Yumi-chan: hey there everybody! This is my first fic so be nice and no flames!

Warning: this is YAOI meaning GUY/GUY action. You don't like it, I suggest you click the little green button on the upper left of your screen and never click on this again. Just had to point that out. ; also this fic will mostly be Ed/Envy with some Ed/Roy at the beginning. If you don't like one of the pairings, just deal with it or do not read. If I get flames I might just return the flame with a little doom myself. Ok?

K so, on with the fic!

Disclaimer: if I really owned Fullmetal Alchemist, there would be Wrinry bashing and plenty Ed/Envy and Ed/Roy scenes. That means no.

Chapter one: it's time.

It was a hot summer night at central and Edward was locked in the hot building with none other than Roy Mustang working on paperwork. Well, they where supposed to be, anyway…more like Mustang working on Ed.

The older man had the younger on the large oak desk in a passionate lip lock, moon light shining on them from the window, when Ed suddenly broke away.


Gold eyes wouldn't look into dark coal ones.

"What's wrong, hagane no?" Roy could see that something was wrong.

"I was thinking…." He hesitated.

"What is it, Ed?" Roy held on to the younger's shoulders, trying to get him to look at him. The blond still refused to look at him. Something was definitely wrong. Normally Edward could just sit there starring into those seemingly endless black pools for hours.

"I think I can bring him back." He whispered, half hoping that Mustang didn't hear him. No such luck. The flame alchemist sighed.


"No, I think I can really bring him back. Roy, you know I have to do this."

"But Ed," Roy protested. He knew of the dangers that would bring.

"Alphonse sacrified himself in order to keep you alive. I don't think that he would be to happy knowing that you're going to risk your life after what he did. If he died even with the stone, what makes you think that you can bring him back with just yourself?"

"But Roy…"

"No, Ed. I won't let you kill yourself. Al wouldn't want you to do this." Mustang was starting frustrated. He had this conversation before with the state alchemist. He thought he had got to him. Guess he thought wrong.

The blond stayed silent.

Mustang sighed.

"Ed, listen to me. Promise you won't try to bring him back."

The boy didn't answer.

"Ed, promise me." He said again, griping tighter to the blonde's shoulder. "Promise me. Please."

The younger one sighed and gave a small nod.

"Thank you." Roy whispered. Glad, he pulled the blonde into a tight hug.

Little did he know that the Fullmetal wasn't planning on keeping that promise.

Ok, I know that was short, but, how was it? Good? Bad? Please review! If you like it, tell and ill work on the other chapters. Well, ja ne! yumi-chan, away!