Sly Cooper: Fast Forward
Summary: The year 2179 thieves rule the world… the law is powerless… and the Cooper Gang is up for grabs! In this adventure, Future Sly, Bentley, Murray, Penelope, the Panda King, Guru, Dimitri, and rookies RJ and Otto go against the big name crime lords like Clockwerk 3.5, Mz. Emerald, and Damascus. It's all or nothing in this adventure.
Episode 1: Three strikes, you're out Pt.1Paris, France 4:37 AM
Paris was a metropolis littered with flying cars and futuristic skyscrapers. The sky was pitch black with only a few stars and space stations shining in the sky. The old safehouse of the Cooper gang was now a fifty-foot skyscraper with a new Cooper Gang logo. The raccoon had some metal on a third of its right half and a shade of red.
"Otto, give me back my 3-2X matrix adaptor!" Bentley screamed. This version was taller due to a growth enhancement pill, and had darker scales. His eyes were black with some brown mixed.
Otto was a monkey with hazel eyes and darker fur and hair than normally.
"I'll give it back once I outfit it with a Hex router so you'll have maximum online play!" he yelled.
Before he could get any farther, Panda King, or PK as the team called him, threw his hand in front of Otto's face. Down on his back, PK gave the adaptor back to Bentley.
"Any idea when Sly and Murray will get back from Astro-Ball?" King asked. Because he was only 17, he was less wise and more hotheaded than the original.
"They went to play Astro-Ball without me? Those guys are dirt bags! They're so dead." Otto snapped.
"Calm down, Otto, they went to get some recon on our next job." Bentley said.
"Then why didn't we all go? It wouldn't take them so long if we all went."
"Dude, don't you think it'd be odd if two raccoons, a turtle, a monkey, a mouse, a panda, a hippo, a koala, and a lizard were hanging around together, in an Astro Ball field… sneaking around?" Penelope asked. She was as tall as Bentley, wore contacts, and liked Bentley. Not that she'd tell him.
Just as she finished her sentence, Sly and Murray walked into the safehouse. They dropped the equipment on the table and watched TV.
"Yo, cool cats, you get the snaps of the bling?" Dimitri asked.
"Dimitri," Sly called, "I've told you a million times, just cause your great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather did it, it doesn't mean you can act rapper. Just stick to what you're good at: making music and being our frogman."
Dimitri's face soured and he continued making tracks for his upcoming soundtrack. Bentley and RJ came into the room, holding blueprints and coffee. Like Sly, RJ was orphaned when he was seven. Eight years later, he came across Sly after escaping from a gangster. To show that he was in a way, Sly's brother, he was given Rioichi Cooper's hook daggers and Tennessee Kid Cooper's guns.
"Team meeting," Bentley called.
After everyone surrounded the table, Bentley began to lay the plan down.
"Okay, we all know that the Astro-Ball owner has a truckload of diamonds hidden in his study. And with the photos, we can now set up Phase I. First, Penelope and Otto will take a tour through the stadium and plant some locators onto some of the Hall of Fame stuff. Meanwhile, PK will help the Guru destroy some generators that guard the pipelines into John Pachinko's office. All the while, RJ will need to get onto the team so we can play our heist towards the next game. Once we have all these jobs done, we're all set for some Home Heists."
Astro-Ball Operation Day 1
RJ jumped from building to building, careful to be watchful for any cops. Since thieves were on the brink of controlling the world, those who wanted things to be back to their normal ways were either cops or traitors. Since the gang was nowhere near the cop standard, the traitor bill had given them lots of assassins to take down. Whoever wanted them dead had a vendetta against them. An owl-like screech went through RJ's ears, as he lay sprawled on the floor. His brain was pounding in pain, his eyes felt like they'd pop out.
"RJ," a mechanical, monotone voice cried. "RJ, your destiny has only begun. Soon you will bring darkness to your home, your friends, and everything you've ever loved. Embrace your darkness, and the secrets of your family will be revealed in time."
RJ opened his eyes and searched around for the voice. Seeing no one, he ran to the stadium, the voice still ringing in his head. As he left, the cloaking device faded as an owl with steel gray metal and piercing yellow eyes looked at RJ, forming a wicked smile onto his face.
"Good… with time, the Staff of Coopers will be in the heir's hands… and the world of good and evil will be reshapen. Long live Clockwerk." The owl flew off, planning wicked things.
"Whoa… if Clockwerk's here, it'll get ugly. I just hope we can handle this on the next Sly Cooper: Fast Forward!"- Bentley