Chapter 10

Things had been awkward all day today. Rei mused as she picked the beans to soak for the next night's dinner. Minako had been jumpy and distracted whenever Rei had set foot into a room she was in. She was having a completely disastrous time setting up the branches for the display, and when Rei had reached out and caught her hand to guide it she suddenly got all tense and hot. She let go of her hand in surprise and Minako had knocked over about six things getting from point A to point B and Rei had yelled at her and chased her out of the building. She had caught Minako staring at her own poster today and she had just disappeared after lunch, during the break time where they usually hung out together, maybe the hanging out usually consisted of an argument, but it had been sort of comfortable, but now Minako wasn't comfortable. Maybe she had found what she wanted. Maybe it was time for her to leave.

The beans slipped from her fingers and Rei curled over the counter, clenching her fists and pushing them against its edge. She knew it wouldn't be forever, she knew Minako had to leave sometime, she wasn't the type to stay tied to a shrine and the ever-repetitive duties, but she hadn't expected it to be so soon. She had let herself get too close- not like it was something she could control, but she had gotten used to having her there, gotten used to watching her carefully, making sure she was eating correctly, making sure she stayed healthy. She had let herself feel like she had some sort of control, but if Minako left all her control would be gone and she would be left once more to newspapers and magazines and perhaps to that one sudden phone call that you're never expecting, the one where you know, even before it rings what it will say. She had only been a child when it had happened with her mother, but her spiritual sense was still developed enough to know.

"Hey, what do you think about making o-mamori with the sailor senshi on them?"

Rei jerked up from her fetal crouch against the table and spun to look at Minako who had that look in her eyes, the sideways one that said I'm not telling you something, and it's hurting me.

"Are you kidding? We've never done something trashy like that-"

"Come on, Rei. Everyone else is doing it. You can get them in the shape of credit cards. We need to attract new patrons too, and come on, what twelve year old doesn't want Sailor Mercury at her side when she's gearing up for exams."

Rei glanced down and smiled. "Maybe, but we still need traditional ones too."

"Of course, now, what did you decide about the supplier for Ema, because I think I've found a better option-"

"I was just going to go with the usual place, everywhere else is a bit rough on new customers, and the products, well-"

Minako grinned and lifted her hand, waving a small wooden plaque with a beautiful ink painting of a horse on it.

Rei's mouth dropped open. "Where did you get that?"

Minako looked utterly pleased with herself. "A little internet surfing. There's a new private company trying to start up in Chiba, and I contacted them and they said that they'd do us the first hundred free and then two-fifty for every shipment if we promise regular orders."

"Do it. They're amazing."

Minako grinned and shook her head. "The price is amazing too, but we know what our little traditionalist cares about."

She turned and started walking out the door, but Rei spoke and she stopped. "Minako-"

Minako turned and looked at her curiously.

"Do you want to learn to dance?"

Minako arched an eyebrow. "I was an Idol for seven years and you think I can't dance?"

Rei's face darkened but with amusement. "Don't get me started on the ability of Idols to dance. But, I meant- I mean, if you don't want to-"

"What do you mean, Rei? I don't understand."

Rei met her eyes. "Miko dances. If we're going to make a go of this we need to be able to perform the ceremonies, and, I need a miko who can do the appropriate dances- not, I may specify, making up stuff that 'looks cool.'"

Minako walked up to Rei and lifted her hand as if she was going to reach out and touch her, but stopped herself and tipped her head slightly down. "Yes," she said quietly, almost to the floor, "I'd love to learn to dance."

Nothing happened. There was no touch, no moment, no sudden change, but a soft feeling slid into Rei, just a touch of hope. It felt as if her heart was warming up.