Hello! This is based off a drabble meme on my livejournal, which can be found through checking my profile. If you want to request a drabble, just go to my lj and pop in a comment on the Prompt/Character Meme I have at the top!


The night was calm and vast, stretching out before her as she walked. She was miles from home in a deep forst, but she was unconcerned.

She had teleported here for a reason, after all.

They said the strongest magic could be preformed under a clear night sky. She hadn't had a chance to ever try - Tokyo's glowing power - both electrical and not-so-natural - over-powered even the endless sky.

Hence, a forest in the middle of nowhere, far away from Tokyo's ever-constant throb of energy.

Reaching her destination, a clearing large enough for a sizeable gap in the trees, she strolled to the middle and gazed upwards.

The stars stretched like a blanket overhead, as if some silly child had foolishly spilled a bottle of silver glitter over black velvet. Diamonds on a dress. Some people found it mystical - both magic users and non-magical people alike - but she was a practical and down-to-earth witch, and knew the only mystical power here was her own, and perhaps the living energy of nature itself. Some said they could commune with the spirits under a starry sky, but she suspected they'd been communing with the smoke off a certain plant rather than any spirits.

Besides, she knew, you didn't commune with spirits. You bargained with them.

Perhaps the far-off suns cast down their engery on a clear night, but all she knew was that the starry sky calmed her senses in ways most things couldn't. Not any source of mystical power, just...a sense of peace.

Raising her arms as she started to cast magic - not any of the dark powers and foolery she cast to ensare Kuroba and other boys, nor the usual everyday fare most witches cast every day, but instead just random, powerful spells just for the sake of casting, of feeling the power - Akako gave a genuine smile.

The stars seemed to smile back.
