A/N: This is my first Kingdom Hearts fic, I hope you like it, I did the best I could. It was gonna be a longer story, but I discovered I kinda went overboard with the fluff scene in here so I decided, what the hell, make it my first Sokai. This chappie is really fluffy, so if you don't like a lot of fluffiness, leave now! Other than that, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts. If I did I would definitely have more SoraxKairi in there

Three children, two boys and one girl, sat on the dock of a small island, watching the sun set as it seemed do disappear under the leagues of the ocean. A boy around the age of fourteen with gravity-defying brown spiky hair looked over at his other friends, a boy around fifteen with shoulder-length silver hair and a girl about the same age as himself with short red, auburn hair. He turned back to watching the sunset when the silver-haired boy suddenly spoke, breaking the silence between the three friends.

" Well, it's getting kinda late guys, plus my mom wants me home right in time for dinner." The boy stood up, brushing himself off and turning to leave when the spiky-haired boy turned his body around so he was facing the older boy.

" Okay, we'll see you later, Riku!" The boy smiled cheesily.

" Don't you have to go home too soon, Sora?" The girl questioned her friend.

" Naw, I'd rather stay here for a bit and watch the sunset, if you don't mind Kairi?" The girl named Kairi giggled, shaking her head.

" Of course I don't mind Sora! I love your company!" She giggled and Sora blushed a bit.

Riku, having seemed to have loosed his friends' attention, smiled at two younger teens, then spoke one more time before leaving. " Yeah, well I'll see you two later! See yah!" He turned and walked away, leaving his friends all by themselves.

" Don't forget tomorrow, okay, Riku? We need to work on that school project!" Kairi called back at the last minute. The boy just waved his hand, his back still turned to them, signaling them that he heard her call. It wasn't long until he jumped into his boat and started rowing toward the main island where everyone on Destiny Islands lived. Sora and Kairi watched as their friend rowed away from their island until he was only a small, tiny dot, then turned back to the sunset.

" The sunset is beautiful, isn't it Sora?" Kairi asked her friend as she watched the sun disappear beneath the ocean, leaving the sky in a mix of orange, yellow, and red.

But Sora hadn't been staring at the sunset. He watched the girl's features closely, watching her breath in and out and how her beautiful, auburn hair swayed slowly in the breeze. He ignored all his surroundings...focusing on one thing only...Kairi. She was the only beautiful thing he saw right now, not the ocean, not the sunset, not anything, just her. How he adored her, he always had, since the day she moved on Destiny Islands when he and Riku were around seven and eight. He thought she was the most beautiful girl on the island. He kept watching her breath steadily, staring at her rosy, pink lips, wishing that one day he could actually taste them with his own.

Finally, he answered her question, but it came differently than she expected, " Yeah...you are."

Kairi jolted her head, facing Sora's, a surprised look on her face. Sora immediately realized what he just said and turned away, looking down at his face, his face a bright, burning red. He spoke immediately, stuttering nervously" I-I'm, s-s-sorry, K-Kai, I-I-I d-didn't mean...i-it...I-I...i-it's just...y-you..."

Sora was too nervous to even finish. He expected Kairi to yell at him now, maybe even slap him. The look on her face had definitely given it away. 'Way t' go, Sora, now you've lost the girl of your dreams forever!' He kept looking down at his feet, too afraid to look back at her. He heard Kairi scoot closer toward him, but he still wouldn't look up. He waited fearfully for Kairi's hand to slap him furiously across his cheek. She brought her hand to his cheek, but she didn't slap it. But...cup it with her hand instead.

" Sora..." She whispered soothingly, and he looked up into eyes, his cobalt orbs staring into her pale, violet ones. It was then he felt something he had never felt before, only dreamed of. Kairi had moved her head toward his in a slow, gentle motion, then laid her lips over his. Sora's heart skipped a beat. He felt that he died on gone to heaven that moment. Kairi was...kissing him.

Sora eyes were still widened in surprise; he was so frozen he didn't know what to do. 'Kiss her back numbskull!' His mind yelled in his head. He snapped out of his daze, closed his eyes and began kissing her back. He felt Kairi's tongue licking his lips, asking for entrance and he happily obliged. He moaned as Kairis tongue plunged into his, and she ran her tongue over his own. Sora moaned in pleasure. ' This can't be happening. I'm dreaming right? Kairi is...actually kissing me. Oh my god, it feels so good! Oh Kairi.'

Not breaking the kiss, Kairi wrapped her arms around Sora's neck, and Sora responded by wrapping his around her thin, petite waist. Kairi giggled into their kiss, moving her arms away from his neck to the top of his head, running her fingers through his soft, spiky hair locks, pushing him onto her more. They were so close; she could actually feel his heart beating against her chest as hers beat along with it.

Sora caressed his tongue with hers, opening their mouths so they could get a breath of air, still not breaking the passionate kiss they shared between them. The two young adolescents soon had made it even more heated, and Sora slowly moved over Kairi, but his body was elevated so he wasn't exactly on her. The sun had soon subsided, and a full, white moon had taken its place. The sand was no longer a light brown, but now a pale gray, shining in the moonlight, making it a magical setting for the two, young lovers.

Finally, after what seemed like hours on end, Sora broke the kiss, panting heavily. Never had he been so long without actually breathing in his life, but he didn't care, he loved every second of it. 'Does this mean she feels the same?' ( a/n: Yea, Sora's pretty naive isn't he?)

" Kairi...that was...wow..." He spoke between breaths. He still couldn't believe that the make-out session they just had really happened. He sat down beside the redhead, still catching his breath, as Kairi cuddled against him.

