New fic. Yeah, I say I'll get around to my other fics, but you know that's just what I -say-.

This one was inspired by no less than three fics featuring prostitute!Seto as a result of failing KC(All were Jonouchix Seto, but they reallywere quiteexcellent as in read every chapter even if it takes till four am). This fic originally went along with the same idea, but I decided to change the plot later as the characterizations became totally fucked up and I began to feel uncomfortable. I like to say this is a kind of a new take on SetoSeth, but also something for me to explore their relationship a bit. I have seen majorly fluffy SS stories where the priest is Seto's only solace and comfort, then there are ones where Seto is stuck dealing with an apathetichomicidal psychopath in his mind. I decided to combine a few elements of both, so we'll just have to see how this turns out. But please do tell me if it gets too OOC.

On a good note though, this fic features supportive!Yami/Atem as anapology for all the times I turnedhiminto a perverted rapist. Besides, lately Puzzleshipping has become too adorable. On with the fic!

Disclaimer: I claim no ownership of the characters; Yugioh! belongs to someone far more successful in life.

See the Light


The rainy season had decided to come early to Domino this year and Yami stared sullenly out of the window as pale fat drops pelted the panes of the game shop he was supposed to be minding while Yugi studied for his exams in the solitude of the flat above the shop and his grandpa took inventory at the back. One look at the swirling waterlogged streets and he knew there would be absolutely nobody crazy enough to step out of the comfort of their air conditioned houses to come and buy games or cards.

The King of Games and the former pharaoh gazed at the shiny unopened packs of cards. Strange, how they hadn't been moving quite as fast as they had once been. He remembered the Duelist Kingdom days when they disappeared like hot cakes and then when the improved duel disk came out, he and Yugi practically had to mug the delivery man to assure themselves new cards. Trust Kaiba to keep them well fed with a roof over their heads. His company was the center of the web of the gaming world; when it struck the chords with a new product, all the threads connected to it twanged along harmoniously. There were glories all the time; tournaments, amusement parks, theme parks, virtual reality…you name it. Until recently when everything seemed to grind to a slow halt. A new upgrade here and there, but there came nothing more exciting. Quite frankly, even Yami had once thought of putting away his deck for emergencies and looking for new sources of entertainment.

Immediately, he felt guilty. He of all people should know why KaibaCorp was so listless with its output. Yes, in fact, it had rained on that day too. Almost a year ago, he had stood along with Yugi and the rest of his friends in the misty cemetery where Kaiba Mokuba's funeral took place. They hadn't exactly been invited, but they had come anyway. Kaiba didn't even seem to notice as stood stoically next to the grave, ignoring as the mist turned into heavy drops of rain. His eyes were only on the lacquered black that contained his brother's pale body, now soulless and lost forever. The look on his face worried Yami. Strong as he was, would the elder Kaiba still be able to pick up his life after this?

The reception was mostly filled with businessmen, a few who had come to pay condolences and some who had just come to be there and be seen. It all seemed infinitely sad to Yami and his friends that they were actually the only ones who knew how devastating this must be to the young CEO.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Kaiba." Yami winced inwardly. Surely, there must be something better to say at times like these. But what else can you say to a man who had lost his heart and soul in a single moment?

Kaiba spared him a very brief glance. He nodded tersely.

Yami decided to try again. It was the least he could do; get Kaiba to speak at least a little. "Of course, I know I cannot imagine what you must feel, however, as a friend, just know that I am always there…"

"Thank you." Kaiba all but cut him off. His voice was too inaudible and the slight break did not go unnoticed by Yami. The former pharaoh looked sadly at his once best friend and dear cousin. It hurt him to see Seto so broken and without purpose. He remembered how he and Yugi were always extending the hand of friendship to this man, and how he always fell short of reaching it. They still kept trying, wanting to be friends and yet now, as Kaiba's only respected rival, Yami could do nothing but repeat what so many others had said before.

It was in a moment of desperation that Yami bought it up. He was trying so hard to reassure his respected rival. "There are great things to be had in the afterlife, Kaiba." He said. "I'm sure your brother, loyal, brave and pure hearted would—"

"Thank you, Yami." This time, Kaiba did cut him off. His blue eyes were like twin circles of cold fire, burning with grief and warning. His tone was no less scathing.

Yami immediately shut up. He really shouldn't have opened his mouth in the first place, knowing how Kaiba disliked any mention of what he called mindless myths. "I apologize, Kaiba. I know you are strong, but there is no reason for us not be concerned for you."

