The First Day

Kairi looked at the stairs leading to the entrance doorway of Eaglechrest High.

'Here we go' She thought.

She walked up the steps and looked up to see how high the ceiling was.


She found herself on the floor. She looked up and saw a boy with spiky brown hair with sapphire eyes.

"Watch where you're going next time." The boy said.

"Sorry. I'm Kai- I mean Tsume. What's your name?" Kairi kept staring in his eyes while she talked to him.

"Um. I'm Sora. Do you mind?" Kairi didn't notice that she was still staring at him.

"Sorry. So, I guess I'll see you around." Kairi blushed with embarrassment.

"Yah. See ya around." Sora left.

Kairi looked at her room number.

"Floor 3 room 95. Wonder where that is." She had no idea where anywhere was in this school. It was so huge.

"I know where that is! I'm in room 96, right next to yours."

Kairi looked up from her paper and saw that she was looking right at Riku.

"I'm Riku. What's your name?"

"I'm Tsume. Can you show me my room?"

"Sure, follow me." Riku walked down a long hall and pointed out where the cafeteria, bathrooms, and gymnasium were. He walked over to a door and pushed a button next to it. Almost immediately the doors opened and two students walked out.

"Hey Riku." One of the boys said. He had dirty blonde hair with aqua blue eyes.

"Hi Tidus."

"Sup Riku" The other boy had orange spiky hair with eyes.

"Hi Wakka. This is Tsume. He's new here. I'm just showin him his room. He's in 95."

"I'm in 84 with some guy who's a dork." Wakka said.

"I'm with Riku. I guess I'll be seein you around then." Tidus said.

'Wow, Tsume really looks like a girl. Maybe? No, I'm crazy to think that!'

Riku walked in the elevator and pressed the button 2, and they went up.


The door opened and Riku and Kairi stepped out.

"Your room is just down the hallway." Riku led her down about 30 doors or so and she found herself in front of a room with the number 95 on it.

"Here we are."

Kairi opened the door and saw someone lying on one of the beds.

"I'm your new roommate." Kairi stated.

The boy turned around and Kariri saw that it was Sora.

"Oh, hi Sora." Kairi was so nervous.

"Oh great. I have to share a room with you." Sora wasn't pleased.

"You could at least say hi." Kairi was starting to get irritated.

"Well, I think I'll leave you to unpack your stuff and get settled in. If you need me, I'll be next door." Riku waved goodbye

"Thanks Riku" Kairi waved as well.

Kairi started to unpack her things in the closet and set her towels on the racks in the bathroom. She glanced at Sora occasionally. Once she was done unpacking, she walked next door to Riku's room. She knocked on the door.

"Riku, answer!" She yelled.

The door opened.

"Riku isn't here. He went to the library." It was Tidus.

"Oh. Tidus, can you show me around the school and where my classes are?" Tidus nodded.


He closed his door and looked at Kairi's eyes.

'His eyes look so feminine' He thought.

He kept inching closer to Kairi until he pinned her against the wall. His face got so close to hers that it looked like they could kiss.

"Um. Tidus?" Kairi stuttered.

"Sorry. Show me your class schedule list."

Kairi handed him her schedule.

"Hey! I have P.E. science, homeroom, English, and math with you." Kairi rolled her eyes.

"Come on, I'll show you where they are."

Tidus showed Kairi where all her classes were, plus the library where they found Riku reading his book.

"Hey Riku." Kairi seemed overjoyed to see Riku.

"Oh, hey Tsume. Did you find all your classes?"
"Yah, Tidus showed me where they are. Thank you Tidus."

"You're welcome Tsume."

"So… now what?" Kairi asked in boredom.

"I really don't know. Our classes start tomorrow so we better just chill out and make sure we get some rest." Riku insisted.

"Good idea. Hey, Riku, what classes do you have?" Kairi asked. Riku handed her his schedule.

"I have all my classes with you. Cool."

"Really? That's great! Well, I'm going back to my room. Anyone coming?"

"I will" Kairi stated.

"Me too." Tidus hated being alone.

Kairi got back to her room and looked at the clock. It was a little bit after 9 o' clock. For some reason she was really tired. She took her pajamas and changed into them in the bathroom, then slipped under her covers and stared at the ceiling.

"Good night Sora." Sora was playing a game on his laptop.

"Yah. Whatever. Night."

Kairi rolled on her side and fell asleep.