" You're...not a bad kisser yourself." The girl assured as Sora looked down at her. He knew now probably Kairi felt the same but he just wanted to make sure. He didn't know why, but he just thought he should.

" Kai...?" She looked up at him at the mention of her name, or nickname to be put short. " Does this mean...that...well-" But the boy didn't have a chance to finish.

" Sora, I don't think we could just be friends after something like that." The young girl giggled, but her face immediately turned normal. " Cause the truth is Sora, what you said to me earlier, really touched me. I knew you thought I was probably angry or something, but I was actually just really surprised. I...have never been told something like that before, not even from Riku." A small tear trickled down her face as she spoke. " Because Sora...I-I...I love you."

Sora's heart started to beat over a million miles an hour. He couldn't believe what he just he heard. The three words he always dreamed of coming out of Kairi's mouth to him was just said, right there, at that moment. 'She loves me? She really actually loves me? I'm dreaming...this has to be dreaming! This is really happening! Kairi loves me?' Sora felt his stomach burst with butterflies, he felt like the happiest guy in the world. He didn't know what to say, so he could do what he could think of doing.

Sora captured her lips, pulling the two into a deep, passionate kiss. Kairi was shocked a little, but she gladly responded and kissed him back, putting more into it. The kiss only lasted a couple seconds until Sora pulled away, tears streaming down his face.

" Oh Kairi! I love you too! I love you so much! I just always thought you would reject me!" Kairi couldn't believe her eyes, the boy she had known since first grade was crying. She had never seen him cry before; only once when he broken his arm in a blitz ball game he had been playing with Tidus and Wakka when he was around ten-years-old. But who wouldn't; it probably hurt like hell. But these tears weren't of pain or sadness...they were tears of happiness, for her.

" I would never reject you Sora...I love you with all my heart. I was just like you though, I was to afraid to ask, 'cause I always thought you would reject me! But what you said to me today, made me realize...that you felt the same."

Sora had soon wiped away his tears, but his eyes were still blotchy and red. 'She probably thinks I'm a sissy.' " I guess that makes two of us...hehe." He lowered his head when she looked at him. " Sorry that you saw me crying...you probably think I'm a sissy now."

Kairi couldn't help but smile. She cuddled closer to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and placed a small peck on his lips. " I don't think you're a sissy, Sora. But if you prefer being called that, you can be my sissy."

" Gee, thanks." Sora mumbled sarcastically, and they both laughed. Suddenly, as they were both laughing, Sora felt some kind of of pointed object fall right on top of his head, falling into his lap. " Ow! What the hell!" He yelled, rubbing the sore spot on his head, not noticing what had hit him in the first place. Kairi instead bothered to look...a star-shaped fruit, about the size of a grapefruit( a/n: I think that's how big it is...grapfruits are about that big right? oh well), with a small leaf on the edge of one of the points. She picked up the fruit out of his lap, staring at it confusingly.

" A...paupo fruit?" She spoke as she stared at the fruit in awe. Sora, hearing her say "paupo", immediately gazed up and looked at the fruit along with her.

" Huh? How can that be? The paupo tree is over there, on the small island where me and Riku always sword-fight." He still had no idea how it could've got where they are, " Maybe a seagull dropped it or something..."

" Must've been a pretty strong seagull, 'cause these paupo's aren't exactly feather-light." Kairi assured, and Sora nodded, rubbing the sore spot on his head.

" You can say that again..." He pouted and Kairi couldn't help but giggle at the sight of his famous puppy-pout. There was quick silence between the two before Sora carefully picked up the paupo where Kairi had laid in on the ground during their silence, holding up close to the redhead next to him. " Kairi? Since we...well...have this and all...I was wondering...would you...like to...uh..."

"...Share it?" Kairi finished for him and he nodded, a slight blush on his face. She looked into his azure eyes and nodded. " I would love to Sora." Sora, knowing she was ready, slowly ripped the paupo fruit in half, the sweet, sour juices dripping out as he tore the fruit. When he was done, he gave one half to Kairi, keeping the other half for himself. They brought the pieces of the fruit up to their mouths, but before they had a chance to take a bite of it, Sora spoke again.

" On the count of three...ok?" Kairi nodded and they both started counting.

" One..."

" Two..."

" THREE!" The both yelled in unison, and at the same time they took a bite of their fruit, tasting the sweet juices in their mouth as it ran down their throats. Before Kairi could swallow her piece, she felt Sora place his lips upon hers, and the paupo juices run down the corner of their mouths, Kairi returning the kiss in equal or more passion.

Soon they had both finished their paupo pieces and Kairi was in-between Sora's legs, resting her head on the crook of his neck as they stared silently at the moon and stars in the sky, listening to the sound of crickets chirping around them. Kairi didn't want to leave the position she was in, but she had to get home, her mom was probably getting worried because she had never came home this late before.

" Sora..." He looked down at her, letting her know he was listening. " It's getting pretty late, my mom is probably wondering where I am." Sora nodded, getting up from behind her so she could pick herself onto her feet.

" Could I walk you home?" He asked nervously, shuffling his feet. Kairi giggled at him and latched her hands with his.

" I'd love that Sora..." He perked up and they walk hand-in-hand to where their boats were docked on the island. Little did they know though, this night was about to get a little more...interesting.

A/N: Hmm, I wonder what could be make the night even more interesting? You guys could probably guess though...it's so obvious! I'll try to write the next chappie as soon as possible, but one of my family member's are sick and me and my mom have to go every day pretty much to check up on them. But I promise I won't leave you guys hanging, hopefully I'll have it up before the end of July. But meanwhile, please R&R, just no flames please, cause those really don't inspire me to continue writing more...lol