Trunks & Goten meet Calvin & Hobbes

Miss me? GOOD!


There was Calvin, caught between a sobbing Zorkling and a VERY mad Zarg Queen. Having no time to think rationally, he had to pull out the BIG guns. He lept to the back of the seats, and fumbled through his bag he took along. He then lept out, donning a crimson cape.

"Evil Spiky-Haired foe! Your wails of brain-rupturing doom do not phase the almighty STUPENDOUS MAN!"

"Oh, great," Hobbes said, rolling his eyes.

In a crimson flash, he lept across the transportation device. Dashing bravely and valiantly across the vehicle, he noticed the screeching Blue-Haired Hag. "Evil hag! Good always triumphs over evil! Victory!!" With a bold and brave leap, he jumped on the hag, causing the vehicle to swerve and turn. "RAAAAAAAAAAAWK! RAWK! RAWK! GET OFF!" The Hag screeched.

"Help my minions! HELP!" she said to the tittering Spiky-Haired Foe and guffawing Purple Top. "Victory is mine, evil ear-splitting menace! For the hearing of millions of innocent citizens!" "I'm TRYING TO DRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The hag wailed. Stupendous Man was knocked back.

Wiping a knuckle on his lip, he lept back into action, trying to crash the menacing hag, her wrinkly prune-face and mouth big enough to swallow a galaxy, " Evil shall be vanquished, prune-faced bat of ugly doom!" The hag's eyes changed to a deep blood red. Horns grew from her red face, and she spoke in a tongue, but, being Stupendous Man, he deciphered it. "SUPER SWAT ON THE ASS OF DEATH!" She screeched, lifting the dazed Stupendous Man up and putting him across her lap. She then swatted a hand down on his fanny with such force the earth rumbled a bit.

Stupendous Man howled in pain, he knew that he was defeated. He was going to give up.

Are you kidding? Stupendous Man?! Nahhhhhh...

Stupendous Man grabbed her hand and fought once more. This time, she shrieked in fear. Then...


The vehicle plummeted into a tree! The dazed bunch got out of the car, the Spiky Haired foe looking in shock, the Purple Top still laughing, the Sideckick Tiger, and one VERY pissed off Blue-Haired Hag. Stupednous Man got on top of the car and howled " VICTORY, THY NAME IS... STUPENDOU...


Calvin gulped, and looked behind him. Bulma almost snarling, as if a demon possessed her, and her Hover-Car, absolutely frickin' SMASHED!

"Uh-Oh, this will not be good news to mom and dad." Calvin said.


Calvin's mom and dad, sitting in their new chairs at their new home, turned on the television.


Mom and Dad just looked at the TV, then each other, then at the TV again, gritting their teeth, eyes narrowed into slits.

Then a scream eched throughout the earth.


What will happen? Will Calvin get his ass spanked? Will Bulma ever get a new car? How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?!?!?!? Find out...