Summery: Katara has everything she could possibly want. Her Dad has let her start dating, her overprotective brother is easing up, she has the best friend she could ask for, she's captain of the swimming team and her crush as a crush on her! It couldn't get much better. But when a skater boy rolls into town her world is turned upside down.

In this story, Katara wants to and tries to believe she doesn'tlike Aang and that she likes Zuko, Haru and many other guys I'll add in here and there. Lol. It'll be KA in the end.KA is the best pairing ever.And I know that Dante Basco (Zuko) plays Jake Long in The American Dragon and Jake is a skater but that's Jake if I made Zuko one it wouldn't really go with the story.

Disclaimer: The fact that I do not own Avatar: The last Airbender still stands, and it sickens me. But I do own three posters and a DVD! YAY!

A/N: Ok, first of all I'm not really a girly so those types of scenes may suck. Second please read and review. Third ideas are always welcome. Fourth the OC in thisstory is mine. Fifth you may flame if you wish.

S K 8 E R B O I



Katara hit the end of the pool with her hand. "9.9 seconds Katara! You're so gonna win the tournament!" Toph exclaimed. Katara took off her goggles and smiled at her friend. She was training for the swimming tournament the coming Sunday. If she won she'd get a trophy and three hundred pounds.

"I wouldn't be so sure."

"Seriously Katara, you're one of the best swimmers I ever seen!" Toph insisted.

"Toph, there's going to be a lot of good swimmers at the tournament." Katara said getting out.

"And you're one of them, if not the best." Toph said throwing Katara her towel. "Everyone thinks so, including Zuko!"

"Shut up!" Katara gave Toph a playful punch. Zuko was the hottest junior around. Everyone wanted a piece of him. Her parents had finally agreed to let her date and Sokka seemed to be easing up on the 'you-touch-my-sister-and-I'll-kick-your-arse' front.

Toph was her best friend, she was short sighted and wore contacts but she was a fast runner and a brilliant fighter. They had been friends for three years now. Toph already knew what was going on inside her best friend's head at any given moment. She could read it like a book, and right nowit had, 'Zuko,' written all over it.

After the pool the girl's began to head home. They parted ways and promised to meet up at the weekend. Katara glanced at her watch. She'd miss dinner if she didn't hurry. She began to run. As she turned a corner she crashed straight into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I-" She stopped and glanced up. It was Zuko! She could feel her face heating up.

"Don't worry about it, Katara right?" He smiled. Katara smiled back and nodded. "Well Katara, see you at school on Monday, and good luck with the tournament." He started off again down the path. Katara melted. She whipped out her phone and hurriedly sent a text to Toph:

OMG! I just ran into ZUKO!

He's SO cute!


She skipped the rest of the way home whistling. Sokka shot her a suspicious look when she came in. Ignoring it she ran upstairs to her room and threw herself down on the bed and sighed happily. She picked up the picture of her mother off her bedside table. "He's perfect mom! What should I do?" As she stared at the laughing image of her mom she felt warm inside. Her hands traced over the necklace her mom had given her. Then her mobile rang. It was a text from Toph.

Details, details! Meet me in the

Park 2moz at 1, u hav 2

spill or ur dead!


Toph and Katara sat down on a bench opposite the fountain. It was a statue of fish arched over water fell from it like a waterfall into the pool below. Toph immediately began to pester her. Katara explained it all in an excited rush. When she was done Toph was jumping up and down in her seat.

"He so obviously likes you!"

"No, he couldn't. You think so?" Katara blushed and twiddled her plait.

"Oh come on," Toph threw her hands to the heavens. "Katara, he remembered your name and he remembered you have a tournament tomorrow. Of course he likes you!" Katara blushed furiously and opened her mouth to say something but stopped when she saw something out of the corner of her eye and snapped round. A boy her age on a skateboard was speeding towards the fountain. "What the hell is he doing?" Toph gasped following her gaze. The boy jumped and his skateboard flew through the arch while he went over. He landed on the skate board and brought it round. They heard the voice of another person cheering as a girl came round the corner on a skateboard.

"Go Aang!" The girl yelled. The boy turned round and began skating backwards doing mock bows.

"Thank you, Z, Thank you! You are too kind!" he said in an over exaggerated voice.

"Aang watch out!" but it was too late. The boy's skateboard hit a rock and he was thrown backwards.


Aang looked up. He had landed on a bench in between two girls. This would have been fine if he was the right way up. They looked down at him with questioning faces. One had short black hair pale skin and green eyes. The other had tan skin, brown hair in a long plait and shining blue eyes. Aang smiled nervously before flipping forward over the back of the bench. They looked at him again. "Sorry about that. You ok?" The black haired one opened her mouth to reply but was cut off by Z,

"Yo Aang! If you're Ok, quit flirtin' would ya?" Z did a damsel in distress pose on her skateboard.

"Z, shut it." Aang yelled playfully grabbing up his skateboard.

"Ooh! Someone's in love!"

"Z SHUT UP! If you weren't my sis you'd be dead right now!" he jumped on his skateboard.

"I'm gonna tell Gyatso on you!" Z replied in sing song.

"No you won't."

"I will if I get home first!" She pushed off making sure she got a head start and went for the stairs at the other end of the park she reached them and started down. Aang skated closely behind her and jumped onto the rail. Skating down he leapt off and landed in front of Z laughing and zoomed off towards their new house.


"What was that?" Katara said.

"That must be the people that moved into the house up you're road. Remember? Where Lee used to live?"

"You don't think this means they'll be coming to our school do you?"

"Yeahpeople around herealways do, why?"

"...No reason."

But there was a reason. Katara knew it just as much as she knew Toph did, but neithercould place it.

What do you think? Good, bad, horrible? Please review I need to know!