Disclaimer: Nothing funny or witty to think of right now, so I'm just going to say that I do not own Naruto or any of it's characters.

MWUAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! You all are going to hate the beginning of this story! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Lee: Listen to all that youthful laughter.

Gai: Yes. So very youthful… Let's record it and sell the tapes on Ebay!

Lee: HAI! Good Idea, Gai-sensei!

Anyway, yeah, you all will hate how this story begins. I know, it will suck for all of you, and the first two words will make you cry. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA snort

Chapter 1

Naruto's dead, was the only thought running through Sakura's head at the moment.

Because of me, Naruto's dead, She couldn't even cry, she was too deep in shock for her to cry.


She saw the village gates, Naruto's broken body lying beneath them, the ring of villagers dispersing, as cries of triumph rang through the air.

"We did it!"

"We killed the demon!"

"This calls for celebration!

"I'll bring the keg!"

She heard all of these, but only one phrase stuck out. "We killed the demon" Thoughts were racing through her head, as she began pushing through the crowd of villagers.

"Oh my god!" came a voice, it sounded familiar. Sakura looked up. Through the crowd, she saw someone kneeling over Naruto's body. The figure had enormous breasts. Oh, Tsunade-sama, Sakura thought. She broke through the crowd, and ran to her teacher's side. She looked down. What she saw made her want to cry.

Naruto's body, was beaten, broken, and bloody. There were holes all over his body, some of them going through. She then noticed that she was standing in a pool of blood. She cried out, and stepped back, realizing whose blood it was. She stepped around the congealing pool, back to Naruto's body. The holes looked to have been made by a…

No! This isn't possible! No way!, she thought. The holes appeared to have been made by a chidori.

No, he wouldn't do this! Sasuke wouldn't do this!, At least, that's what she thought. She wasn't sure anymore, ever since Sasuke had become a rogue, she wasn't sure of anything anymore.

She covered her face with her hands, not knowing what to do. She stepped back, right into the pool of blood. She slipped, and fell onto a rock that was laying in the pool of Naruto's blood. It wasn't a small rock, and it was fairly jagged, creating a nice sized gash on her arm. She lay on her side for a second, laying in the quickly cooling pool of Naruto's lifeblood. She realized that hers and Naruto's blood was mingling, and some of his blood had gotten into her scrape. She felt a shock, as though something significant had happened.

"Sakura, help me get Naruto to the hospital." Tsunade said, bringing Sakura back to focus, "After that, I'll help you clean up."

After that, the two had carried Naruto's body between them to the hospital. Where they cleaned him up, and put him in a clean room. Even though he was dead. Throughout the entire ordeal, he had been dead. There had been no chance, short of a miracle, to save him once the villagers had had their way with him.

"Tsunade-sama?" came a voice from behind the door to Naruto's room.

"Come in." The Hokage said, her voice calm, her face expressionless. A nurse opened the door, holding a clipboard

"Um, I would like to let you know that one of the villagers brought a one, Uchiha Sasuke, here to the hospital, claiming that UzumakiNaruto had killed him. The Uchiha was unconscious at the time, but he's now in a stable …"

"WHAT!" Came Tsunade's roar, "You let that bastard come in here! You let him live!"

"But, Tsun…" was all the nurse could say, before a terrifyingly angry Hokage pushed passed her.

A few minutes later, Tsunade returned. She apologized to Sakura, and told her to go home. She also asked if she wanted her to heal the cut on her arm.

Flashback Ends!

She lay back in her bath, nursing the gash on her elbow. She had never let Tsunade-sama heal it. She didn't want it to heal. She wanted the scar, to keep the memory of Naruto with her.

Naruto!, The shock broke, tears streaming down her face. She thought, about how she'd never see his goofy grin again. She hadn't seen him him in five years, and then he shows up and dies. She let out a sob, sounding somewhere between a seal's bark, and a strangled scream. She would never hear his laugh again, his voice, never again feel his body pressed against hers in a loving embrace, trying to comfort her, when she cried. Tears and sobs ran free now, becoming extremely loud.

She got out of her tub, and walked to her room, still crying. She lay down on her bed, crying into her pillow.

Sakura…, came a thought. It wasn't hers. Sakura…, it came again, the "voice" of the thought sounded familiar.

"Naruto!" She said, looking up.

Naruto…, He heard. He was feeling groggy, unbalanced.

"Hey kit, you awake yet?" came a voice. It sounded very familiar.

"Ky…Kyuubi?" Naruto said, coming fully awake.

"Here kit, I'll help you up." He said, a furred, clawed, hand appeared in front of his face. He took it. The Kyuubi helped pull Naruto up. Naruto stood there for a second, trying to get his bearings. Then he looked at Kyuubi. It was the first time he had ever really seen the kitsune. Usually, he was a giant, viciously grinning face, or something to that effect. He had never realized that the Kyuubi would look so…so…well there really wasn't a way to explain it. The Kyuubi looked like a human/fox hybrid. Fur, claws, pointed, fox-like face, he also had nine tails. But he stood on two legs, had arms, spoke. It was strange.

"Where… are we?" Naruto said, looking around. It was nowhere he was familiar with.

"Kit, welcome to the spirit world."

"What!" Naruto yelled, shocked.

"Congrats, your dead."

"WHAT!" Naruto screamed, even more shocked, "I'm DEAD!"

"That's what I said kit. But seeing as were not in heaven or hell, I'm guessing were not through yet." Said the kitsune, a puzzled look on his face.

"What do you mean?" Naruto said, just as confused.

" I think it means we have a chance to go back." Said the fox, looking at Naruto.

"We do?"

"Yep, we do kit. And I can guarantee you that it won't be easy."

Isn't this story great? MUAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I knew that Naruto finally dieing would create a great story! Don't worry though, things'll be alright. It's Naruto were talking about here.

Please R&R. I would love to receive your reviews!