Disclaimer: Did not own, not owning, and will never own Naruto!
Dedicated to NejiTen fans. Put me in! I love this pairing soooo much!
Summary: Being a Hyuuga bride is not easy. It never is. Tenten knew that. But she also didn't expect it to be this hard! Follow Tenten as she went through the preparations of being his bride-to-be!
DayOne: Studying
By MyFallenAngel
It was a sunny day.
Tenten groaned behind the pile of books, encyclopedias, and dictionaries in front of her. This was too much for her! Being a twenty-four years old girl who loves to move around rather than stay at home doing something girlish, she obviously hated this kind of activity: studying.
"What is it, Tenten-san?" A woman around the age of thirty appeared behind the heavy books. "Do you need a drink? Something to eat? Anything I can get for you?"
No, Tenten thought desperately, I just need one thing. Freedom!
"No, thanks." She replied, trying to keep herself calm. "I'm fine the way I am, Tsuki-sensei."
"If you had any questions, please don't hesitate to tell me, Tenten-san." Tsuki said as she returned her attention to the knitting in front of her.
Tenten sighed heavily as she red the book in front of her.
Seriously, what had brought her into this?
Let's whirl back time a little, shall we?
"Neji, why do you always train me?" She asked as she swung her kunai to him, which he easily dodged away. He stared at her numbly.
"… No reason." He answered lamely.
She waved her hand. "Really? Then what should I do to thank you?" She grinned, "If it wasn't for you, maybe I will be ever so weak."
Suddenly he smirked. "You could do me a simple favor."
Her eyes lightened at once. "Really? I'll do whatever I can to thank you, Neji! I promise!"
"… Right." He smirked again. "Then marry me."
She laughed. "Is this some kind of joke?"
"No. I'm serious." His eyes were serious.
She was stunned. "Why?"
"I need someone to marry."
"But I can't! We're not even in love!"
He silenced, but being a smartass he was, he never loses. Not even in conversations. "I'm just asking you to do a favor. And you did said that you'll do everything you can. You're single, I'm too. We can marry."
"… You should ask someone else to do this kind of thing for you! Someone you love!"
He silenced again.
"Someone else?" Tenten requested silently.
He glared at her. "I can't ask Lee, that wouldn't be normal!"
Tenten laughed. "I didn't ask you to ask Lee, oh, Neji! I'm just asking you to ask somebody else. Like Sakura or Ino. Whoever." She waved her hands in dismissal. "Somebody you love. You show love to. Stuffs like that."
"Tenten." He ignored her waving. "How do people show love?"
She blushed. "Well, that is..." She shrugged again, knowing that she will have to make it quick since Neji never take back any of his words. "Physical interractions, gift givings... things like that."
He stared into her again, and this time she knew better than to stand still like that. She stepped backwards one step as she eyed Neji, a little suspiciousness appearing in her heart.
"I see." He smirked.
Tenten gulped again, and before she even knew it, her lips met. Her eyes widened, but she felt herself softening and returning the kiss softly. After a few seconds, he released her and broke the kiss.
"Then say," He said with urgency, "Marry me."
She smirked. "No."
"Neji, a no is a no."
"But I say, yes."
She frowned. He could be so stone-headed when it comes to these things. "Make me." She told him.
He smirked. "I will. Marry me, Tenten."
Tenten smiled. "Why me?"
"Because..." He sighed, "Maybe you're you and I am me."
"You need a better answer."
"... Fine." He smirked the famous Hyuuga Smirk. "I need someone to marry. You know that."
She groaned. "Do I have any choice?" She asked innocently.
"No." was his reply, which was ever so predictable. "You're doing me a favor."
She silenced, looking thoughtful.
"Then?" Neji asked her. "A favor."
Right. A favor. But she did not think that marrying him will be a favor.
Then again, she did have interest in him. And, there's nobody else in her life than him. And Lee. And Gai-sensei. And Shikamaru. Okay, there's lots. But maybe it's only him that she… feels affection towards to.
"Sure." She answered at last, although hesitantly.
That's it. No love confessions, undying care proclamations – that's it. A proposal. An agreement. Nothing else.
Now that Tenten thought of it again, she couldn't believe that she said 'Sure' out of nothing. Neji didn't promise her anything. He just asked her to be his wife, and that's all.
"... Shit." She muttered under her breath.
How did I ever come to agreeing, anyway? I am such an idiot!
She cursed, swore, and groaned that Tsuki appeared from the pile of her books again.
"What is it, Tenten-san?" She asked patiently.
Tenten faked an innocent smile. "Nothing, Tsuki-sensei." She assured, "I just need some fresh air."
"Well, you need to memorize this three hundred rules of the Hyuuga Clan first before you got your first break." Tsuki said, now her voice full of murderous intention. "That's what Hiashi-sama had ordered me to."
Tenten groaned. "Why was this even important, anyway?" She said, not realizing that she was saying it out loud until Tsuki replied her question impatiently, "Because, Tenten-san, Hyuuga Clan is one of the earliest clans in Konoha. The mother of all mothers. We have rules that are different from any other usual low ninja rules. Hyuuga Clan had bear children of all the clans!"
"Yeah, yeah." Tenten said. "I know, Tsuki-sensei."
She leered at her and returned to her knitting again, muttering, "I can't believe Neji-sama had chosen somebody this stupid to be his wife!" under her breath.
Tenten glared at her behind all the books.
I have to find a way to get out of here.
But how?
A new story. Oh, I'm so addicted to this couple! Tell me your ideas!
Reviews, please!