Chapter 1

"Ms. Swan" I heard as I slowly lifted my head from my desk.

"Ms. Swan. Is my class so boring that it puts you to sleep" my history teacher Mr. Lawson asked.

Yes, "no" I lied.

"Well then would you care to explain why you were sleeping" I felt my cheeks get a little warmer.

"I'm sorry Mr. Lawson, I just don't feel very good" I lied again.

"Well then if you decide to sleep again could you please not snore" I blushed a bright red color and quickly put my head down until the class was over. Mr. Lawson always picked on me. I hated it and I hated him. The only good thing about school was getting to see Edward.

As I emerged from my class I was surprised to see that Edward wasn't waiting outside to walk me to lunch. I figured he left with Alice and was sitting at our table.

As I entered the cafeteria I saw Edward and his family at our table but they weren't alone. There were three other people sitting with them. All of them I didn't recognize. Edward saw me and motioned for me to come over. I obeyed and sat next to him. He wrapped his arm around my neck and pulled me close to him.

"And this is my girlfriend Bella" he said to the three other people. There were two girls and one guy. The girls were very pretty, but no match to Alice and Rosalie, and the boy was handsome.

"She's human" one of the girls said in a giggle. I knew they were vampires by that statement.

"Yes and her blood's mine" he said in a joking tone. I didn't really notice because I was to busy looking at the boy.

He had shaggy black hair that barely covered his eyes; his eyes were a soothing lily pad green color; his nose was small and fit his face perfectly, his lips were pleasantly plump, but not Pamela Anderson plump.

The two girls looked identical. They both had silky blonde hair, petite noses, slender lips, dark golden eyes. They both looked like supermodels. But they still weren't as gorgeous as Alice and/or Rosalie.

"Bella, these are some friends from Alaska. Those two are Jeanie and Janie. Their twins. And this one is Kail" Kail. His name was said over and over again inside my head.

"It's nice to meet you Bella" Kail said with a smile that showed all of his gorgeous teeth. I felt as if I were going to melt. No one really seemed to notice except for Alice.

"Hey Bella can you come with me to the bathroom really quick" she asked getting up. I nodded and followed her. When she made sure that there was no one else there she turned to look at me.

"What was that all about" she asked with an angry glare in her eyes.

"What was all what about" I really didn't know what she was talking about.

"Don't tell me you didn't know. You were totally gawking at Kail. You were practically drooling over him" she seemed a little irritated.

"I'm sorry ok. It's just he's almost as gorgeous as Edward" I said. I felt guilty now that I thought about it.

"Almost" she said mocking me.

"Yes. Almost. Edward is still and always will be the most gorgeous boy I have ever met. I love him" she had a look of relief on her face.

"Ok. I'm sorry. It's just back in Alaska, Edward and Kail weren't the best of friends. You see, Edward and Kail almost always liked the same girls. Except Kail would always get them. Edward always felt like such a loser. Even when we moved here. But when he found you we all saw this glow in him that we've never seen before. And then when Kail and his family showed up at our house we all worried about Edward" I knew that they all worried that I'd leave Edward for Kail but that would never happen.

"Alice, I could never do that to Edward. I love him way to much" I said as I gave her a friendly hug.

"I know. I know. I just couldn't stand to see Edward get hurt again if you did" she said returning my hug.

"Let's go back now" she said linking her arm with mine. We walked back to the cafeteria with huge grins on our faces.

"What was that all about" Edward asked as I sat back down next to him.

"Nothing" I said as I looked over to Alice and winked at her. Edward just looked a little confused.

"I love you" I said as I cupped his face in my hands and pressed my lips against his. I saw Kail wince out of the corner of my eye. I just smiled as Edward and I continued our kiss.

"Get a room you two" Emmet called across the table.

"I'm sorry you guys have to see this. They're always like this" Rosalie said while rolling her eyes.

"We don't always do this. Just a majority of the time" Edward said when we finished kissing.

"Sure you do" Emmet said with a wink. Edward just smiled and held me close.

"So how long have you two been together" Kail asked. I could tell there was so pain in his voice when he said that.

"For quite a while now actually. Almost a year I think" Edward said with a smile.

