Chapter 1-


Kagome, a young girl as you might say, focuses on nothing but her schoolwork and hardly ever gets out for friends or for relationships of any kind. Kagomae is often found by her parents sitting in her room hunched at her desk in the corner and using the dim lighting of a table lamp on the desk, to light the path of what she looks down upon, whether it be reading or writing.

Though as gorgeous as many told her to be, she hadn't ever found herself to be in a relationship with a guys, finding it would only get in the way of her school work. With her raven black hair just hanging to mid-back and her breathe taking dark brown eyes, many guys at her school found themselves often staring to her, others mentally picturing her without he clothes and just wanting to get in her pants.

She was 'off-limits' though to any guy who wanted her as she wanted nothing to do with. Many of them thought her to be conceded, prude and a bitch as many would say. Though those who said that were all those who did not know her, true she would ignore any guy who tried speaking with her an often rolled her eyes when asked on a date, but it was that of the mere fact that she simply wasn't interested in a relationship and got annoyed when asked.


Kagome walked down the streets of the dimly lit city, her back pack resting lightly against her back as the strap curved around her shoulders and back down to the pack. With each stepped, it bounce against her back, tapping her lightly as the bottoms or her jeans and shoes scratched against the surface of the concrete.

Looking up to the sky, Kagome sighed softly to herself and sped up her pace, seeing dark clouds forming in the sky, bringing what looked to bring rain. The walk home was still long, but it was usually nice, except for the chance of rain.

It was dark out due to the rain coming until it finally hit, coming down hard on first impact and immediately soaking Kagome and her clothing. Her black hair clung to the sides of her face, as her clothes formed to every curve of her body and made her feel rather uncomfortable. Her bra could be seen clearly through her now transparent white top, as her nipples perked up lightly as the rain hit her chest.

Kagome groaned as she stopped running for a moment, and looked around her, hoping to find maybe a short-cut of some kind before the rain soaked through her bag and damaged her books and papers, or better yet she got sick.

Looking to her right, she hesitated for a moment as she noticed an ally that cut through the street she was currently on and would cut her trip in half, though being dark out and the length of the ally, it seemed a bit risky and didn't seem such a good idea. She had taken it once before, but it was light out and there were plenty of people around, making her feel more comfort when she cut through it.

Standing there for a moment as the rain poured down upon her small body, she groaned lightly then made her way over to the ally until reaching it when she began to make her way cautiously through it, her fingers crossed.

She sped up her pace as she made her way through it until she froze with fear as she heard a low voice just behind her, a voice she recognized to be one of which a boy from her school, a frail young boy just her age who seemed to have a crush on her for the longest time until it seemed he had finally given up on her, or so it seemed.

"Kagome, now, now. What's the hurry to leave so soon?" He said through a wide grin as he leaned up against the side of one of the buildings, his eyes glare upon Kagome.

Kagome slowly turned to look to him, seeing Hojo leaning up against the building with a smirk on his face, his arms crossed at his chest. "I'm in no mood Hojo, I'm soaking wet as it is and I'm headed home, it would be in your best to just back off." Kagome shook from the cold rain pouring down upon her and from the sheer fact of fear of what might happen.

Hojo shook his head and tsked her lightly as he leaned off the wall and slowly began to walk torwards her, Kagome slowly took a step back with each step he took forward until her back hit against the side wall of the opposite side of the ally in which Hojo had just been leaned against.

Hojo placed his hands against the wall at each of her sides and continued to smirk to her, eying her chest as enjoying the view of which he saw and the fact that he had Kagome, seeing the fear in her eyes and the helplessness of her current situation. She was his until he was to let her free.

Kagomae stared to him, unsure what to do, what to say, but looked to him and just hoped he would back off, there was nothing she could do, it was in the fate of his hands and she was helpless to him.

Hojo, pressed his body against her, pressing his groin to the place between her legs as her grabbed both her wrist and placed her arms above her head and used his hand to pin the to the side of the building while the other hand made it's way slowly up her shirt, her cold hands grazing along her bare skin and making shivers shoot up through her spine. He leaned in and licked the side of her face, showing a side of him no one had ever seen before.

Hojo was always so quiet, always going google-eyed over Kagome, but not much of a a talker, or one to really pick fights with others, let alone the fact he wasn't that large of a guy, but Kagome now could see, he was stronger than he looked.

"Kagomeā€¦ I'm going to take you as mine whether you allow me to or no." He whispered into her ear as her pressed his body tighter against Kagome's.

Kagome closed her eyes tightly as she prayed for it all just to end, what else could she do, she was at his mercy and she could feel his hand that was beneath her shirt inching further and further up. She stood there for a moment, still in shock of everything that was happening until finally she got an idea and knee'd Hojo hard between the legs, making him cry out in pain and falter to the the grimy concrete flooring of the ally.

Kagome immediately made a run for it but only made it a few steps as the fallen Hojo reached up and grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked hard making her fall hard to the ground.

Kagome lay there, her eyes tightly closed as Hojo slowly got up, swelling with anger as he stepped to her side and kicked her hard in the gut, making her cry out in pain and curl up lightly as she wrapped her arms around her stomach.

The rain poured harder the even down upon Kagome's now frail body, tears falling from her cheeks and blending in with the rain as she kept her eyes closed tightly, not wanting to see, nor did she want to hear, but just wanted it to all end, until she slowly blacked out, leaving consciousness.


-Okay, so what do you guys think about the first chapter of my first story? Well I'm not really sure if it's good or not, I mean I like it so far and it's going to be long, I've got the plot in mind and everything, but don't think I'll be giving anything away! But yeah, leave me some responses on what ya think, I'll take any criticism you throw at me and I'll do my best to tweak things on the next chapter for things you like and don't like.