This will be a quick story about Sanji-kun! I've always wandered about his eye and then i saw a pic on deviant art (go look at it, its cool, here's the user's name
go look at the rest of the stuff too! bea87) and i decided to go ahead and write the idea i had (mah story don't match the pic, i just liked the pic alot). Its rated 'T' because of some stuff not in this particular chapter.

Sanji sighed and sat down on a stool in the empty kitchen. It had been a hard day on the Baratie, but now all the costumers had left and the rest of the chefs and the waiters had all gone to bed; and he is glad for it. Now was time for his peace and quiet.

Sanji takes a bobby pin out of his pocket and pins the longer lock of his golden hair away from his left eye; revealing an eye that is filmed over with a white fog. His hair also normally hid a scar that ran from his eyebrow down to his check bone in a jagged, angry looking scar. This eye was blind, and no medical remedy could make it see again. Once, someone told him that it was hideous and made him repulsive to look at…

Suddenly Sanji heard shuffling in the next room and snapped out of his thoughts. He quickly unpinned his hair, covering up his blind-eye again. He watched the door inventively, waiting for the unwelcome guest. After a moment, Chef Zeff strolled in.

"Oh, it's just you." Sanji mumbled, pinning his hair back again.

"What does that mean, eggplant head?" the head chef snarled back.

"Nothing." Sanji muttered while lighting a cigarette.

"Why do you still hide that eye, you crap kid?" the chef asked in an almost sympathetic voice.

"Because I feel like it." Sanji shortly answers.

"Fine, do what you want." Zeff said after a short pause, "See if I care."

With out another word, the head chef left the kitchen and went on his way back to his quarters.

Sanji took a long drag from his cigarette and leaned forward to place his elbows on the cool metal counter in front of him. The kitchen was Sanji's safe haven, his thinking place, and his home. It was the only place where he felt at ease, but that had not always been the case…

"SANJI!" a woman called from the hallway outside his room.

"Coming, mom!" Sanji answered back from inside his room. He was about ten, and about to be shipped of to school. He was quickly packing all of his worldly possessions in two suitcases and a duffle bag.

"Sanji, hurry up!" his mom shouted through the door, "We're going to be late for our interview with the headmaster!"

"Gomen!" Sanji apologized as he came out of his now-bare room.

"Well, move your buns down those stairs mister! You're the one who wanted to go to a boarding school." his mom teased, swatting him on the butt as he went by.

Sanji gave his mom a big, brave smile. "Admit it; you just want to get rid of me!"

His mom smiled back. "Yah." she laughed, "Cuz you are such a brat!"

They headed out to the front of the house, where Sanji's dad was waiting in the cart. "Come on! It takes an hour to get there!" his dad shouted, urging them on.

Sanji and his mom scrambled into the back of the cart and his dad started them down the road.

The school was huge, and even that was an understatement. Little Sanji stared up at the cast-iron gate in amazement.

"Hurry! We're already late!" his mom urged him on.

They walked into the main office and spoke with the receptionist, who asked them to wait in the uncomfortable wooden chairs until the headmaster was ready. And all the while, Sanji was getting more and more nervous. Thankfully, they only had to wait a short while in the reception area before they were called in to the headmaster's office.

"Hello!" the headmaster cheerfully greeted them. He was a short, stout man with a round face; he also had a wide smile. "So, you must be Sanji!" he grinned, extending his hand.

"H-hai. That's me!" Sanji meekly answered, shaking the big man's hand.

"Good, good. We have your accommodations ready for you, as well as all your class time planned out. All we need now is you parents signature and we'll be set." the headmaster said. He pulled a piece of paper out of his desk drawer, and slid it to Sanji's parents. Sanji's parents exchanged a look and signed the paper quickly.

"Good, good." the headmaster repeated, "Here's all the info you may need. Room number, classes, etc."

Sanji took the paper before his parents could even reach out. "Thank you, sir!" he said with a polite bow.

"We're going to miss you!" Sanji's mom wailed outside his room. She had tears in her eyes and a hankie in her hand.

"We'll come and visit whenever we can!" his dad proclaimed, patting Sanji on the back.

"Don't worry about me! I can take care of my self!" Sanji grinned.

His mom sniffled a bit, and then practically tackled Sanji with a hug. "Good luck!" she whispered huskily in his ear.

Sanji stood and waved until they were out of sight, then he burst into tears. He missed his home and family already, but what was worse, he felt like he would never see them again…

"Sanji, ya crap cooker, wake up!" Chef Zeff's voice shouted.

Sanji woke with a start, finding he had fallen asleep in the kitchen again. He groaned and stood up, trying to stretch all kinks out of his back.

"Sanji, everyone else will be up soon. Plus we're opening in an hour." Zeff told him.

"All right, I'm up." he mumbled.

"Don't forget your hair." Zeff off-handedly said as he left the room

Sanji gave a small smile. He reached up and took out the hair pin, his hair falling back over his face. He grimaced as he thought of the working today with his sore back, "I really need to stop falling asleep in here." he thought to himself as he looked around the big kitchen, "Like that will ever happen!"

"Get to work you lazy bums!" Chief Zeff yelled from the other room, "The first customers will be coming soon."

"Every day's a party…" Sanij said to himself.

Pleaz review, i don't want to beg, but the more reviews i get the more i feel like updating and writing my story. Flames are welcome