"I know what you're thinking, Yami." The CEO replied. "Let me assure you I won't 'try anything' as one might put it."

The denial died on the tip of the pharaoh's tongue. No, if Kaiba said it, he must mean it. It was only fair to give him the benefit of the doubt. "I believe you." He said softly.

Kaiba dipped his head and turned his attentions toward another businessman, a tall foreigner with bright platinum hair and glacier eyes.

Yami snapped out of his reverie at a noise behind him. Yugi shut a small window that was letting in a small shower of raindrops.

"I'm sorry, Yugi. I was kind of lost in thought."

Yugi only smiled, looking adorable in pajamas and a pale sweater. "I know. I figured that when you didn't respond the first two times I asked you to shut it." He laughed at his dark's sheepish grin before slipping behind the counter into his embrace. "You're a horrible clerk, Yami."

"I'm sorry; I never thought to learn something like that." Yami responded. "You know, being Pharaoh and all."

"I suppose." Said Yugi, snuggling into his companion. "So, what profound thoughts were you thinking?"

Yami smiled ruefully. "Kaiba."

Yugi tensed. "Oh…" He was rather ashamed that it finally dawned on him that they hadn't paid anymore mind to the young CEO since the funeral. In fact, they hadn't heard from him in over a year. He no longer appeared on the news and even the tabloids ceased sketching his barren life for the world to follow. Come to think of it, even his unenthusiastic corporation didn't release anything but some minor upgrades to existing software. Public and critics alike didn't know what to say anymore and so thought it best to move on.

He grabbed one of the stapled magazines that sat on a rack next to the counter, a gossip chart that practically followed the lives of popular gamers. Yugi closed his eyes to the memory when they put a picture of him in his nightclothes in front of the store, bleary eyed and picking up a newspaper. Grandpa thought it merited a spot in the family scrapbook, and it was a definite crowd pleaser at school, but Yugi had been less than thrilled. Now, the small duelist flipped quickly through the pages in hope of catching Kaiba's name.

"It says he went to America a few days ago." Yugi read. "He is due to come back… day before yesterday."

Yami examined the article along with his light, nodding slightly. There was no picture unfortunately, so he couldn't presume to judge how well Kaiba was doing at least by appearance. Yugi turned to him. "Think we should go visit?"

Yami sighed; he was rather doubtful. "It would be a nice gesture, Yugi, but I don't know about Kaiba. In a year, he hasn't made a single move to show his face to us."

"True." Yugi acknowledged. Then he said suddenly. "Yami, why don't you go?"


"Yeah." Yugi confirmed vigorously. "He respects you more than he does me or any of the others. Come on, I think it would be good for him…show him there are those who still care."

Yami was still doubtful; even a year was not enough time for Kaiba to get used to his brother's death, much less pull himself together enough to entertain visitors. However, worry soon canceled doubt. Kaiba's wishes deserved to be respected, but complete solitude was no way to leave an unstable man. Yami returned to the times he thought he had lost Yugi forever; he had succumbed to nearly anything that offered him hope, real or false. He had slowly lost his mind and the darkness that filled his heart had almost killed him. Of course, he always had the lucky advantage of his friends' loyalty to pull him through, but Kaiba did not. Seto Kaiba, who refused to trust anyone; Seto Kaiba who stood alone; Seto Kaiba who would die before he asked for help…

"I'll go, Yugi."

He had taken the bus downtown to KaibaCorp because he didn't want Yugi to risk driving in the wet weather. The driver was rather bad tempered, so he prudently chose a seat in the very back to avoid the brunt of the man's cantankerous disposition. He looked out the window at the dripping telephone poles and office buildings as the bus slowed to a halt at a small sheltered bus stop to receive a few more sodden individuals.

The question remained in his mind as to what he would do once he saw Kaiba. It seemed like a better choice to come out and say that he was worried about the CEO; but putting up a fake front of a casual visit while really checking for injuries would practically be an insult. Of course, Kaiba would be insulted either way, but he really had no choice because once the shields were down, the man's hidden penchant for extremism and lack of self-worth became painfully clear. For now, perhaps he should determine things once he actually saw Kaiba. If he even got that far.

