HEY! How are you all? I'm great! This is my third story for Harry Potter (not counting my DP/HP Xovers) and my 20th story in all! This is a great moment, a moment's silence. . . . . . . . that's done!
This story is probally PG-13, at least the first few chapters, they deal with something that a lot of teens these days have to deal with. If you think this is a funny subject or are not mature enough to handle it please turn back now. These are real issues.
Don't worry, there are some comic relief moments, come on! It's me!
Anyway, on with the story!
You know how one thing can ruin your life? One stupid mistake. I'm not saying that this was a mistake or that it ruined my life, it just made my life even more difficult than it already was. It was, however, stupid - to a point. If we hadn't done it this would have never happened. Many bad things have come from this, but many good things as well.
I never meant to sleep with her, it just happened. I know that's every teenage father's excuse, but really.
Anyway, it started just as my first week of summer ended. I had finally graduated from Hogwarts and defeated Voldemort. I was thinking my life would finally be normal, somewhat. I was wrong . . .
Harry heard someone knock at the front door, he didn't bother getting up - he knew it wasn't for him. Only a few people knew that another boy apart from his cousin Dudley lived here and they weren't due to come for another week.
He heard his Uncle open the door and say something - he couldn't make out what either person were say thing, then - "Boy! Get down here!" his Uncle shouted.
Harry quickly jumped out of his bed and ran down the stairs two at a time, maybe the Weasleys had come early. Harry stopped at the last stair as he saw his girl friend, Ginny Weasley. "Ginny, what are you doing here?" he asked her.
Ginny just smiled and ran up to him, she threw her arms around his neck and give him one of the most passionate kisses he had ever had. When she pulled away he smiled. "Wow, didn't know you missed me that much."
She put on a small smile and said, "I really need to talk to you," she looked over to Harry's aunt, uncle and cousin - all of which had their mouth wide open - "Alone."
Harry nodded and pulled her out the front door, they started to walk down the street. Harry looked over to Ginny; she looked very pale, her face showed a mixture of fear, nervousness and a little excitement.
They two stopped in the park, it was completely empty, and Harry turned to Ginny. "What was it that you had to tell me?"
"I-I," Ginny sighed. "This is really hard for me, Harry."
Harry took her hands in his. "Please, you can tell me anything."
She smiled softly and nodded. "Well Harry, I'm . . . p-pregnant," she finally choked out.
Harry stood there for a moment, shocked. "W-what?"
She cleared her throat again and explained. "Well, you see I was late and was getting scared because we slept together in the room of requirements. I told my mom everything; that we didn't mean to, things just got out of hand after we practiced some spells together. Then I told her I was late, she did a magical pregnancy test, which is right 100 of the time and-" Ginny paused for a moment and looked into Harry's eyes, "and it was positive. I'm sorry, this probably ruined your life."
"No Ginny, I'm sorry," said Harry, "We shouldn't have - I should have stopped the moment things got too serious there in the room."
"Harry, I don't blame you completely. It was my choice as well, it's just," Ginny closed her eye and her voice cracked, when she opened her eyes again a tear rolled out. "I'm scared," she admitted.
Harry quickly pulled her into a hug and she started to cry softly in his shoulder. "It's okay, Ginny. We can do this," he whispered soothing words to her, if only he could fully believe them himself.
After a few minutes of this Ginny pulled away from him a little. "My parents and I have talked a lot of this out, in the magical world you can get rid of a baby - just like in the muggle world, but my parents have never supported that. They gave me the choice though, and I'm going to keep the baby."
Harry nodded at this. "I understand," he said quietly.
"We have everything planned out. I'm sorry that you're one of the last to know. The only other people in my family that know are my parents, but they also talked with Dumbledore and McGonagall," she said. "They have agreed to send someone over the school year to home school me, then I'll take my N.E.W.T.s at home."
"But, your going to miss your last year at Hogwarts!" exclaimed Harry. "You were going to become Quidditch Captain, and what about your friends?"
