I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho. If I did, I wouldn't be working off a computer with a temperamental mouse. While Full Moon Rising was the first posted story, this one is my first YYH story. The first chapter is short, but I feel it is a good introduction. I'll let you decide however.

Chapter One- Secret Life

The streets of Sarayashiki, Japan were well-lit, yet seemed empty of life, a fact that did not please the hunter. How could he feed if there were no humans to feast on?

Footsteps caught his attention and he looked down from the rooftop he was perched on. Hunger filled his emerald eyes as he examined his prey. The hunger faded when he realized whom he was looking at: Kayko.

He couldn't feed on Kayko. Yusuke would be furious if he found someone had killed his girlfriend. Besides, she was a sweet girl and he vowed to never kill a friend just to satisfy his bloodlust.

He sighed. An empty street usually meant another trip to the bar. He despised having to pick up a drunkard to feed off of, but what choice was there? With another sigh, filled with resentment, he sped off towards the nearest pub.


The hunter sat on one of the bar stools, swirling the water in his glass around in boredom. He didn't want water, he desired blood. Yet, for all appearances, he had to have something in front of him so as not to seem suspicious. His eyes scanned the room, trying to find the right human to be his prey.

He finally found one that would suit his purposes. He was tall and wide with big tattooed muscles and was totally drunk. And judging from his leather attire, he was single, too. Turning on the charm, the green-eyed hunter sauntered up to the man.

"My, my," the hunter purred. "It seems that I have found what I have been searching for in you."

"What you talkin' about, kid?" the drunkard slurred.

Flipping his ruby hair over his shoulder, the hunter replied, "I was looking for a big strong man to spend the evening with and you fit the bill."

"Do I now?"


"Then, let's get started."

The redhead grinned as he led his unsuspecting victim out to the back of the pub. He planted kisses along the man's jawline and down to the neck. He licked and sucked at the skin that covered the main artery on the neck, making the drunk moan with pleasure. The moan turned into a scream of pain when the hunter sunk a pair of white fangs into his neck.

Within minutes, the drunk fell to the ground, completely drained of blood. Wiping his mouth, the vampire, Kurama, whispered regretfully, "Thank you very much. You have absolutely made my evening." Then, as silent as a cat, he slipped away into the shadows.

My next chapter will explain how Kurama became a vampire. I'm currently working on chapter two of Vampire Stalker II for those who are YGO fans.