"And I've loved every minute of it" I said before planting a kiss on his cheek.

"You two are just so cute" Jeanie and Janie said at the same time. They both looked at each other and giggled.

"Do they always do that" I whispered into Edward's ear. He smiled and nodded. I rolled my eyes.

Then the bell rang and we all got up from our seats. Edward picked me up and hoisted me onto his back.

"Edward, what are you doing" I asked as he started to walk to class.

"I just love carrying you like this" he said with a gorgeous smile. I leaned forward and kissed his ear.

When we got to our next class we took our usual seats in the back. We didn't realize that Kail was sitting at the desk next to mine. When we finished staring at each other and mouthing words the teacher walked in and started the lesson. Kail passed me a note.


Wow this class is boring. You coming by the house today after school?

I looked over at him and he smiled. I quickly took out a pen and wrote back.


Yes it is. And yeah. I do every day.

I passed the note back to him. We kept passing it back and forth. Giggling at stupid comments we'd make. Edward didn't seem to notice or it was just that he didn't care. Either way he didn't look at me the whole period.

"Bella, I'll see you at my house ok" Edward said as he dropped me off at my house.

"Of course. I'll be there a.s.a.p." I said planting a kiss right below his jaw. He made a playful growl and I winked at him.

When I got inside I put my stuff down and grabbed my car keys. It wouldn't hurt if I went a couple hours early.

As I drove down the unpaved road I spotted Edward and Kail standing on the front porch. I quickly turned off my car and got out. It looked as if they were fighting. Then Kail left and went inside and Edward leaned on the railing, his head in his hands. I quickly crept to the side of the house and grabbed hold of the hose. I turned it on full blast and ambushed Edward. When I was finished he was soaked from head to toe.

"That wasn't very nice you know" he said with a smile. He started to try and wring out his clothes.

Edward looked so gorgeous right then. His hair was clinging to his forehead, his clothes were clinging to his body. He looked more like a greek god than a vampire. I was gawking at him for a couple minutes before he noticed.

"So you like me when I'm all wet" he said with a slight laugh. I blushed a little and turned away.

"Maybe" I felt his cold, wet arms wrap around me and I was being pressed against his cold, wet, marble chest.

"Come inside with me. I need to change" he said as he took my hand and led me inside. Jasper, Alice, Rosalie, Emmet, and Kail were all sitting on the couch watching TV. When we walked in they all looked at us.

"What happened to you" Emmet asked Edward. Edward smiled and looked at me.

"She did" he said pointing at me and I just gave a slight shrug. Everyone, except for Rosalie and Jasper, laughed.

He then hurried me to his room and shut the door. He walked over to his closet and picked out a pair of faded blue jeans and a linkin park band tee.

"I didn't know you liked them" I said as he pulled out the tee.

"I don't" he said with a laugh. He began to take off his shirt. For a minute I stared in awe at his magnificent body but then I quickly turned around when he started to take off his pants.

"To embarrassed huh?" he said with a slight laugh. I nodded and kept my back to him. When he was done he came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He then began to pull me over to the couch.

"Bella, do you love me" what a stupid question.

"Of course I do. Haven't I been telling you that" I said kissing his nose.

"I know. I just love hearing you say it" he said with a smile.

"Well then, I love you Edward Anthony Maeson Cullen" I said with a giggle.

"And I love you, Isabella Swan" he kissed me lightly on my cheek. I glanced over at the clock that was mounted on the wall.

"I have to go Edward" I said realizing I had just broken curfew.

"Let me drive you" he said grabbing his keys.

"No. It's ok. I brought my truck" I said pulling out my keys.

"Ok. Drive safe and I'll see you tomorrow my love" he pressed his lips to mine and refused to let me go for a couple minutes. When he did I told him I loved him and then I ran out the door.

I was almost at my car when and icy cold hand grabbed my arm. I knew it wasn't Edward's because these hands were way to cold. It wasn't any of the Cullen's because their hands were warmer than Edward's. As I tried to figure out who the person was they spoke.

"Where you going Bella" I turned around and I was locked in a close embrace.

ok. so what do yall think? i'm just getting warmed up. there's going to be alot more drama in the unpcoming chapters.