
"Come on hurry up I want to see Grandma!" a young boy cried as he dashed up the steps.

"And I want to see Great Grandpa!" An even younger girl cried tugging at her mother's hand while holding firmly to her stuffed bear.

"I want to meet Uncle!" the eldest boy added from his father's side.

"Feh, it's not like you haven't seen them before despite my strict orders." Their mother huffed.

"Yes but seeing from afar and actually interacting are two completely different things." The young boy pointed out with a cunning grin.

"Kin!" the eldest reprimanded.

"So you have been to see them!" Their mother growled as she stared poisonous daggers at her sons.

"Way to go Kin." Their younger sister grabbled.

"You as well!" she proclaimed as she glared astonished at her daughter.

"Oh… well, Ichimaru had to watch me so I had no choice." She exclaimed as she looked up at her mother with pleading eyes.

"Ume." Ichimaru warned from beside his father.

"Uh-uh, I was a little girl once too; it's not going to fly." She retorted not phased the least by her daughters' sorry attempts.

"Hmph." She pouted as she stuck her tongue out at her eldest brother.

"Once we get back to the house you are all going to have to do a full day of nonstop training with your father." Their mother decreed eliciting groans from all three children.

"Why must I be punished as well?" Their father wondered as he continued up the steps carrying a box wrapped in a fire rat haori.

"If you do this there will be a special treat waiting for you later." She smiled sweetly at her beloved mate.

"Hn." He gruffed as they continued onward.


"I'm home!" Kagome called as she entered into her natal home.

"Kagome!" Souta called out runing down the stairs, greeting his sister at the door just as she was taking off her shoes. "What are you doing here? I thought you had gone to the past did something happen?"

"Hey Souta," Kagome greeted with a smile. "I came to visit; I am still allowed to do that yeah?"

"Well yeah I guess." He agreed with a shrug his eyes narrowed as he looked her over critically. "There's something different about you."

"Kagome!" her mother called as she stepped out of the kitchen and came forward to wrap her daughter in a firm embrace.

"Mom." Kagome cooed as she returned the hug then pulling away they both looked each other over and Kagome was very glad to see her mother just the same as she had left her.

"Souta's right there is something different about you." Her mother agreed. "But it's a good different." She reassured her with a smile which only made Kagome smile and giggle for she knew something that they definitely did not.

"Eh? Is that my adorable grand-daughter I hear?" her grandfather called as he entered into the entryway.

"It is father." Kagome's mother answered with a smile.

"Grandpa!" Kagome called out as she came forward to give her grandfather a hug.

"Ume no!" a hushed voice called out sternly from the other side of the shoji screen.

"Let me go!" Ume whined as she tried to wiggle free from her older brothers' grasp.

"Oi shut it or you'll ruin it!" the middle child chided.

"You shut it!" Ume bit back.

"Who's there?" Kagomes mother asked as she went and opened the door to see three young children wrestling amongst themselves while a dangerously handsome man stood behind them indifferently.

"Grandma!" Kin proclaimed immediately letting go of his sisters' hair at seeing his Grandmother looming over him in the door.

"Grandma?" she asked surprised as she looked down at the silver haired boy with glittering blue eyes.

"Great-Ojii-san!" Ume cried as she launched herself into her great grandfathers not so awaiting arms.

"Great?" Kagomes Grandfather exclaimed as he looked down at the raven hair golden eyed angle gripping him firmly about the waist

"Oh no!" Kagome muttered as she covered her eyes with her hand.

"Otooji!" Ichimaru blurted as he came forward to take Soutas hands. "I am honored to meet you; Mother has told me lots about you."

"WHA?" Souta proclaimed his eye twitching fiercely as he looked over the silver haired and golden eyed boy who looked to be just as old as him.

"MOTHER!?" All three human occupants shouted as three demonic children smirked smugly.

"…And so now here we are!" Kagome exclaimed as they sat at the table sipping tea while Kagome's children were off playing video games.

"So, let me get this straight," Souta began, "You're a demon?"


"You're 500 years old?"

"Around there. Yes."

"And those are your three children?"

"Yes... some days." Kagome answered making her Mother snort on her tea.

"And this is your mate slash husband Sesshomaru who is Inuyasha's older Half brother?"


"So what kind of demon are you?" Souta wondered as he looked her over. "You really don't look too different then how you did as a human not like him." He commented as he nodded in Sesshomarus direction.

"I'm not really any type of demon, I just am a demon. Not too powerful but powerful enough to stave off my own and I've grown stronger over the years which is to be expected." Kagome explained.

"What of my grandchildren?" Her mother asked with a smile. "Ichimaru, Kin and Ume, how old are they?"

