Disclaimer: I do NOT own ANY of these characters except for random names you see appear. I do not own the plot of this either. Well…I guess I co-own it. This is a prologue of Yaoifan01's "Hitman" (http/ She has already read this and has approved it already.
A/N: I really love "Hitman" so I just had to create something for her. And I can't draw. Hell, I can't even draw a stupid stick figure! This prologue will go all the way up to her time frame. Which is only four years. So I assume this fic will most defiantly be short. Maybe an 8 chapter fic, depending upon how long each chapter is. I won't give out any information about Naruto or any of the characters which come in later. Only Orochimaru, Itachi, and Sasuke.
Have fun reading! OH AND REVIEW!
Welcome to the near but distant future. We lay our scene in America, the poorest country in the world since World War III in 2078. The year is now 2094. Sixteen years since the war. There is no democracy anymore. There is no republic any longer. There is only chaos and fear. And there is no escape from this country. No one will take us. All the other governments and countries have turned their backs on us because of our behavior. We have failed to protect our fellow allies and therefore have lost their trust. We have failed as a military and country. We have brought shame.
Our story takes place in a town that was once called "The City of Angels." Now, all there is…are victims, where people die on the streets everyday from starvation, sickness, and exhaustion. The children, who are the most unfortunate in all the world, that grow up on the streets, are not uncommon to wind up dead within a week. Those who survive live on to become prostitutes or worse.
Bounty hunters. Whose lives have all gone to hell due to their past. Whose lives, no longer wish to see the suffering anymore. Whose lives, that have turned to stone. Those poor souls…they are screaming inside, but cannot hear themselves. Hitmans.
"You should be glad. I brought you a present." The dark teenage man said, throwing the boy on the ground next to Orochimaru. "I found him when you sent me to slaughter that Delude family. He was not of their kind."
"Kukuku." Orochimaru drank in the sight of the boy. He oddly looked like Itachi. Orochimaru had always set his eyes on the bounty hunter, a cowboy, if you will. But he supposed this boy could be of use. "I suppose he has a price on his body, eh?" Orochimaru's snake eyes met Itachi's cold, onyx ones.
"Five thousand." he replied flatly.
"That's harsh. 3"
"Five thousand. If you don't want him then I'll take the boy somewhere else." Itachi challenged him.
Orochimaru thought hard. "If he's worth this much, surely you must have already tasted him." He paused, waiting for a reply. But none came. "Fine then. Four thousand plus co-ownership."
"Deal" The 15 year old replied. "Give."
Orochimaru walked over to Itachi, almost running him up the wall if it wasn't for Itachi's eyes. That was the most frightening part of him. Orochimaru loved it. He reached for his coat pocket, pulling out four grand. "The rest is in the corner as usual. 20 thousand for the whole family. Get yourself something nice. A pleasure doing business with you, Itachi-kun."
Orochimaru noticed that the boy had not moved off the floor. In fact, the snake man had been watching this boy for a long time. "Sasuke." he squatted down, lifting Sasuke up by his chin. "I've been waiting. You know what I want." The boy knew exactly what Orochimaru wanted.
All throughout his twelve years of life he had known how to get things. Sometimes it was worse than others, and sometimes he had gotten even more than what he expected. As for this living: air conditioning, carpet, and possibly a bed and clothes in store for him, it was perfect. All he had to do was to give sex to someone. He was used to it. His body was used to it. The pain was now numb.
Itachi had indeed gotten something nice for himself. Aside from the artillery addiction, which he had invested $10,000 in; he had also gotten into a morphine addiction. Twelve was indeed the magic number in this life.
At age 12, he had killed his first victim without regrets. At age 12 his mother died. At age 12 he was hired by Orochimaru. At age 12, he had killed his family. At age 12 he went crack insane. Bloodthirsty. But, it was nice to get paid for doing so.
Anyways, he had not forgotten the pain. His body was not a cold stone yet, he still saw the pain and fear in his victim's eyes. He loved it. He fed off of it. And his was scared to death of it. The morphine calmed the emotions and stopped the blood from rushing. He injected the needle into his vain and lay on the soothing, cold cement of his quarters.
Itachi's jet black hair spread around his head just as his trench coat splayed around his muscular and tired body. He could have stayed there all night long until daybreak. And that's exactly what he did.
"Mother!" Itachi watched from his closet door.
"Shh. Hush young one, don't speak a word. Don't come out. Whatever you do don't come out. Do you hear me!" Itachi's mother was hysterical at the point. He felt like crying. "Shh. I'm here. I won't let anything happen to you. Don't let anyone know that you're here. Stay there until I say so!"
