Disclaimer: I do not own Clamp, CCS or anything really. However Yunari, Ryo, Haku, and Giro are all mine! I don't know if I have to do this, but Twinkie is a trademark of Hostess. I do not own it in any way…sighs

Title- Complications

By superdupermel

Summary- Sakura and Syaoran have known and loved each other forever, but neither will come up and confess. One drunken night is all it takes to break them apart for years…but their children bring them back together. However Syaoran is already married and Sakura refuses to confess her true feelings. This is their story of repressed emotions. This is also my first story! I'm so nervous…

Chapter 1-

"Haku! No! Wait for me!" Sakura shouted as she struggled into her shoes.

"Come on Mommy! It's my first day of school! We has to hurry! I'm gonna be late!" his little voice shouted back as he skipped away down the sidewalk.

She frantically put her shoes on and locked the front door before running after him. Surprisingly his little legs had carried him a fair distance away. "Haku! Wait for Mommy!" Thankfully he paused and impatiently hopped from foot to foot.

"Mommy…" he whined as she neared. "You're such a slowpoke.

She laughed and took a firm grasp of his hand. "Sorry babe. Okay, let's go," she announced enthusiastically. The pair hurried along the sidewalk to the school, giggling and whispering.


Laughter resounded through the vehicle as Syaoran's son pretended to drive his own car in the backseat. "LOOK OUT! I'm coming! Vroooom! Ahh! I'm going to crash!"

"Brake, Ryo! Hurry!"

The little boy made horrendous screeching noises then slumped in his seat. "Whew! That was close. Thank you for saving my life, Daddy," he said solemnly.

"You're welcome. Look, champ, there's your school. Are you ready for this?" Syaoran question, fixing his gaze on his wriggling son in the back seat. Ryo's enthusiastic exclamations were his answer. They parked and Syaoran went to open the door for Ryo. The little boy hopped out and energetically slammed the door shut. "Boom! Let's go now Daddy."

Syaoran took his hand and together they raced to the little gated building and all the wonders inside.


Sakura walked away from the school with a heavy feeling in her chest. Her baby was really growing up. She sighed and laughed at her melancholy thoughts. A few days ago she had been looking forward to his being at school during the days. While she was work he was usually at Tomoyo's place and she was afraid that they were imposing on Tomoyo a little too much. Now all she wanted was to have her baby back and spend the days at the park with him, enjoying each other. With a sigh she picked up her pace and glanced at her watch: fifteen minutes to walk a mile.


Grinning sheepishly, Syaoran entered the class with Ryo in tow. A class of little kindergarteners turned and gawked at him. "Sorry, Mrs. Shimizu, we're running a little late this morning," he murmured, like a little school boy. Ryo was directed to his desk and still he stood in the doorway, unwilling to leave. He had to admit that he was reluctant to let Ryo go out into the world at this tender age. What if Ryo needed him? After all, he was in a strange place with total strangers. There was no doubt in his mind that Ryo would be terrified.

"Mr. Li? I know you think Ryo will be intimidated by all the unfamiliar things, but I assure you he will make quick friends. He will be fine. At this age children aren't so vicious. There's no need to worry," Sophie Shimizu quietly murmured as she gently led him outside the classroom. "Don't worry. He's a big boy now." And the door shut in his face.

With a deep sigh Syaoran acknowledged the woman's expertise and resolutely turned to go.

Sophie smiled to herself as she faced her new students. He was so sweet, worrying about his son like that. All the world knew that he was a hard person, shrewd and blunt. Some even called him cool. Today she had seen an endearing side of him. She smiled and motioned to herself, "Good morning class! My name is Mrs. Shimizu…"


Tea and Twinkies tasted awful. Usually Haku ate them with hilarious enthusiasm and so when Tomoyo ate them, they were bearable. Today there was an empty seat and no smiling little boy munching happily across from her. Nothing was the same without him. Tomoyo sighed. Gingerly she took a bite of the yellow, cream-filled snack.

