Author's Note: Hey, I am now adding comments in the beginning. I got a perfect idea to make a Loveless story but the characters are royal. Ritsuka is a prince of Honshu, Japan and Soubi is going to be another prince of Hokkaido, Japan! I hope everyone enjoys the way it's written and how everything is going! I'm planning on making these long chapters, and a lot of chapters on top of that. Remember, the only thing that would get me to continue these chapters is to REVIEW! PLZ REVIEW! And plz enjoy! XD

He is my Knight, and I am his Prince

.:Chapter One:.

It all started when Ritsuka and his sister found out that she was betrothed. Betrothed was the word that made her despise her fate.

Ritsuka's sister, Ukita, was a very beautiful girl, in her teenage years, while Ritsuka was just entering it. She had long, jet black hair and violet, brown eyes. Her face looked as angelic as Ritsuka's and everyone on the island of Honshu loved and respected the royal family.

"Ukita, you will meet your husband tomorrow morning so I expect you to be ready when the time arrives," their mom said before heading up to her room. Ritsuka looked up at Ukita and she looked back at him. Then she scowled.

"So I am finally betrothed it seems," she muttered.

"It was bound to happen," Ritsuka sighed.

Silence went on between them. Of course both of them knew that at one point that Ukita was going to get betrothed. Every guy in Honshu, Japan pratically threw their selves at her feet. She pitied them all, and never in the least wanted to get married….at least not now.

"Ritsuka," she finally said.


"Follow me."

He obeyed and followed her up the stairs and through the corridors of the house. They ended up in her room. That's when she started to search through her belongs in one of her bags and pulled out a gun. The glint of it made Ritsuka finally realize what it was. Is she going to kill me?

"Ritsuka," Ukita repeated.

He looked at her, fear evident in his eyes.

"I planned this day for a few years now and I want it to be done right," She almost cried. There were tears now streaming down her face. All Ritsuka could do was to stare at her. He didn't know what to do or what to say.

"Here," Ukita said. She threw the gun towards him and Ritsuka, by reflex, caught the gun. What the-? What does she want me to…?

"Shoot me…" Ukita stated. Then she closed her eyes.

Everything immediately turned dark in front of Ritsuka. It seemed as if her words weren't functioning in his mind. The only thing in the world in front of him was his sister, and the gun in his hand. I…I can't! I won't!

"DO IT!" Ukita cried. She grabbed the gun in his hand and made sure he pointed it to her neck. She pressed it close to her, near her throat.

"Shoot…now.." She murmured.

Ritsuka made an audible whimper and looked into her eyes. She looked at him and the world began to spin underneath his feet. He felt something warm and wet escape his eyes and smear down his face until it finally fell off.

"No…I can't," Ritsuka cried.

"Ritsuka! Please!" Ukita yelled.

He stared at her and their eyes finally locked. Her eyes were pleading….asking him to kill her. I….I can't…

"It will make me happy…it will make me the happiest girl if you do this for me, Ritsuka," Ukita cried. "I…I don't want to live anymore! If I can't be free…then…I DON'T WANT TO LIVE!" Tears streamed freely now. She hiccupped, and sobbed and grabbed the gun in her hands. She pressed it to her forehead and looked at him.

"Shoot!" She yelled.

She grabbed his hands so that it would be on the trigger but Ritsuka struggled and tried to pull away from her and the gun. Then the loudest sound echoed across the room and around the house. Something wet splattered across the room and on to Ritsuka. Then fear transfixed him. He couldn't move. Her Blood. Ukita's Blood.

A huge THUD! quickly awoke Ritsuka from his trance. Ukita's body layed on the ground, her face anything but distinguishable. Not even her eyes were there for Ritsuka to look at. She's dead…I killed her! But…Ritsuka stared at his sister in a horrified state. He couldn't believe that this happened. I didn't mean to pull the trigger! I really didn't mean to!

Ritsuka fell to the ground and looked at his hands. They don't even look like my hands anymore…they are not my hands at all. Then droplets of water fell on them…on his murderous hands.

"Ukita, you will meet your husband tomorrow morning so I expect you to be ready when the time arrives…."

Tears. That's all Ritsuka was interested in now. His tears and they way they felt warm and tasted salty in his mouth. He had been crying for who knows how long, laying on his bed and staring at his hands in disgust.

How is she going to meet the prince now? My parents are going to find out sometime and may even betroth me to another… The thought disgusted Ritsuka to no end. There was no one there anymore to talk to and to express his feelings but to himself.

"UKITA! RITSUKA! HE'S HERE!" a feminine voice shouted. Ritsuka guessed it was one of the servants and immediately got dressed. It was rare if any visitor came at all and when they did Ukita and he used to be excited. That was then….this is now… The night he killed Ukita flew by fairly slow. He couldn't sleep and was afraid that someone was going to come in and find her body and her blood on his hands. Because of this he quickly got one of his trusted servants to cremate the body but he didn't hold a proper memorial for her. It's hurts too much when I remember…

Ritsuka finally made his way to the throne room. Visitors usually met the children in there for "security" reasons. The thought made Ritsuka scoff. When he finally got there, the prince was there yet.

Ritsuka when up the throne steps and sat down on the chair. He crossed his legs and tried to look relaxed. It was hard to look relaxed when you just killed your sister and no one knows but you and a couple of servants. The hurt that he felt last night still stung in his soul and he tried to contain a smile when the escorting servants came in. Behind them was the prince, Ritsuka guessed. When the prince got close enough, both of their eyes locked. Ritsuka had to admit that the prince looked extremely good, and he was sure that the feeling was mutual with the other prince. They continued to stare each other down until Ritsuka finally looked away. This can't be happening! My sister is supposed to be in love with this guy and look at me looking at him like he's a chocolate cake… Ritsuka took a quick glance at him and saw that he was still staring at him. He, again, broke the gaze. …and vis versa.

"Ritsuka, this is Agatsuma Soubi. He is the prince of Hokkaido, Japan," one of the servants stated.

"Where's Ukita-sama?" One of the servants asked looking around. The thought of her and her name even being used sent a pain through Ritsuka's body.

"Ukita's…at the bakery with some of her servants," Ritsuka lied and looked away.

"Oh," one of the servants mumbled.

"That's a shame, her prince is here," one of the other servants said.

Ritsuka saw Soubi smile at him but he didn't bother to return the gesture. They both stayed quiet looking at each other.

"I'm 21 years old," Soubi stated, still looking at Ritsuka.

"Hm. I'm 13," Ritsuka mumbled, his cheeks flushing red. He did not want this to happen to him at all, especially not now.

Authors Note: I hope everyone likes the story so far. Poor Ukita, and poor Ritsuka. Trust me folks, Soubi WILL make sure Ritsuka is happy with a push of a button snickers PLZ REVIEW!