How do you feel about that?

Taking over.. One question at a time.

Disclaimer: Don't own!

Authors Note: No stories are being discontinued.. I'm just finding it difficult to update. Sorry!

Chapter Summary: 'Way to ruin the mood, Granger!' 'Call me Hermione' .. The Next Session.
Chapter 7..


The next morning, Hermione found herself waking up to her head pounding, her alarm clock beeping and her house phone with 8 new messages.

"Shit!" She said out loud.

She grabbed a towel and had the quickest shower possible, she towel dried her hair and threw it up into a scruffy bun and put some bread in the toaster. While boiling the kettle she hit play on her answer phone.

'Please leave your message after the beep..

… Hermione, Draco here - just wanted to say you're a lightweight.. Bye.'

She couldn't help but wonder how on earth he got her number.

'Message 2..

.. Lavender here - your 10 o'clock has cancelled'

Her toast popped up, she got the butter out the fridge and buttered it - completely ignoring her messages. They eventually stopped playing and Hermione made her way into her bedroom to get dressed.

"Morning Lavender!" He said, "Am I early?"

Lavender looked up from her computer and smiled - falsely.

"Morning Draco. Yes you're early, Hermione isn't in yet - take a seat" She pointed to the waiting area.

"I'd rather stand" He smiled.

A couple moments of silence fell over the pair.

"Ever seen Hermione drunk?" He asked.

"No - have you?"


Lavender nodded. She didn't want to start a conversation with this man - but she needed the gossip!

"Oh, erm.. What happened?"

Draco smiled and thought to himself 'You still got it Mr. Malfoy'

"She had a few drinks, and got drunk. It happens… I'll go make myself comfy - she might be a while."

Draco made his way to the waiting area. Lavender began typing furiously. He smiled.

The lift dinged and the doors opened. Hermione emerged looking amazing - considering her state the previous night. She eloquently made her way to Lavender to sign in and the she looked at Draco and nodded.

Draco got up and followed her to her office. Before Hermione turned the handle on the door she tuned around.

"This is strictly off the record.. How the hell did you get my home number?"

"You didn't know your mobile number" He smiled.

She turned around, made an angry noise and made her way to her desk.

Draco shut the door quietly, got a drink of water from the machine and pulled out an aspirin from his top pocket and put both on the table.

She smiled, "Thanks."

She swallowed the tablet and turned her laptop on.

"Granger.." He began, she interrupted him.

"I believe I said to call me, Hermione." She smiled.

He smiled back, "Okay, Hermione.. Did it hurt when you fell on your head?"

Hermione's smile disappeared, "We don't usually do this, but today we're going to have your parents in. Considering we're not making very much progress - I can see even you said you're a difficult client."

Draco's smile also disappeared. He knew this wasn't procedure, and that it was entirely to embarrass him.

"Mr and Mrs Malfoy - Come in please" Hermione said.

They both walked him, they brought with them 4 girls. Draco was confused.

Earlier that morning.

To: Your Son!

Dear Luscious,

I have thought of something that could potentially help with your sons situation. At 11.30am, if you wouldn't mind coming to Draco's session, bring your wife and 4 girls. After a few questions - when instructed to do so, leave and then leave the rest to me.

Many Thanks,


Hermione smiled, "Welcome everyone."

"Draco, everyone, today we're going to be trying out an exercise, I'd like to make it 100 percent clear that this is not a tried and tested experiment, it won't cause any kind of damage, mentally or physically, and you have the right to withdraw at any stage."

By this time, Draco was a little concerned.

"Mr Malfoy, Mrs Malfoy, would you mind leaving the room please."

They did.

"Girls, please line up next to the window."

They did, Hermione joined them.

"Now Draco, kiss everyone as passionately as you feel necessary."

He smiled.

He walked up to the first girl and pecked her on the cheek, he did the same with the other girls..

"Okay Draco.." Hermione started.

Draco came up to her, put one of his hands on her back and the other running down her neck, his lips met hers and he kissed her longingly. She kissed him back.

He stopped kissing her and stood in front of her, an irresistible smile over his face.

"Okay Draco - out of everyone here, which one would you prefer to have a relationship with."

