"Ah! It's snowing!" Ginny woke up with a smile on her face. Through the bars Ginny could see the snow falling outside, some was coming through the bars. A small snowflake fell onto her nose. She brushed away the small flake and pulled herself closer into her covers. "I want to go outside, at least one more time before I die, on my own free will."

"What a useless want." Malfoy sneered; his wand was emitting large amounts of light. "That snow will melt in an hour or so."

"But, it's for the moment that it's here." Ginny replied, "It's like, even if it doesn't have a purpose in the world or if the world doesn't need them, they'll survive for that moment to see is the world does need them even if it was just for a moment." She smiled towards the snowing sky. "What do think of when you see the snow?"

"Death. The cold a body turns to when they die and how they will be buried under those meaningless snowflakes." Malfoy replied emotionlessly. He sat beside Ginny, placing his wand in his pocket furthest from her.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I probably shouldn't have brought that up." Ginny buried most of her face in the covers; Malfoy could only see her eyes and hair. "Mom, she always said, 'it's easy to doubt people but I want you to trust them, I believe it will be your best quality.' I miss her like hell." Ginny's eyes began to well up with tears but she laughed for a moment. Malfoy could only watch the young Weasley's expressions. "She always corrected herself though, then she'd say afterwards, 'don't trust a death eater though! And especially a Malfoy!' But I did trust you. I've always trusted you. Whether or not you did good things or not."

"For you, what do you see snow as?" Malfoy asked. That girl he was sitting next to was so odd. The way she talked made the whole room seem brighter. She looked cute, wait, cute? Malfoy shook his head; a pathetic Weasley couldn't be cute!

"A chance to stop time." Ginny replied, pulling her face from underneath the covers. Malfoy looked straight into Ginny's eyes, confused. "I know," Ginny smiled, "it's weird. But when it's snowing, and you know it's not going to stop anytime soon but you're walking through it anyway, when you walk your tracks disappear in the snow, like you were never there. The snow just falls, was that same snowflake you just saw? There was not proof you were ever there so you're walking in a place that has no time. There's not a sign that time ravaged the area because snow has covered it all. So right then and there, you're standing in a world of stopped time." Ginny beamed at Draco.

"You're silly." Draco looked away while giving her a small pat on the head. "What a stupid story."

"Don't you ever get that feeling? Don't you?" Ginny asked scooting closer to Draco. "Ack!" She fell onto her face after tripping over her covers.

Draco laughed. It wasn't an empty laugh, it wasn't a laugh that he enjoyed her pain, it was a laugh that came from the heart, that proved that his heart wasn't made of ice. "You're nuts." Draco stated as Ginny struggled to get back into her seating position.

"The Dark Lord, he has ordered you to come serving under the Death Eaters in our upcoming fight. Don't even think of running away Weasley. That crest you wear does not let you do anything unless I approve of it. If you try to run away the crest will stop you, if they try to take you back that crest will stop them. In other words you can't go home and cry to Mummy." Draco turned back into his cold state, Ginny missed the Draco who laughed/

"A- Oh, never mind." Ginny looked away, "What am I supposed to do until then?"

"The Dark Lord has ordered me to bring you to your own private quarters, you will now be treated like a Death Eater, for the most part anyway. You'll have to prepare bandages and other medicines to bring with you until then." Draco stood up.

"Oh yeah, of course. May I ask, when is this battle?" Ginny asked standing up.

"Tonight, we'll ambush them at Hogwarts." Draco replied stiffly. "Now come with me."

"Of course. Why wouldn't it be there." Ginny looked sadly at the ground. Ginny took off her covers and followed Draco up the steps. "The door." Ginny gasped, she remembered the door from a few days ago, it was nothing but pieces last time she saw it.

"Get one thing straight before we go out there!" Draco shoved her against the wall. "I'm not your buddy, someone you can talk to. You only talk to me or the Dark Lord. But even then you can't depend on me. You will follow the orders given by me or the Dark Lord, no one else. When it comes close to the battle, expect to be distant, expect to be treated like dirt." Ginny nodded weakly. "Good." Draco opened the door and walked out Ginny followed quickly.

The door slammed behind Ginny, causing Ginny to jump. Draco didn't even cast a look back. He just trudged through the circular hallway, passing other servants and Death Eaters. Ginny wanted to ask him to slow down but she knew out here she was going to be treated lower than him, he would ignore her and probably move faster. Ginny ran after him until she was just behind him.

Ginny watched the back of Draco's head as they walked. It reminded her when sun reflected off the snow. She loved playing in the snow; right now she could only hold back a giggle.

"Get in." Draco stopped abruptly and opened the door. Ginny walked in silently and stayed silent until Draco closed the door behind him.

"Your hair reminds me of snow." Ginny smiled. She walked around the depressing room. "You know when the sun shines on it, it looks so pure."

"Shut up!" Draco backhanded Ginny. Ginny stood there silent.

"I suppose I wasn't supposed to say that." Ginny said silently. Her cheek stung but at the same time she knew she deserved it. For a Death Eater to be called something close too pure. "I get it, I'm weak."

"Nothing is pure! You have yet to see the tainted side of life!" Draco snapped. There was anger in Draco's cold eyes. The word itself seemed so fake to Ginny now. She herself wasn't pure and either was Draco.

"I see." Ginny replied. Her life felt empty now. If nothing was pure then what kept her going. She saw a window in her room and she saw the snow falling outside. That's it! Snow's pure! It's always white and soft! It doesn't cause harm to anybody! Ginny smiled weakly to herself.

"I'll come for you before we head out to battle. Take as much as you need to but make sure you can carry it." Draco closed the door behind him as he left Ginny alone in the room.