"Ichimaru is 200, Kenji is 100 and Ume is 50" Kagome answered. "I waited to have children until I was certain I had complete control over my new body I didn't want to accidently lose control of myself and hurt them I'm sure it didn't really need to take 300 years but some trouble did come about for Sesshomaru and myself."

"Isn't that a bit old for them to be acting as they do?" Her mother asked, uncertainty creasing her brow.

"Think of it as dog years and human years." Kagome gave as an example, smiling softly at the near literal sense of her words. "In Human years Ichimaru would be 17, Kenji 12, and Ume 7 though of course it's not exactly like that for they are more educated then most full grown adults it is simply their dispositions that reflect that age."

"I see," her mother nodded as she processed through her brain. "More tea Sesshomaru?" she offered at seeing his cup empty.

"Please." Sesshomaru accepted letting her fill his cup.


"I bet you can't beat me at this new video game!" Souta goaded as he gave his sister an arrogant smirk.

"Oh yeah?" Kagome asked rhetorically.

"Yeah!" Souta assured.

"Well let's see then." Kagome challenged as she picked up a controller and took a seat on the ground, her brother right beside her.


"Oh! No, no, no!" Souta yelled as he began hitting ever combo he knew. "How are you beating me?" he demanded

"Tch, I don't see why you just don't tell him." Sesshomaru chided.

"Don't you say it!" Kagome ordered sharply.

"Say what?" Souta demanded as he managed to parry Kagomes attack by accident.

"Don't say it!" Kagome repeated.

"Say what?" Souta begged.


"Not yet!"


"NOT YET!" Kagome barked as she quickly pressed the secret master combo. "OK now tell him!"

"She's the head programmer for all major video game industries." Sesshomaru informed her ignorant little brother just as her Character ripped off his characters head pulling out his heart with her bare hands before throwing him across the room hooking the bloody heap on a spike jutting of from the wall in a graphic display of blood and guts.

"So much for your big sister not being able to play videos anymore!" Kagome smiled mockingly.

"You suck." Souta grumbled dejectedly as he left the room, Kagomes laughter following him all the way upstairs.


"They're so cute while they are sleeping." Kagomes mother cooed as she placed a blanket over Ume and Kin as they slept on the couch; Ichimaru having gone to share Soutas bunk bed.

"Yeah only when they are sleeping." Kagome laughed quietly as she ran her hand through Kins' hair affectionately. "And now that the hellions are asleep I have something to give you." Kagome commented as she led her mother back into the dining room where Sesshomaru sat watching TV, drinking tepid tea idly; her grandfather having retired before the young ones. "Here." Kagome offered pushing the box wrapped in Inuyasha's fire rat haori towards her.

"What's this?" she asked as she began to untie the knots.

"It's what I promised you." Kagome informed her with a smile as she took a sip of tea.

"What you promised me? But isn't this the box that was holding the Shikon Jewel?" She asked as she ran her fingers over the beautiful wooden box.

"It was but since I made the wish the jewel has been powerless, I keep it in my jewelry box at home I think I might have it made into a necklace maybe one day or something I don't know." Kagome explained with a wave of her hand.

"Oh Kagome!" her mothered sighed as she removed the lid to find beautiful drawings of only what she could assume to be her grandchild as they had grown over the years. "It is just as you promised! Pictures and toys, letters and cloths! Oh even little baby teeth. But my birthday isn't even for another month!"

"Yeah I know but it's been 500 years for me, I kinda missed you." Kagome admitted not able to hide the smile at her mother's happiness.

"These drawings are beautiful Kagome." Her mother gushed as she looked through the dozens of drawings. "You even added yourself!"

"Yeah," Kagome laughed. "I wish I could take credit for it but I still suck at drawing it was all Sesshomaru who did those. But the letters are all mine, I wrote as often as I could so it's like you didn't miss a think! There are some in there from just the other week so you'll have lots of reading to do!" she said with a smile.

"Oh Kagome, you are amazing! I am so glad you are my daughter!" Her Mother gushed.

"Yeah I know I'm pretty great, eh Sesshomaru?" Kagome smirked as he nudged him softly in the shoulder.

"Hn, it is best to be asleep before one begins to dream." Sesshomaru opined before he took another sip of tea.

"Why you!" Kagome growled as her mother erupted into laughter.


The End! HOMG finished! Completely and entirely! It is 4:17 AM! This story is 336 pages long, 185,936 words! Boo Yeah! Or at least somewhere around that many words! Now that this is all finished I will have to start my next fic which will be like 100 times better then this one I think cause the plot is far more better planned then this one! This one was most definitely a whimsical one haha! I think I might edit this one to the extreme one day, but that won't be for quite some time… time my next fic take care and tata!