Chapter 12: A Chance to Talk
March 20, 2006

A/N: Sorry it's been so long since I've updated. I've been so busy with work and school that I've been lacking the motivation to write. Not that I'm going to stop, but I've had much more of a need to sleep than to write. I hope to get some more writing done this weekend, but if not, I hope to have some new stuff up soon. Enjoy!

Hughes and Hawkeye stared at their makeshift prison. Ed and Roy were hopefully going to come and talk to them today. They were both anxious. There were so many questions left unanswered. There was a small noise outside of the room and then the door opened causing both soldiers to jump up. Brigadier General Dramazic was standing in the doorway with some food.

"Morning," she said cheerfully before walking into the room shutting the door behind her.

"What do you want," Hawkeye demanded.

"Lt. Hawkeye, calm down," Hughes said.

The General placed the food down on the table. She watched how the two interact with each other. They were both angry, anxious. Kara knew that they were upset because they hadn't been able to talk with Ed and Roy.

"I understand that both of you are anxious and I apologize for it. We've been kind of busy at this time. Lt. Colonel Mustang and Major Elric will be able to speak with you later on today. I will be accompanying them, but for the most part I will just be letting them talk."

"Why must you come with them? Don't you trust your own soldiers?" Hawkeye asked her in anger.

"Oh, I trust them to an extent. In fact, I trust them with my life; however, I know I'm going to need to be here for my own reasons. As it is, you are currently prisoners and at the same time, friends of my Lt. Colonel and Major. I don't know what is going to be said and what is going to be done after today's discussion, but I want to be in the loop. I have already discussed it with Mustang and Elric and they are fine with it, so I expect you to be accommodating."

A firm knock came on the door. Brigadier Dramazic walked to the door and cracked it open to see Ed and Roy standing there. They both saluted and she nodded. She turned back to the prisoners as she pulled open the door further to allow her men to enter.

"It seems you'll have an opportunity to talk sooner than I thought. Come on in gentlemen."

Mustang and Ed entered the room and looked at their former comrades. They were both sitting on the floor, but rose upon their entry. The five of them sat at a table in the middle of the room. They were silent for a few minutes as the tension and awkwardness settled in the room.

"I guess you have quite a few questions to ask us," Mustang finally said not looking at either Hughes or Hawkeye.

"Yes," Hawkeye said.

Hughes cleared his throat and looked up at the two men across the table. Although they were on opposing sides, Hughes still saw Mustang as his best friend and Ed as a son in a way. It was hard to sit there with them and simply ask them questions.

"Roy," Hughes paused, "I think the biggest question in out minds is why? Why did you and Edward join the American military? Why and how is he alive? Why did you turn on those who have stood by you and pushed you to the top?"

The room was silent for a moment. Hughes and Mustang stared strait into each other's faces. The former Amestris Colonel took a deep breath and began speaking slowly.

"Since Ishbal, it had been my dream to ascend the ranks and become Fuher. The last couple of weeks have given me an opportunity to rethink my dream, Hughes. Why did Edward and I join the American military? I don't have an answer for Ed, but I am so sick and tired of Bradley and his campaigns that have no official backing to them. I didn't share it at the time, but did you know that there was no official investigation into the death of Alphonse Elric."

At this Edward's face shot up to look at Mustang. His eyes were wide.

"Lt. Colonel, are you telling us that Major Elric was judged and sentenced without something as important as a full military investigation into his younger brother's death," Brigadier Dramazic inquired in shock and anger.

Mustang didn't directly answer her. He also refused to look at Edward's shocked face.

"I knew from the beginning that Edward had not killed his brother. All of you know that I went and spoke in his defense at the trial. I think everyone knew it and yet he was still imprisoned and used in vial experiments. I found out too late about the lack of an investigation. I got Scheska to get me his files as soon as it was announced that he has died. I never spoke about it because it was a mute point after he had died. When I found out that he was alive, I was so happy, so relieved that amendments could be made, however because of these course of events, I could no longer think of myself as a member of a hypocritical military. That is why I left."

Mustang took a deep breath and took this time to look over at his superior officer and subordinate. He knew that he should let Ed give his reason, but he saw how torn the younger man was with the new information he had just been given.

"I found out what really happened that day when Alphonse died. He sacrificed himself for his brother and Edward should have never been charged in the first place. I also found out what Ed has had to endure over the last ten years and I would wish it on no man. I don't know the reason he choose to follow me, but I do know that it is an honor to work by his side again. Leaving behind those who have been loyal to me has been a great sacrifice and I would be lying if I said that I didn't appreciate everything that they have done. The two of you are my good friends, and I am sorry that things turned out this way, but it's a sacrifice I have to make for my new goals and wishes."

He looked over at Ed and smiled slightly. Ed took a shaky breath and ran a hand through his already disheveled hair. He knew that the Colonel was done and they would be waiting for his answer.

"I guess that I should answer those questions too. I joined after Mustang joined, though I had been thinking about it for several weeks. In a way, I owe the United States' military for saving me from my fate. The higher ups in the Amestris military decided that they wanted to find a way to preserve life over an extended period of time. I have no idea as to their purpose behind them, but after going over the data I've seen over the experiment, I was their only success."

Now it was Hughes and Hawkeye who had a surprised look on their face. Never in their wildest imagination would the two of them believe the military would go so far as to try to prolong life.

"What would they possibly want that kind of technology for?" Hughes asked out loud.

"Who knows, but the data our intelligence collected was hard core. Out of the twenty-five prisoners who were used in said experiment, Edward was the sole survivor and success," Kara said since she had studied the data extensively more than the others in her camp.

"…but, Edward, that can't be your sole reason for joining them," Hawkeye said.

"No, but it's one of the biggest. I do want to repay my debt although no one has asked me to do so. And before you ask if they tried to recruit me, yes they tried in subtle ways, but in the end it was my decision and my decision alone. My other reason was I agree with Mustang's reason and now more than ever. If they didn't even do a formal investigation of Al's death, then why am I going to be a part of them? I've always known that most of the military dogs were corrupt, but I still stayed hoping that Al and I could finally reach our goals. In a way we did, but I owe Bradley and his stupid hypocrites nothing."

Hughes and Hawkeye were surprised. The Edward they knew had always held a certain disdain for the military, but never had they heard him be so eloquent and calm in his reasons. The teenager that they had know ten years ago had grown up in more way than one, and it was a shock, yet at the same time, pleasant to hear him talk like this.

"I do respect the two of you, and everything you've taught me over the years I was a State Alchemist. I'm sorry that we have to be on opposite ends of this war, but this is the path I've chosen. If the two of you decide to still fight for that hypocrite, I'm not going to try and stop you since you're entitled to your own opinions, but once you return, I will not hesitate to fight you or the others in Mustang's former camp."

Edward pushed his chair back and exited the room, slamming the door on his way out. Brigadier Dramazic nodded to Roy and followed her subordinate out of the room leaving Mustang with Hawkeye and Hughes. Mustang decided he needed to say something to break the awkward silence left in Ed's rash exit.

"I know that there is a lot for the two of you to think about right now, and I wouldn't blame you for choosing to stay or go. There's much to be gained on both sides of the war, but there is also much to loose and I know the two of you have seen the reports of what's been going on. I'm not asking you to make a decision right now, however I do want you to go back and share this with the others and make a collective decision as a group."

He paused and gave them a smile.

"I'm sure you've already made a decision, but I want you to think about it a little longer."

With that, he rose and silently exited the room leaving Hawkeye and Hughes to their thoughts and silence.