"They will understand, I'm sure. And as for Quidditch, it's not the end of the world," insisted Ginny. Then she hesitated for a moment, finally she continued. "There is one other thing, my parents think it would be better if you were married. They said it was up to us, though."
Harry smiled. "Well," he started nervously, "I was planning on it after you graduated next year, if we were still together that is."
Ginny smiled. "So do you mind moving that thought up a year?" she asked.
He nodded and got down on one knee. "Ginny Weasley, future mother of my child, will you marry me?"
"Yes, I'd love to," she said blushing a little. Harry stood up and Ginny put her arms around his neck once again, this time the kiss was even more passionate. After breaking it off they started back toward Harry's 'house'.
"You can start packing when we get back, then we can leave tonight on the Knight Bus," said Ginny. "Mum and Dad said you can stay as long as you want."
Harry nodded. "When should we get married? After or before the baby?" asked Harry. It felt odd saying that, saying that he was going to be a father.
"I don't know, I'd like to wait until I come of age I think," said Ginny tightening the grip on Harry's hand. "And I think it would be wise to stay with my mum for a while, being the youngest I don't know much about taking care of babies. Maybe next summer sometime, they baby will be born sometime in December or January. We'd be able to get pointers of how to raise him or her then we could get married near the end of the summer, the baby would be about seven months old then."
Harry returned the squeeze. "With the money my parents left me we could buy a house and move in afterwards." Harry saw her nervous face at this. "It can be close to your parents, I know all this has to be the most frightening to you. I won't be having the baby or leaving my parents for the first time."
Ginny nodded. "I'm glad you understand, Harry. I definitely don't want to move too far away from my family," she paused for a moment, "Who should be the baby's godfather or godmother? I know you had one and it would probably be important to you."
Harry thought about it for a moment. "Well it doesn't have to be Ron, he'll be an uncle. Maybe Hermione can be the godmother," suggested Harry.
Ginny smiled. "That sounds wonderful."
Finally they arrived back at the house, they both went up to Harry's room and packed. Harry came down the stairs with almost everything he owned; he had to shrink a lot of things.
"What are you doing, boy?" snapped his uncle.
"I'm leaving, you should be happy, it's probably for forever," his aunt, uncle and cousin looked as if Christmas had come early, "I'd say it's been great, but I really don't feel like lying."
"Same with us, boy."
Ginny and Harry turned to leave, they opened the door but before walking out Harry turned back to the three. "Even though you probably won't care, I'll tell you anyway. This is Ginny Weasley, my fiancée." Ginny smiled.
And without another word the two left three very confused people with their mouths hanging wide open.
As Ginny and Harry waited for the Knight Bus they continued to talk about the baby, this time it was the name.
"What name would you like if it's a girl?" asked Harry.
"I've always liked the name Rose," answered Ginny sheepishly. "I always wished it was my name, ever since I was given a rose on my fifth birthday."
"And a perfect middle name would be Lily," said Harry smiling, Ginny agreed to this. If they had a girl it would be Rose Lily Weasley, that was until they got married, then they would change it to Rose Lily Potter.
"And for a boy?" asked Harry.
Ginny thought for a moment, then answered. "How about Taylor James Weasley, then Taylor James Potter when we're married?"
"I love it," he answered, and put an arm around Ginny, "But I love you more." Ginny blushed.
Finally the Knight Bus pulled up and took them to the Burrow.
They walked in the front door and to the kitchen where Mrs. Weasley was. "Mom, we're home," said Ginny.
Mrs. Weasley turned to them and smiled, then she came over and hugged Harry tightly. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Weasley," said Harry after she released him, "You probably will never trust me again."
"Of course not Harry," said Mrs. Weasley. "Almost the exact same thing happened to me, I was a year older than Ginny though. It was a week before we graduated that I found out," she said, "We got married that summer, and here we are, as strong as ever. It's really nothing to be angry at, what's done is done."
Harry smiled. "Thank you Mrs. Weasley."
"Yes, well have you and Ginny decided if you will get married?" she asked.