Another glance at the window told him that the bus hadn't yet moved. Yami noticed with some irritability that the driver was looking outside the bus, still talking. The passenger beside him shifted slightly and proclaimed in a loud voice. "Hey, if he doesn't wanna get on, just leave him!" Other passengers murmured agreement.

Yami stretched and looked out the other side of the bus. Indeed, there was a hunched figure on the little bench that didn't seem to acknowledge the outside world. What the hell? We're holding up for this guy?

The former pharaoh frowned with rising irritation at the driver, the passengers and public transportation in general. That's it, next time he would drive or at least get a cab…wait.

No way.

He stood up to get a better look as the bus jolted to life again. The figure was still hunched over listlessly and while its facial features were hidden, there was no mistaking that hair and trademark clothes. What the hell is he doing here?

"Stop the bus!" Yami put his regal tone to good use and succeeded. Ignoring the annoyed grumbling, he hopped outside, glad to be out of that unpleasant box on wheels. Snapping his umbrella open, he jogged back to the tiny station. The umbrella closed once he got under the roof of the station and his boots made noise as they clicked on cement and puddles. Still, the figure didn't give any sign of awareness, even when Yami sat down.

Yami took the time to examine the man, make sure it was really him. Though he didn't know how he could be wrong; yes, the hair was a bit overgrown, but it was still the right shade of brown. The frame was slighter, but it was still tall enough and who could mistake that coat for that of anyone else?

"Kaiba?" He called quietly. No response. "Kaiba." This time he placed a hand on the man's shoulder, surprised at its leanness. It jerked away and in an instant he was staring into two dull blue eyes. "So, it is you." He said, without commenting on the nearly scary visage of facial bones jutting from behind sallow skin.

"Yugi…" The blue eyed man looked dazed for a minute.

"No, it's me, Yami." The other responded gently. "Are you ok?"

"Yami…" Kaiba bowed his head, resting his elbows on his knees. How those overly slender knees supported the rest of him, no one knew. "Yes, yes I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be? What are you doing here?"

"I was actually coming to see you." Yami responded. "What are you doing here? I thought you were at work after returning from America."

"I missed the original flight, so I came in today." Said Kaiba, sitting up straight, checking to make sure his briefcase was still beside him. "I am waiting for the bus to come take me to work."

"You failed to board it five minutes ago when it came." Yami said pointedly. "Didn't you hear the driver yelling at you?"

At this Kaiba looked surprised and then quickly switched to a frown. "I suppose I was lost in my own thoughts." He replied in a tone that said he didn't have to explain himself any further. "What were you doing anyway, visiting me?"

Yami shrugged. "Just a stopover. Reminding you that we didn't forget you."

Kaiba snorted. "After a whole year, Yami?"

"Well I'm sure you wouldn't have appreciated weekly calls." The shorter man was pleased to see some fire and fight return to Kaiba's eyes. Perhaps he really was alright.

"Hn." Kaiba folded his arms and turned away. "No, I wouldn't have. And before you ask…" He said, anticipating the pharaoh's next question. "I am quite alright, shaken yes, but quite alright. There is no reason for you to come and check up on me."

"I wasn't check..."

"Oh, but you were." Kaiba smirked nastily. "I know how you and your little friends operate."

Yami closed his mouth. At least he was achieving one goal; getting Kaiba to talk.

"But," The CEO continued. "As you can see, I am still alive and not on the front page of every newspaper in town, ergo I haven't attempted to kill myself."

"That's a positive note." Yami agreed. He watched as Kaiba tried to stand up to read the grimy bus schedule posted on the wall. Then, he too stood up to offer a hand as the taller man wavered and stumbled. "Shit, Kaiba, have you eaten anything?" The weight that fell against him was no more than a full box of duel monster packs that he and Yugi hauled in from the back of the game shop.

Carefully maneuvering the CEO back to the bench, he looked at the schedule himself. The next bus was in twenty minutes. Yami felt his companion lean heavily against his chest, clutching his head. He held the brunet close, fingers sifting through his hair, like an overprotective parent. Quite alright, my ass.

What now? He had no food on him and he couldn't very well leave Kaiba here to go purchase some on the other side of the street. So, the best course of action was to get Kaiba to a place with a bed and a catering service.

"Kaiba, can you call for a ride?" Yami gave up when the blue eyed man mumbled something while still holding his head. "Fine, then don't complain. We're going to the game shop."

Kaiba removed his hands from his temples. "No, I'm fin.."

