Another humorous Hellsing story. Enjoy. The Dawn and Hellsing proper cossover.

And hellsing isn't mine.

Deep inside the Hellsing mansion, during a chilly October morning, something was happening inside the linen closet on the third floor.

"What have you done now, you fool?" An angry teenage boy's muffled voice sounded from within. "Whatever do you mean, my dear Angel?" A smooth, manipulative little girl asked. The question was followed by a lot of thumping, muffled curses, and the door flying open.

Two bodies rolled out: a little girl and a teenage boy. The boy stood up and brushed of his already neat butlers uniform. He scowled and looked around, pushing black hair out of his face.

Without aid from the boy, the little girl stood up and adjusted the fuzzy white hat she was wearing atop long, sleek black hair. "What are you so upset about?" She asked, yawning and turning to look at her companion.

"You said you were taking us into the future, and all you've done is get us locked inside of a linen closet!" The boy huffed. "Who said I didn't?" The little girl smiled up at him, a dark flicker in her eyes.

"Well, I don't see it." The boy was looking around. "Why don't you go look?" The girl pushed him gently in the direction of the hall.

"I think I will. You stay here, though. If we somehow did wind up in the future, I don't want people panicking at the sight of you." He instructed. The girl nodded and stepped back into the closet, giving him an evil grin before shutting the door.

The boy sighed, and then began his journey down the hall.

Behind him, the doorknob to the linen closet turned.

Seras Victoria, the young blonde Hellsing officer headed up the stairs from the basement. On her way she noticed a little girl in the hall, back to her, studying a painting. The little girl had the longest hair Seras had ever seen on someone so small. It went to the child's waist!

After this thought, she wondered exactly why a little girl would be wandering a bout the halls for. "Um..little girl?" She asked hesitantly.

The little girl turned and smiled at her. Was it just her, or did that child have red eyes a moment ago?

"Hello, Police Girl." She said innocently.

"Well, I guess it looks a bit different." The boy muttered to himself, walking down the halls and studying them. "Maybe that little menace really did take us forward in time."

He turned to the side to see a large door, which was cracked open just a little. The scratching of a pen floated from within.

"Well, I guess this is one way of finding out." He shrugged and pushed open the door.

Inside a tall, blonde woman in a black suit was staring down at her desk, pen in hand.

"Hello?" He walked over to her desk. She looked up quickly, catching him with stunning blue eyes.

"Who are you?" She asked, frowning. He was taken aback. "Who are you?" He asked incredulously.

"She looked surprised for a moment, then her face darkened. "I am Sir Integra Hellsing, and you are in my organization. Now I order you to give your name." Her voice was full of authority.

"This isn't your organization! This belongs to Arthur. Arthur Hellsing. Not a bird like you. Hellsing run by a woman? I doubt it." The boy smiled triumphantly and folded his arms over his chest.

Integra stared at the arrogant boy. Her mouth was parted, her eyes were large, and her gloved hands gripped her desk in mounting fury.

"Excuse me, boy?" She was regaining her ability to move, and it was the kind of movement anybody but the boy would have taken as a hint to get the hell out of there. He had just pushed her to the limit with one insult.

"My name isn't 'boy'. It's Walter C. Dornez, thank you." The boy continued.

Integra stared at him. She was now angry AND confused.

"You said your name was what?" She asked, standing up. At that moment, her office door was opened further by her old butler, Walter.

He was smiling, a tray of tea in his arms. "Sir Integra, I've brought-" His eyes fell on the boy, and his tray fell to the ground with a clatter.

End of first chapter. I hope to continue this, so read and review if you like it. Thanks.