W00T!! I've made it to chap. 5!!!!! Ok, Nezu is in 11th grade and Ed is in 7th...Nora is out of school Oh yeah, I'm changing Nezumi, Ed, and Noraneko's last name to Eikimono...I just like it better (my friend helped me pick it, u know who u r!) . Sorry for any spelling mistakes, i have no spell check on my computer..i reread this chapter like 26 times and added soo much them what was originally written so it should be ok..sI hope the length is ok and sorry for the wait .'' ...Here we GOOOOOOOOO


Nezu's alarm clock started playing Vanilla by Gackt (if u've nver heard of him or that song listen to it/him! its on youtube somewere!!!) The song she had set it to so she didn't have to listen to the irritating "buzzer".

Her hand reached from under the covers that she had became engulfed in over the night and clicked the "Off" button. She sighed from benieth the mass of fabric.

"Damn it...only 5 hours of sleep..." she said after quickly doing the math in her head. "I'm going to be tired alllll day..."

She flopped out of bed and stumbled twords the shower.

15 min. Later

She finished pulling on her red top over her gray, longsleeved shirt. She ran out of her room and down the hall to Ed's room. She quietly snuck into his room. She could see the big bump on the bed that was Ed, moving slightly up and down as he breathed. She tiptoed to his bed and steped onto it. She suddenly started jumping up and down on his matress.


"NEZZIE!! Just a few more minutes?!" he said desperetly trying to keep her from jumping on him.

"No way!! And I thought I told you not to call me that anymore!"

"Nezzie, Nezzie, Nezzie!!!"

She roughly pushed him out of his bed making a loud "thump".


"Now make sure you're downstairs in time to get breakfast!!!" She yelled a large smile spredding across her face. "To bad I probally won't have this energy when I get to school. -- ..." She thought to herself, leaping off his bed making it more than half way to the door.

Nezumi ploped bread into the toaster and pulled the orange juice from the fridge. Shaking it as she walked toward the cubbord to retrive a cup. Di-en-Grey blasting in the backround.

She glanced at the clock, 30 minutes till she had to leave for school.

Ed plodded down the stairs, his hair wet from his shower and a towel hung over his sholders. He wore a tight black shirt and dark green cargo pants, no shoes as of yet.

"Think fast!!!!" Nezumi yelled as she chucked some toast at him,

He let out a surprized yelp as her tried to catch it. As soon as he had the piece of altered bread in his hands he turned his attention to his sister "Dude! What the fuck was that!?!?!?"

"Its your breakfast! Silly!"

"Why'd you throw it at me!?!?"

"...it's fast food."

Ed just sighed. Just then Nora came running down the steps, skiping two steps at a time. At the last step he tripped and fell flat on his face, dazed by the blow he just lay there for a few seconds.

Nezu and Ed just stared at his back...after a few seconds Ed strted laughing, Nezu just stood there.

"Nora, you're an idiot" she said blankly.

"I know" he mumbled to the floor. He slowly got up, shook it off and continued rushing through the kitchen. Grabbing a piece of toast from Nezu and let it sit inbetween his teeth.

"Hey! That was my breakfast!"

Nora ignored her and continued to get ready. He jumped on one foot as he pulled on his combat boots. He grabbed his keys from the counter and headed for the door. Grabbing his dark green gym bag he opened the door.

"Igottogoori'llbelateBYE!!" He said in one breath and slammed the door. He jumped into his dark red Mini Cooper S and pulled out of the driv way, almost hitting the mailbox.

"What the hell was that about? Late for what?" Nezumi questioned after the door slamed shut.

"He finally got a job." Ed replied dully, slipping on his sneakers.

"Really? What does he do?"

"I dunno, he didn't say."

"Why'd he take his gym bag?"

"Probally his uniform or somthin'."

"...whatever..I'd better go too...I don't wanna be late. Bye Ed!"


Nezu picked up her messenger bag and slung it over her shoulder. She patted her younger brother on his head and walked out the door.

"sigh...no more energy..." She hung her head and practitally drug her backpack to school.

At School

Nezumi ploped into her seat, she glanced at the clock. She was actually a little earlier today. She looked to her side. No Kiba.

"I wonder were he is.."

"Who?" a tall teen with long blonde hair asked from behind Nezumi, making her jump.

"Whoa, that scared me...Is that a boy or a girl...?" Nezu thought slightly confused"...Well considering the voice i'd say boy."

His hair was being held back in a high pony-tail letting some of his bangs loose, which covered his left eye (it is his left eye right?) . He was wearing a simple red, long sleeved shirt and a pair of black jeans, a random green line going around the knee area. He was fiddling with a small clump of clay.

"Uhh...Kiba. Have you always been in this class?"

"Nope, I had to be moved into this class, 'cause i guess a whole class of held-back seinors was to much for the teacher to take..But I've never seen you're face before. New?

"Yeah, I just got here like a month ago..like in late September. I'm so glad I got to get here in time to see the leaves change colors, it's beautiful!"

"It is...so are you a Sophmore, un?"

"Yup..and you're a senior, but have been held back in english?"

"Exactly, I just don't see when I'm going to write a poem, or an essay for my life..so I constantly flunk!"

"What kind of stuff do you plan on getting into after school?"

"Somthing to do with art..mostly clay, un!" He said as he held up the random peice of clay.

"Fun! Art is awesome!"


"Ok, may I have your attention please." Iruka said, interupting their convorsation. "I have just one paper I would like you to complete..After you have completed it you may use the rest of the period as a study hall."