"No, you aren't." Yami said firmly. Damn it! He should have made more of an effort to contact Kaiba before. Even that weekly calling might have prevented this from happening. Well, no point in berating himself now. Yami steadied his companion and stepped toward the edge of the street and signaled for a taxi.

He handed Kaiba another blanket as Yugi set the steaming cup of tea before him and then ran off to prepare something more substantial. Then, sighing, he too took a seat on the soft couch beside his emaciated rival. There was a short pause as Kaiba held the mug in his hands, staring at the steam curling above it. How strange, he mused, Mokuba had done the same thing when he burst in long ago, when the Big 5 had his elder brother trapped in his own video game. Amazing how they were so alike—beautiful and colorful when they were together; depressed and drab when they were not.

A few more seconds passed and Yami was certain that Kaiba was only pretending to sip tea in order to remain silent.

"What's wrong with you, Kaiba?"

The other man froze. "There's nothing wrong with me." He replied icily.

"Of course there is." Yami insisted. "Mokuba is not here anymore, so you'll have to tell us yourself."

Brief anger flashed in Kaiba's azure eyes. "Thank you, after all, I do need to remind myself everyday." He ended sarcastically, bowing over and letting his hair cover up his eyes.

"Very well, we won't talk about that until you're ready.' Yami watched him take another long sip and several pretend ones. Why does he refuse to cry? "What was your business in America about?"

"Nothing." Kaiba said tersely.

"I doubt you went all the way to another country for nothing." Yami tried to smile, but it died on his lips.

"It's nothing concerning you." Kaiba responded.


He didn't respond.

"Is it really that bad?"

Kaiba stiffened visibly. "And what would you know about that?" He asked softly, dangerously.

But Yami had never been intimidated by Kaiba. "We are one of your buyers." He said. "Logic indicates that we do like to see how you're doing once in a while."

"What? Thinking of pulling out?" Kaiba smirked mirthlessly. "Not that losing you makes such a profound impact on my life."

Yami ignored the jibe. Instead he asked softly. "Why do something if your heart is not in it?"

"Who says it isn't?"

"I'm not saying you've given up, Kaiba." Yami replied. "But with Mokuba…I know how you and he made KaibaCorp a success together. If you no longer have the heart to continue now that he's gone, you don't have to. You've done enough. You deserve to live peacefully with Mokuba's memory." Yami paused to let his words take effect. At that point, Yugi came in with a bowl of ramen on a tray and sat down.

"It's not all about Mokuba." Kaiba's voice was below a whisper. "It was my dream to make KaibaCorp a success for his sake, but it was his dream to make it a success for all the orphans in the world. I can't stop working…he'd never forgive me."

"But Kaiba…" It's killing you. Yami didn't say it, though he knew it was the truth. When Mokuba was still alive, KaibaCorp produced some of the most excellent products. The secret being the brothers' shared enthusiasm—Mokuba's creativity and vibrancy along with Kaiba's genius and sense of thrill, it was a flawless teamwork that had been tragically disrupted.

"We wouldn't want you to stop working." Yugi joined the conversation. Crimson eyes showed him attention while a pair of blue eyes glanced only halfheartedly. "Really, it's a noble goal. And you should know we're always there to help you."

"I don't need your help, Yugi." Kaiba said predictably.

Yami looked thoughtful. No, you don't. You need inspiration…a muse as good as Mokuba.

Yugi looked hurt. "You can trust…" He began reproachfully.

"But I don't." Kaiba shot back. "Listen, you mean well, but you have no idea what to do. Mokuba and I…" He paused. "We were a team and we had certain rules and routines…nothing that anyone else could understand."

Of course not.

"The only person I'll ever trust with my work, Yugi, or I'll ever need for that matter is…"

Mokuba. No one but Mokuba. That or…



Kaiba returned to his tea and Yugi simply stared as Yami abruptly stood up and left. A few minutes later, he returned with a neatly wrapped package.

"Take this, Kaiba." He offered the package. "Open it when you are home to find out what it is. You may not like it, but I insist you keep it anyway. It used to a great source of comfort and strength to someone I knew long ago. It will help you too."

He saw the CEO's skeptical look, but did not comment. Kaiba's first thought to his present would be to throw it away as far as possible, but Yami would get to work before that. It was the only chance he had.


Um, so that's how it begins. I would insert arant on how I suck at beginnings and stuff, but its really no excuse. Do review and tell me if its good/needs improvement/just delete.