I came up with a good tagline...
Before Athena managed to secure his services, Kratos had a different quest: to destroy as many braincells as possible.
I thought I could do drunken antics... I know I can do drunken antics. Slapstick's the trouble. Actually, most of my jotted ideas involved drunken debauchery, so it would've been an AFF anyway...
Writer's Challenge, anyone?
This is an interlude that went along with the story.
Athena strode purposefully through the hallways of Mount Olympus. If she were an emotional goddess, she would have stormed, but it was in Athena's nature to remain poised, and so she strode.
"Dionysis," Athena scolded as she entered the communal room. "Your meddling is doing no good. Release Kratos from your influence."
The god of wine gave Athena a languid but coherent stare. He spoke with the slowness of a meditative attitude rather than an inebriated slur. "Everything is well in hand. Kratos will be willing to serve the gods eventually."
"He got so drunk that he ended up sleeping with a cow," Athena insisted, impatience creeping into her voice.
"Not my doing," Dionysis declared, casting his gaze across the room towards Eris.
The goddess of discord was leaning against the wall, tossing a golden apple into the air and catching it. She stopped when she noticed the stares.
"Eris, I thought such small pranks were beneath you," Athena said.
"Kratos would be so much more fun if he would stop drinking himself silly and go back to killing," Eris drawled.
"Why a cow?" Dionysis asked.
"A dog would have been more appropriate," Eris said, examining the way the light and reflections played off of her apple. She shrugged and dropped the object into her cleavage. "But a cow was so much more amusing."
Athena declined to comment. She knew better than to be drawn in by Eris. Instead, she turned to Dionysis and said, "You've done enough."
After Athena had left, Dionysis grumbled, "Treats me like an upstart, thinks she can boss me around."
"Are you going to take that from her?" Eris asked.
"She did save my life," Dionysis sighed before settling back into meditative contemplation.