For the past two years, since Haku had been 3, he had stayed with Tomoyo while Sakura worked. Obviously Tomoyo worked, but she had a home business. She designed and made clothing personally for clients. She didn't have a flood of customers; just enough to keep busy and make a generous salary. Sewing and piecing together fabric was monotonous, but Haku always made everything brighter and better. With another sad sigh she picked up the bodice she was working on. She really missed Haku's sweet face and personality.

Ding-Dong! Ding-Dong!

Tomoyo frowned and stared at the door. Who was here? She didn't have an appointment today…Cautiously she went to the door and peeked through the hole. In her next breath she had swung the door wide and was enveloping the figure in a tight hug. "Eriol! Oh my god! You're here!"

When her bout of energetic exclamations was over, she served tea and Twinkies. "Wow. I still can't believe you're here, in Japan!" she breathed.

Eriol grinned and nodded. "Well I am. So I heard Haku started school."

Tomoyo's bright smile dimmed a bit. "Yeah. You should see him though. He's gotten so big since you last saw him."

"You must miss him terribly."

Tomoyo nodded and sipped her tea. "I'm just so used to him running around messing up my place." She sighed and took a bite of her Twinkie. "He's really growing up. Are you busy?"

"No. Why?'

"I'm picking him up today at two. I know he'll love to see you again."

"I'm at your every whim, Tomoyo. My week's totally open."

"Great! Help me sew these then," she said as dumped a pile of cloth on him.


Sakura shifted Haku's weight as she searched for her house key and opened the door. Smoothly she entered and walked backward to close the door with her bum. She locked it with a soft click and went to deposit him onto his little bed. He murmured unintelligibly and wiggled around until he found a comfortable position and settled to sleep with a contented sigh.

Sakura kneeled next to the bed and gently stroked his face. He was without a doubt his father's child. His hair was the same shade of chocolaty brown and his eyes were the same deep amber with only a hint of green near the pupils. His bone structure was the similar too: strong jaw, stubborn shin, high defined cheek bones and a forehead constantly furrowed in concentration.

She sighed and combed his messy hair with her fingers. She loved him with all her heart. Inside, she refused to acknowledge that the thought extended to both males.

Syaoran Li had been a big part of her life, growing up. They had grown up together and experienced many things together….first crushes, failing grades, trouble, suspensions, romance, first kisses, bad exes, losing their virginity… Roughly shaking her head and silently berating herself she pushed the memories away. They meant nothing. She got to her feet and went to tidy up.

Without thinking, she went to her closet to pull out her pajamas. The little white shoe box in the corer of the closet caught her eye. Closing her eyes and silently berating herself, she reached up and pulled it down. She took it to the bed and upended it. A barrage of photos and letters fluttered down onto the coverlet. Inwardly she sternly lectures, but her hands had a mind of their own. They shook as she spread the photos across her bed. Moments later she was in tears. Frantically she shoved the pictures back into the box and pushed it away from her.


Sakura gasped and wiped her tears. "Yes baby? You're supposed to be asleep."

"I know, but you're crying. What are you crying Mommy? Are you watching sad movies again?"

"No. Mommy's just thinking about a few sad things."


"No reason. Baby, do you wanna see a picture of your daddy?"

"I have a daddy?"

Sakura took a deep breath. "Yes." Soon they were cuddled up with a handful of photos. Sakura explained who was who and who his daddy was. Haku grabbed a photo of Sakura and Syaoran cuddled up on a couch and pointed at them. "Did Daddy love you?"

"At that time, yes, he did love me."

"Does Daddy love me?"

"Of course."

"Where's Daddy now? Shouldn't he be here?"

Sakura scrambled for an answer. "Uh… well…you see…Daddy had other things to do that came before us, babe."

"What things?"

"Why don't we talk about that at another time? You, mister, have to get to bed or you'll be late for school tomorrow," she announced.

Haku scurried off the bed and into his room. Sakura followed and tucked him in. "Good night. Sweet dreams." She pressed a kiss to his forehead as he murmured, "Good night. I love you."

