Disclaimer: I do not own Degrassi or any of the characters.

A/N: This was written for DeBoWriMo on Degrassi-Boards Forum.

It was a warm autumn morning. One of those mornings when you know something is going to happen. It's impossible to know exactly what. Today was the first day of my senior year. My best friend was busy in the closet throwing clothes everywhere desperately trying to find something to wear. To my surprise she came out in a pair of jeans and one of my T shirts. She threw on a jacket knowing it would be cold in the building. Her hair was in braids and she wasn't wearing any makeup. That's when I knew this year was going to be different then all the rest.

"Like I said Darcy's the last person to call me a slut" she joked and walked out of the room.

I shook my head at the thought of what this year would bring and headed to the closet to find my own outfit.

Once I was upstairs Manny suggested we get to school early for the first day. We both grabbed an apple and headed for school.

Over the summer Peter and I had decided it would be better to be just friends. This was a mutual decision and we were both totally fine with it. We met up with him on our way to school. At school everything was exactly the same. This sort of killed my thought of a brand new year. Then that civic that haunted my dreams pulled into the parking lot right in front of us. The boy I had hoped to never see again walked out of the car and did something I'd never expect.

"Hi Emma"

Manny looked at him as he walked towards the school then her gaze shot to me. That reassured me of the promise of a new year.

Manny and I had lockers right next to each other across from Mr. Simpson's room. TJ and Liberty were next to Manny and Toby was next to me.

"So senior year" Liberty sighed "oh my god we have so much to do! We have to get ready for college. We have to get perfect grades! No school wants kids who get bad grades."

"Liberty chill it's just the first day" Manny laughed.

Suddenly someone else was opening a locker next to Toby. The five of us looked over to see Sean Cameron.

"Oh my god" I breathed.

"Hey Emma" he nodded in my direction.

"Hey Sean when did you get back" I asked calmly.


"Well welcome back" I said as the bell rang and we filed into Simpson's class.

At lunch we all sat together. I could hardly remember a time when we were all together and not one of was fighting with another. So far this had been a pretty normal day. It was kind of unfortunate. I had been expecting everything to be so much different but really things were exactly the same. Well almost.

"So Emma how was your summer" Toby asked.

"Oh fine I guess" I answered distractedly.

"Hey Emma are you ok" Manny asked.

"Oh yeah I'm fine just thinking I guess" I looked around the cafeteria.

"Who are you looking for" JT asked.

"No one" my head snapped back to the table causing my neck to crack "how was your summer Toby?"

"Great" he gave me a weird look.

Ever since I saw him in the parking lot I can't stop thinking about. It's weird that I'm thinking about him when. My ex-boyfriend has suddenly appeared. Sean sat next to me at our table looking at something that was moving on his plate.

"Is Jell-O supposed to jiggle that much" he asked.

"Uh I think those are peas" TJ said looking at the green goop only Sean was stupid enough or maybe brave enough to pick up.

After lunch we all had a different class which was a very weird occurrence. Unfortunately I had a class with Jay Hogart. By the time I got there only one seat was left. Way in the back of the room right next to him. I walked to the seat and sat down sighing.

"Hello class" a new teacher said "on your desk is a number all even numbers turn to your right all odd numbers turn to your left. Good you've just met your partner for our first assignment."

Jay smirked as I hit my head against the wall repeatedly.

"Now this is supposed to be fun and easy just a little first day back at school get to know you thing" the young brunette teacher smiled brightly as she started handing out papers.

"Now each of you will have to fill one of these out for your partner by asking questions."

"Great" I rolled my eyes.

"Name" Jay asked.

"You know my name" I snapped.

"Come on I don't want to do this anymore than you do let's just get it over with."

"Fine, Emma Nelson."

There was a brief silence.

"Shouldn't you ask for my name now?"

"I know your name."

"Now Emma shouldn't you follow instructions."


"Jay Hogart" he answered in the same dull monotone voice I did "age."

"17" I rolled my eyes "age."

"18" he laughed "when was the last time you breathed?"

"That's not on the sheet."

"Fine what is your goal in life?"

"As of right now get out of this class alive."

"I'm writing that down."

"Go ahead this is an elective class I didn't even want to be in I don't care" I admitted "what's your goal in life?"

"Same as yours. When do you want to get married and/or have kids."

"Never. You?"

"Same. What is your favorite subject?"

"Lit. You?"


"I don't believe you."

"Believe it. It's the only class I don't think is completely useless. Least favorite."

"Human behavioral studies."

"You seriously want me to put that down?"

"Like I said I don't care."


"So what about you?"

"Same as you."

We went through a bunch of boring school questions. Then towards the end they got interesting. Looking at the sheet there were so many things that were the same on both.

"Would you consider yourself closed off?"

"I don't know you decide" I told him.

"That's a big yes" he smirked.

"Oh what and you're so open."

"I didn't say that."

"Fine I'm putting the same for you."

"Guess we're a lot more alike than you thought."

"Yea right?"

"Come on same favorite band. Same favorite movie."

"It's all trivial stuff it doesn't really matter."

"Oh really?"

"Yea you and I are nothing alike."

"Yea you're right."

"I am?"

"Yea I mean you and I have nothing in common you're way to you to be like me."

"What you're saying is I'm like a goodie goodie."

"No but anyone who says goodie goodie is like six."

"Oh shut up now I remember why I hate you

"When exactly did you forget?"

"When you said your favorite movie was Casablanca" I laughed.

The bell rang and we turned in our sheets. As we were walking out the new teacher whose name I can't remember told us those seats were our new permanent seats.