliver whined from down the hall. "I'm getting bored over here."

"Silence, fool!" Lilly commanded. We're having a very important discussion over here, so quit your whining, and we'll see you in class—bye!"

He raised his palms in the air as if to say "Girls—just leave them to their strange ways" and left for class.

"Miley, "Lilly pressed, "do you think you might—" she hesitated "—like him?"

"No!" she answered. After a moment, "Well, maybe…"

"Oh my gosh, this changes everything, this is huge—!"

"Ahh! Stop—settle! I didn't say I was in love with him, I was just speculating that I perhaps have non-friends-only feelings for him—is that so huge?"

"Miley, it's—" Lilly stopped short as a hand clamped over her mouth. "Sorry—it's Oliver—" she continued in a whisper "—he's your best guy friend—you have to know what you're doing."

Miley was silent for a moment. "That's what worries me. If I do like him, how will this change things? Between us, between all of us?" She was pacing.

"Alright, alright. Stop your pacing, Lilly the Amazing knows what to do. When we're all together, just watch him, see how that makes you feel. In conversation, see if you can be a bit flirty with him—" Miley donned a skeptical expression—"I know, me too, but it's the only way!" She added helpfully, "And remember, you have me, your trusted best friend, by your side…eager to hear all details!"

The final bell rang and they squealed and ran to class.