Harry nodded, "Yes, probably next summer," said Harry, and then added, "If it's okay with you and Mr. Weasley."
"Of course it is, but after that, or maybe before you have to start calling us Molly and Arthur," said Mrs. Weasley. "I know you will probably be embarrassed to do this, but you must. I think we should tell your brothers as soon as possible. I'm making a huge dinner tonight so it will be a perfect time."
Harry flinched, he was afraid of this. "Just make sure there are no knives around, I'm sure Ron will want to kill me. Same goes for the rest of them," said Harry. "What about Hermione? Is she here?"
Mrs. Weasley nodded. "She's just over for a week, then she's going back home for a while. She pops in from time to time," she answered.
A few minutes later Mrs. Weasley called everyone down for dinner.
Ron and Hermione greeted Harry as if they hadn't seen him in a year, Fred and George started telling them about a new product for their Joke shop and the rest of the Weasley children were out on their own. Mr. Weasley walked in the door a few minutes later and the dinner started.
Harry and Ginny sat next to each other; they were clutching each other's hands tightly. Harry found that he could barely eat the meal in front of him, he took a few bites, which was more that Ginny - she hadn't eaten anything.
After everyone was done Mrs. Weasley stood up. "Everyone, Ginny and Harry have something to say," she turned to the two of them. Both had gone pale and were shaking their head 'no.' Mrs. Weasley nodded and continued, "They are really nervous, I'll just tell you," she took a deep breath, "Harry and Ginny will be getting married sometime in the next year, next summer probably." Mrs. Weasley said this very quickly.
There was a short silence, finally a volley of questions were thrown at them.
"That's great!"
"But you are so young, can't you wait?"
The last comment came from Hermione.
"No Hermione, they can't," said Mr. Weasley, "There is more."
"More?" echoed Hermione, she and everyone else turned to Harry and Ginny - they were staring at their plates.
"Yes, Ginny is . . .pregnant," said Mrs. Weasley.
It was the loudest silence Harry and Ginny had ever had to endure. Finally . . .
"WHAT!" exclaimed Ron, Fred and George standing. Harry flinched, this is exactly what he thought would happen.
Ron turned from his sister to his best friend, then to his parents. "Am I the only one that is concerned with this?" he asked sharply.
"Ron honey, I was only one year older than Ginny when I first got pregnant," said Mrs. Weasley.
"I'm not saying what they did was right, but they are taking responsibility for their actions," she explained, "I gave Ginny the choice of getting rid of the baby, but she wants to keep it. The both of them do. They know what's in store for them."
"Ron," said Harry speaking for the first time, everyone turned to him, "I'm sorry. I know we shouldn't have, it was wrong. This wasn't Ginny's fault, don't be mad at her."
Ginny spoke up as well, "But it wasn't Harry's fault either, we are both at fault. We shouldn't have done it, things got out of hand. But please don't be angry with Harry, you two are the best of friends. And besides, you always were closer than brothers and now you'll be brother-in-laws."
Ron stood there staring at them for a moment, same with Fred and George. Finally the three sighed and one by one sat back down.
"Thanks," said Ginny and Harry at the same time.
For the next hour they explained how the next year would go as far as Ginny's schooling. They turned to Ginny and Harry asking them if they had any idea what names they wanted for the baby.
"Rose Lily Potter if it's a girl, Weasley until we get married-" said Ginny.
"And Taylor James Potter for a boy, and again Weasley until we're married." finished Harry.
"And we also decided that Hermione," started Ginny turning to her, "You will be the godmother, we would have picked Ron as godfather but he's going to be an uncle. This way you can be part of the family as well."
Hermione looked shocked, then she smiled. "Thank you."
Mrs. Weasley looked at the clock. "It's time to go to bed, all of you," she said. The teens walked up to their rooms and fell asleep the moment their heads touched the pillow.
I hope you like it! Please review and tell me if I should change anything, or give me some ideas. I want to make this story good!
I bid you a fond farwell!
Please review!
-Phantom of a Rose O.o If it's weird you need, I'm your girl!