Disclaimer: Kouta Hirano owns Hellsing and I just worship him for it. No money being made on my end.

Author's Note: Rating is for further chapters. This is a darkfic, because any pseudo-retelling of Alucard's life sort of demands it. My muse: the "throwing-human-soldiers-on-flagpoles" overkill scene in the manga. (No matter how much you bleach his hair, the roots show through.)

"And that should about do it," Dr.Trevellian said warmly, patting the last of the bandages. His patient smiled appreciatively, her thin body propped up in an imposing bed. The afternoon sun was shining blissfully, striking an uncharacteristically pale Integral Hellsing as she buttoned her nightgown.

"Thank you doctor. I am greatly indebted to you," Integra said as Walter placed a serving tray in front of her. The butler had returned immediately from business with the Queen and his presence was her greatest comfort.

"Nonsense. Now make sure to eat all of that. And keep those windows open. I leave you in Walter's capable hands," the doctor pronounced before departing the room.

Integra hardly felt like eating. But Walter had gone to considerable trouble to bring her favorite foods, so she feigned hunger, taking melodramatic mouthfuls of porridge and eggs.

"You don't have to eat right now. In fact it's probably best if you didn't," Walter advised, seeing her discomfort and taking the tray from her lap.

"What did the queen say?" Integra asked, almost apprehensively. The events of last night were horrible, truly horrible…her uncle's betrayal…Alucard…but seemed all the more awful to report to the Queen.

"She commends your valor and is grateful that Hellsing is in the hands of Sir Arthur's daughter and true heir. She instructs you to seek out any of Richard's living accomplices and punish them as traitors to the crown and England," Walter related. He could see a rainbow of emotions—relief, anxiety, resolve—sweep over Integra's face.

"Furthermore, while she has always been aware of your new servant, and has even known him in older days, she has directed me to narrate Alucard's history."

"The Queen knew him?" Integra questioned with incredulity.

"Yes, primarily during the days of the second world war. As did I."

"And my father…of course…" Integra spoke haltingly. She looked at Walter with new eyes. There had been a time when they were all young, all united in a definable cause. She felt like an intruder, stepping into a world full of experiences and epics that she had been no part of. As an only and arguably over-indulged child, she had always been the center of the universe. Father had always been scholarly and mature, Walter had always been devoted and aged…she had never thought of anyone existing without her influence, much less existence.

"Yes, he was quite dashing then. Those, however, are not the events the Queen was concerned with, so we will save them for a later time," Walter said affectionately, perceiving the epiphany within the coltish girl.

"Oh," Integra mumbled, discouraged. "Then you must be good to your word and tell me. I've decided that I like to know things, even if I may not seem old enough to know them. And I'm no longer fond of surprises, even those of the good sort," Integra added decisively, her brow furrowed with thought.

"Quite understandable. In view of that sentiment, you must listen very carefully and never forget what I am about to tell you. It is imperative that you keep this story of meaningless cruelty close to your heart. For when Alucard was his own master, he committed crimes so shocking it is impossible for language to express accurately. But I must find the words to do so now…"

Next Installment: Integra's reaction to Alucard's disturbing past. Walter's inner conflict. Alucard's grand entrance.