"Ok. I love you, mother. Please don't die!" Itachi cried.
"Shh. Be still. I love you too. I promise to take you out for ice cream after this is done." She put her hand through the closet door where the wooden blinds were. Itachi reached out and grabbed his only comfort and started to tear.
A loud crash was heard, the door had broken down. Itachi's mother backed away into a far corner. "Please" she sobbed. "Don't kill me."
"SHUT UP!" the man said, throwing a beer bottle at her. He pulled out a gun. BANG BANG BANG! Three shots. That's all it took. She was dead.
All was silent for a while. Itachi had seen the entire scene that had played out. He had never seen the man ever in his life. Then again, other men had come in to threaten his mother, but what was there to do? This time, she had paid the price. Itachi stepped out from the close, and stood at his mother's dead body.
"You didn't keep your promise. Why did you leave!" Itachi was in rage. He threw himself upon the ground and sobbed on the dead corpse.
A person came through the door and observed what had happened. "You! You demon-child! You killed her!" the male figure screamed. He took off his belt and started beating the child. "NO! FATHER STOP! PLEASE!" the child screamed.
Itachi awoke in a cold sweat. Why does it have to come NOW! He thought furiously. Damn it! He got up off the ground and onto the filthy mattress he despised. He had not gotten decent living quarters because he did not live very well. All this useless room was used for was storing artillery. Nothing more. But for some reason he had decided to come here. He wondered what had happened to his old home. If one would even call it a home anymore.
He decided not to EVER go back there again. It held too much of his memories and past life. He was a hitman now. A cowboy. Of which his journey was to be carried out alone. His only companions were his guns and that was it. He would never put his trust in other people's hands ever again.
Sasuke had indeed gotten nice living quarters. It was a small room, but to Sasuke, it was the world. He lay there on his new bed, given to him by Orochimaru. The mattress was obviously new; almost like the snake man was expecting Sasuke. It was creepy. The sheets were a crimson red. It was the most comfort he could ever imagine. But he just couldn't get that older boy out of his mind.
The raven haired boy came in through the open window that was carelessly left open. It was really quite stupid that they had done that. Sasuke was backed up into the corner where he thought no one would find him. He was wrong. "What's your name, kid?"
He figured that he had better give up his name. "S-S-Sasuke." The older male left him alone while he killed everyone that was in the house. There was blood everywhere. Sasuke didn't even shut his eyes. He watched the cold-blooded murderer slaughter the humans with an unused blade, as if he had just gotten it. Sometimes he used a pistol, but not often, only for about one of the family members.
After he had killed off everyone, he didn't even bother to clean up the mess. There was blood on his jacket, and yet he did nothing. The boy came up to Sasuke. "A-Are you going to kill me?" Sasuke stuttered.
"No. You are not worth my time or my kill." The raven haired killer replied. "Come. Or stay?"
Sasuke thought about it for a moment, then nodded his head, getting up and following the teen.
The boy had led him to an old building. When they had gotten inside, it was cool. Air conditioning. No one had enough money for these anymore. Sasuke had heard of them, and even had been in a place with it, an office. But he was thrown out. "Wait here a moment." the boy said. Sasuke nodded his head and sat down on the tile while the boy went somewhere else. I wonder what's going to happen to me. Is he going to kill me?
A few minuets had passed and the boy came out, his jacket spotless of any blood as well as the rest of his figure.
But it wasn't that that surprised Sasuke. What had really made him feel weak as when the boy threw him at the feet of a strange man. Sasuke had stayed in that position, kneeling, bowing. He had a feeling that's what the boy wanted him to do. Obviously he had made the best decision. He was not dead. While there, he learned many things.
One, the boy's name was Itachi, a hitman. Two, he was being sold at a fairly large price. Three, he was going to be a whore for the rest of his life. Four, he was lucky.
But these answers also came with a few questions. Why did Itachi not kill him? Why did he sell Sasuke at a large price? And lastly, how did Orochimaru know of him?
Orochimaru was known throughout the city. His name made infamous and was feared by all, except for one. That was Itachi. Who was this boy? When Orochimaru assumed that Itachi had "tasted him" Itachi really hadn't. But then why was he so valuable?
But that all didn't matter. At least, not now. All Sasuke had to do was to give good sex and he would be kept. Not thrown away like all those other whores he had seen die on the streets.
A/N: So? Love it? Hate it? Just review. Oh and be sure to read Yaoifan01's "Hitman". It's awesome. You can read this at the same time as well; this plot doesn't interfere with her's!