-2 weeks later-

Upon entering the room, Haku eagerly looked around for Ryo. "Mommy, Ryo's not here. Can we go wait outside for him?"

Sakura shook her head and bent to make them eye level. "Haku, we have to hurry here because Mommy has to get to her new job tonight, okay? Maybe I won't be able to meet Ryo tonight."

Haku nodded and sulked quietly. His mommy was always at work these days. Personally, he thought she should play with him more. Aunty Tomoyo was alright, but Mommy was a lot more fun. With a resigned expression he took a seat next to his mother. "Mommy, why do you think Ryo's late? He isn't hurt is he?"

Sakura smiled softly and pulled him into her lap. "I'm sure Ryo and his parents are just running late, Babe. There's nothing to worry about."

"Haku! Haku!"

Haku straightened. "Look Mommy! It's Ryo!"

Sakura looked up and spotted a little boy with light brown hair and dark brown eyes coming towards them. "Hello, Ryo," she called out with a smile.

"Hello," the little boy said with a bright smile. "My name is Ryo. It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Haku's Mommy." Ryo collapsed into an empty seat and let out a deep breath. He had been practicing that speech for a week now and told Haku's mother so.

She laughed prettily and smoothed down his hair. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you too Ryo. Haku has told me many good things about you. You can call me Sakura is you like. Now, where are your parents? I think they might be worried about you."

Ryo shrugged and cocked his head towards the door. "My Daddy's parking the car. He said I could come and play with Haku."

"Alright, then. You two can go out to the playground, but stay within sight of Mrs. Takata, deal?" she asked, holding out both hands, palm up.

Haku jumped off her lap and slapped her palm with one of his. "Deal!" Ryo followed his example and they scampered out. Sakura smiled and faced forward as the presentation began.

Syaoran felt many eyes on him as he sheepishly walked into the classroom. Late again. He discreetly moved to stand near a wall and the teacher resumed her train of thought. He leaned against the brightly paper wall and scanned the room Ryo's familiar head of hair. It was no where in sight. Stealthily he inched toward the door leading to the playground, where little five year olds shrieked and shouted as they played. Immediately he spotted Ryo with a little boy dangling from a set of monkey bars. Reassured he turned his attention back to the teacher. "…to help them understand the concepts, you, as parents must assist them at home…"

Ryo spotted Sakura as she entered the playground and ran towards her. "Sakura! Sakura! Do you have to take Haku home now?"

Haku ran up behind him. "Do we have to go now Mommy?"

Sakura smiled and nodded. "Remember? Mommy has work."

Haku hung his head and turned to Haku. "I have to go now," he intoned in a gloomy little voice.

Ryo started to nod understandingly then stopped and turned to Sakura. "Will you meet my Daddy first? Please?"

Sakura glanced at her watch and turned back to Ryo's hopeful little face. "I'm sorry, I can't, but you can take Haku with you to meet your Daddy really quick while I go get our sweaters." She turned to Haku and made a motion with her head toward Ryo. "Go meet Ryo's Daddy then meet me at the gate, deal?"

His forlorn face brightened and nodded. "Deal! Let's go Ryo!" Sakura laughed and went to gather their things.

Syaoran smiled and waited for the two boys to come to a halt. "Hello!" The friend called out. They skidded to a halt and looked up at him. "Whoa…you're really tall," he announced. Syaoran laughed and squatted in front of them, bringing them almost eyes level. "Better?"

"Yeah. One day I wanna be as tall as you."

Ryo beamed at his friend's praise. Suddenly the little boy frowned. "Oh… I forgot…Hello, Mr. Li. My name is Haku. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Haku."

Haku squinted at him. "You look a lot like my daddy. Can I call you Daddy?"

Syaoran laughed. "Sorry kid, you can't. You have to call me Mr. Li."

He looked crestfallen, then blinked and scanned the gathering dark for someone. "Okay…well I have to go. My Mommy's waiting at the gate," he announced as he turned away. "Bye!"