He passed out the paper. A few kids just put it their notebooks without even glancing at it (heh, that's what I do .) Nezu decided just to do it quickly so she wouldn't have to deal with it later.

She had soon finished. Still no Kiba

"I guess he's sick..."she shruged "..or he'd probally be here by now.."

Nezu turned around to the boy behind her. He was curently making a small version of the Venus de Milo but with arms. She watched him morf the clay to how he wanted and he procided to rip of the arms (just like the real thing).

"...That's really good..looks like the real thing."

"Yes...It's my favorite sculpture." He quickly slamed his hand down onto the work of art, crushing it.

"Why'd you do that?! It was really good!!"

"Well...you saw it didn't you?"


"And I did...and that's two poeple and thats good enough for me."

"But you could have kept it..."

"Yeah but I like this idea better."

"..But.." He just simply smiled at her. "Whatever.."

Nezu quickly realized sumthing and smiled smiled. "Heh heh..what's you're name??"

"Deidara! You?"

"Nezumi. You can just call me Nezu if you want."

"Ok...can I call you Umi?"

"Uhh..sure. No one's called me that before."

"Really? I like it!"

Skip to the Last 20 Minutes of Biology (2nd Period)

The whole class was just teaching of new matirial. The students were currently working on the worksheet he had them do, followed by their homework.

Nezu was concitrated on her work. She didn't notice Kiba had walked in and up to Mr. Hatake's desk (. what? You didn't think I'd fit Kakashi is here? 3 till he spoke.

"You're almost two hours late." A random voice in the class room spoke out 'That's nothing compared to you Kakashi!!!' " Shut up Naruto!" He glared at the teen siiting a few chairs from you. "And you're not allowd to call me Kakashi!!" He turned his attention back to the Inuzuka. "Did you sign in at the office?"


"Ok, here's the papers you need to do. You can have Ms. Eikimono help catch up with what you missed today...I belive she takes good notes.."

"K.." He walked over and sat next to Nezu. Kakashi turned back to his little red book he had been reading.

"Hey, what I miss?"

"Hi, not much..I'll let you borrow my notes later. Why so late?"

"Heh..I just didn't feel like coming to English..getting out of science was just a bonus." He said slightly laughing. "So did I miss anything in English?"

"Nope, not really."

"So, you wanna do somthin' later after school? There this cafe' that just opened a few days ago. You wanna go check that out?"


"Ok, i'll meet you once school lets out at the main entrance."


The rest of school had gone by slowly like normal (i don't wanna bore you with the details) . The bell rang and Nezu qiuckly got from her seat and walked down the hallways, stealthfully avoiding people. Weaving around the other teens she though to her self "Damn freshman...they need to learn to not stop in the middle of the halls!! I didn't do it when I was a freshman at my old school!! Why should they!? And it's not just the freshman, the others do it too . ! Jesus, learn the rules of the 'road'..." when she unknowingly knocked someone over..her inner rant iterupted by the yelling of the girl.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!"

Nezu promptly turned around (by this time the crowds in the halls were thinning out) and stared at the girl. She had pink hair and blueish-green eyes. "Whoa, she's a unique one..hmmm, what to do...give her a 'comeback-insult' ?...Glare?...Ignore her?...I fancy the later ." With that, just as she had turned to look, she turned away.

"HEY!! I was talking to you!" She yelled, now off the ground and quickly following Nezu.

Nezu was almost to her locker...she had no idea that "Pinky" as she now refured to her, was only a few steps behind her.

Nezu opened her locker, she never bothered to lock it. Why would she bring anything of value to school? She placed most of her books and notebooks she didn't have to or want to bother with.

"BOO!!" "Pinky" roughly slamed her hands onto Nezu's shoulders.

"AAAHH!!" Nezu jumped and without thinking she spun around and kicked whoever spooked her in the stomach.

Pinky, now on the floor rubbed her stomach. "Ooowww"

"OHMYGODI'MSOSORRY!!" Nezumi quickly added to her action. "It was just a reaction!! I didn't mean to!! Hey your that one girl!"

"You're crazy.." Nezu helped her up and begun once agin to splurt out apoligies.

"It was an accident! I'm sorry! Oh and so was before...I guess I was being careless..But those damn morons who think it's ok to stop in the middle of the hall, they just make me really angry..so I push through the crowds cause they're slow..They really need to- Why are you looking at me like that?"

Pinky stared at her with a look of half amusment half irritatation...clearly becuase of her rant.

"It's ok, I understand the slow thing...I push people too." They both shared a short laugh. "And I guess I understand the reaction thing...I'm Skura Haruno by the way."

"Nezumi Eikimono...I'm kinda newish...I started..i think it was a month ago.

"Well its nice to meet you Nezumi."

"Same here, you can just call me Nezu."

"Ok...Well I gotta go..seeya 'round"

"Me too, bye!" Nezu shut her locker and dashed toward the main entrance, Sakura toward the opposite dirction.

Kiba was waiting at the entrance till Nezu came into veiw. They both headed in the direction of the cafe' together.

Ok well sorry this took so long to post...ya know...skool...and i got sick, whcih gave me some time to think, sleep and refresh my "imagination" but I just didn't feel like typing anything..yeah..i'm lazy...Dir-en-Grey is a Japanese metal band they rock!! I love this story and there is NO WAY IN HELL i'm going o stop writing it anytime soon. Oh and i'm putting some characters in here from later on in the sreies like Deidara and if u have a problem with it just tell me, i can always fill up spaces with my one characters.