He winked at Hermione and said 'You.'

"Girls, please leave the room."

Hermione sat down, Draco sat down too.

"What the fuck was that!?!" Hermione almost shouted.

"An experiment?" He suggested.

"For fuck sake! Mr and Mrs Malfoy please."

The came into the room.

"The results of the experiment are in. What we're going to do is" She sighed, "Draco and I are going to stop the one on one sessions in the office and spend time with each other - in a relationship. Obviously the experiment would have gone better if he had selected a different girl, but we can make it work."

Gob smacked. Everyone was gob smacked. Mr and Mrs Malfoy left the room after agreeing and Draco was sat there in front of his new 'girlfriend' gob smacked.

"Malfoy, obviously this isn't exactly the easiest situation to be in - naturally it would have been easier for you to choose a different girl but none the less."

"Yes", he coughed - almost nervously, "But don't you think that considering we're in a relationship, we should be able to stick to a first name agreement?" He smiled.

"Okay, Draco. Right sessions are over. Every month we'll have a consultation meeting to discuss progress."

"My place or yours?"

"Excuse me?" She said.

"Well obviously - for the sake of the experiment we're going to have to stay with each other 24/7"

"Draco - have you not ever been in a relationship?"

His blank expression was her answer,

"Okay, a relationship doesn't begin with sex. It doesn't start with moving in. The first stage is meeting, then there's getting to know each other, seeing each other, sex, moving in, engagement, marriage and then children."

"Fucking hell Hermione, how long is this thing going on for?"

"Obviously we won't be lasting that long."

Draco was slightly insulted. They were quiet for a short while.

"Why won't this last long?" Draco finally asked.

"Two reasons; One, it's just an experiment, and two; If you cheat, we're over." Hermione said - bluntly.

"How long have we had these sessions for?"

"About 3 months.. I think, why?"

"In all that time, I have only had sex twice." Draco had a straight face, "And they don't count because I was rebelling against this shit."

"So.." Hermione didn't see the point in this heart-to-heart.

"So.. There is no reason what so ever why this relationship wouldn't last."

"Why do you care?"

"Because I am sick to death of people assuming that all I'm good for is a great shag. I'm no good at business because I'm busy getting drunk and fucking the next potential Mrs. Malfoy! I'm always telling myself, maybe the next one will work out. Fuck you!"

"Fuck me?" Hermione said in shock.

"Okay!" Draco rubbed his hands together.

"Hmm.. Maybe people assume that because it's true!"

"That was a joke. Right, clean slate?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Okay, well.. We've covered the meeting thing, next stage is getting to know each other." Hermione said as she sat down.

"Right," He rubbed his hands together, "Dish!" He smiled.

"Oh my good gosh, you honestly think couple just meet and then sit down - in an office and just start talking?" Draco looked as if he'd only just grasped the concept of sound, "Okay, we'll go on a date, then see how things go." Hermione said to him.

"Okay, I'll call you later then babe." He leant over and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I won't be in until late." She said, Draco was facing the other way at this time and he had a sad expression, he was looking forward to his first proper date. "I've got to go and see Harry for a while." Hermione continued.

"Oh, okay." He started, "Umm.. Give me a call when your back then?" He asked, his back still turned.

Hermione heard the disappointment in his voice and got out of her seat. She gave him a hug, the kind of hug you give a relative - she still wasn't comfortable with the situation, "How about lunch?" She suggested.

Draco looked at his watch, he had to go and meet Pansy in 20 minutes, but didn't want to let Hermione down, "Sure!" He smiled. "I'll wait in the waiting area."

He walked out of the room and shut the door, rested his head on it and muttered curses, "Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!"

He grabbed his phone and started to text, but then decided a phone call would be quicker,

"Hello Parkinson, I'm not going to be able to meet you - I have to do something for someone - tomorrow yeh?" He waited a few moment for her to agree, he could hear the sadness in her voice - but he had things to do.

'The things I do..' He thought as he shook his head.

Authors Note: Hey Hey Hey! I'm writing a new fic. Not going to post it until it's finished though.. Sorry :)

Love Karla-James