Syaoran straightened and watched him scamper to a slight figure in the shadows. The kid looked eerily familiar, but he couldn't place him. He felt as if he should recognize him… "So what did you think, Daddy?" Ryo asked, tugging on his hand. "Haku's cool, huh?"

"Yeah. He's a great kid."

On the way home Ryo talked non-stop about Haku's mother. "She's really pretty. She is a little short, but really pretty. And she's very nice too! She said it was a pleasure to meet me. And I called her Mrs. Haku's mommy, but she said I could call her Sakura…"

Syaoran's face was a mask of shock. "Sakura?" he murmured to himself as Ryo continued to list her great qualities. What did Ryo say was Haku's last name? Was this Sakura his Sakura? No…that was impossible. She was probably still in Tomoeda. Once she had specifically told him she planned to stay in Tomoeda. There was no way she would be in Tokyo. But…

He shook his head. Sakura was a part of his past. They hadn't eve n talked in the past five years, since he had left Tomoeda. Now, Ryo and Aya were his life. "Hey, champ, wanna get some ice cream before we head home?"

Ryo's eyes grew wide with surprise and pleasure. "Really? At the SugarFaerie?"

"Yep, at the SugarFaerie."

"Yeah! Can I get a double scoop?"

"Sure thing, champ. Anything you want."


Eriol strolled into the sweet shop and contemplated what Tomoyo would want. Usually she liked something rich and mouthwatering. She didn't eat sweets a lot, but when she did, she didn't hold back. Money and health weren't issues. He stopped in front of a chocolate display and stared at the massive trays lined with row after row of chocolate treats. Dark? Milk? Carmel? Oh the possibilities…

Quite sudden he was knocked off balance by a little light haired tornado. "Whoa there, slow down kid," he said with a laugh as he caught the kid before he fell.

He glanced up and bit his lip. "I'm sorry, mister. I promise I'll slow down."

"Good. Where's your Mommy…or Daddy?"

The kid brightened. "My daddy's over there. We're going to get ice cream. I get a double scoop tonight."

"Is that so? Well let's go to your papa before he starts to worry," Eriol suggested. They walked around the corner and then the little boy ran to a tall man staring out the shop windows. Was that…?


The man turned and briefly scanned the area before his gaze landed on Eriol. "Eriol! My god man, it's been years!" he exclaimed as he scooped up the kid and started toward him. How have you been?"

"Good, good…uh…I see you started a family," Eriol murmured, gesturing to the wide eyed boy.

Syaoran beamed. "Yeah. This is my son, Ryo. Ryo this is your Uncle Eriol."

Eriol met the boy's gaze and formally said, "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ryo."

Ryo giggled. "What does 'a-squint-cents- mean?"

Five minutes later the trio was seated in a booth, slowly eating ice cream. "So how long are you in Tokyo?" Syaoran asked.

Eriol glanced up at him then back down at the dessert. "Actually I'm relocating here."

"Really? I live just a few minutes away from here. Why don't you come spend the night?"

"Tanks, but I'm boarding with Tomoyo," Eriol murmured.

There was a brief loaded silence. "Tomoyo lives in Tokyo?"

"Yeah. She just moved here a few years ago."

"Hmm…I didn't hear from her…" he reflected.

"Hey, listen, I gotta go, so let me get your number and Tomoyo and I will come visit sometime."

"Alright. That sounds good."

Eriol got the number then stood. "Thanks for the ice cream. I'm sorry I have to go so soon, but I promised Tomoyo that I'd come back with some sweets." He turned to go, but paused when Syaoran quietly said his name. "Yes?"

Syaoran stared down at his ice cream and stirred it. "How…how is Sakura?"

Eriol didn't blink. "She's fine."

Syaoran stared hard at the liquid mass and asked, "What's she doing these days?"

"Sakura? She's just getting by. She's leading a contented life from what I can tell. Listen, I'd love to talk, really I would, but Tomoyo…" Eriol trailed off as Syaoran nodded. The confident cocky mask was on again.

"I understand. My wife's always sending me out on errands. Good bye then."

"Yeah. Bye. Bye Ryo," he added. He waved farewell and popped a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth. He flashed a smile and walked away. As he stopped in front of the displays, he let out a deep breath. He hadn't expected to see Syaoran in Tokyo. The last he had heard, Syaoran had been in Hong Kong and engaged to Aya Hatayama, the daughter of a wealthy business man and politician. He was shocked to see Syaoran here…living barely ten minutes from Sakura. It was a miracle that they hadn't run into each other.

Randomly he chose candy as he thought about the predicament they all were in. He and Tomoyo had sworn years ago that they wouldn't tell a soul about Haku. There was no way they would tell Syaoran anyway. He was already a father and husband. If the situation had been that Syaoran was single, Eriol would have gone ahead and told him, but…There was nothing he could now. Staring at the bag of sweets, he contemplated whether to tell Sakura about Syaoran. Just as quickly, he discarded the thought. If he told her she'd be on guard all the time and life would be miserable. Mulling the matter over, he paid for the sweets and left.

"What? Syaoran's in town?" Tomoyo asked, shocked to her toes.

Eriol nodded and handed her the bag. "I ran into him and his son at SugarFaeire."

"Oh…he has a family…we can't tell Sakura."

"My thoughts exactly."

"If she ever finds out she's going to be heartbroken though," Tomoyo whispered as she mixed the contents of the bag.

-3 weeks later-

Sakura handed the package to Haku and rang the doorbell. Haku giggled and whispered, "I can't wait until Chouji sees that we got him -."

Sakura silenced him with a finger laid vertically on his lips. "Shh. It's our secret remember?"

The door swung open and Chouji stepped forward. "Hi, Haku! You're the first one here! Oh cool! Is that my present?" Chouji's mother stepped forward and ushered them into the backyard. Sakura was immediately put at ease by the woman's easy chatter and friendly manner. Steadily more guests arrived and soon the backyard was buzzing with conversation and children were running about, playing tag.

Sakura was laughing at a funny story when her phone went off. She excused herself and took the call a few feet away from the crowd. "Hello? Kinomoto Sakura speaking."

"Sakura? It's Tomoyo. I know you're at a birthday party, but I need you to come…come to my place," she stuttered in a low voice.

Sakura immediately worried. "What's wrong Tomoyo? Are you okay?"

"Uh…no…I'm feeling sickly…sweating…nausea and head ache. I think I'm going to faint," she whispered in a hoarse voice.

"Okay. I'll run over. Hang on," she commanded as she hung up and went on search of Chouji's mother. She explained the situation then went to search for Haku. She had just spotted him when Ryo ran up to her, panting and laughing. "Hi Sakura! Where's Haku?"

"Right over there. Come, let's go to him."

Hand in hand they hurried to Haku. Haku turned around and spotted both of them. "Hi Ryo!" Sakura interrupted and knelt before him. "Baby, Mommy has to go to Aunty Tomoyo. She's sick so Mommy's going to help her, okay? Listen to Chouji's mother and I'll be back in a little while, deal?"

Haku frowned. "I guess…"

"Sorry babe, but I gotta go. Come give me a hug before I go." He came to her and she pressed a kiss to his forehead. Ryo felt himself flying through the air in a tight circle and shrieked with laughter. She lowered him to the ground and pressed a kiss to his cheek then Ryo's. "Okay, bye sweetie. Bye Ryo."

They answered in sync and she turned on her heel to go. With a dull smack she slammed into a hard male chest. She took a step back and smoothed her hair. "I'm sorry, sir. I wasn't looking where I was going. I'm terribly…sorry." She had glanced up and was now slowly backing away from him.

The man advanced as she retreated. He looked just as stunned as she felt. "Sa…Sakura?" he murmured in wonder.

She blinked and muttered a quick "excuse me" before turning and striding away.

A/N: Agh! This was my first story, so yeah. I know it's long, but I had to do it. The next few chapters will be shorter. So please tell me if you liked it, give me criticism, anything. Please r/r! Thank you for reading!