Disclaimer I do not own Harry Potter, nor J.K.Rowling's characters…anything you don't recognize it's mine

Previous chapter:

James stood petrified in the middle of the dance floor for a few minutes, then slowly, made his way back to where he had seen Sirius for the last time.

'Hey, there mate. You're looking a bit down.' Sirius said with a frown 'Here, drink this' and he handed him a butterbeer, grinning when James drank the whole.

Then, he said, watching his friend. 'Sorry mate, but it's for your own good.' James watched him without understanding.

Sirius took out his wand and said 'Petrificus Totalus'.

No one saw the two boys carrying a body exit the hall, or if they did, they paid no attention to them. At Hogwarts, it was common to get drunk at a ball.

Remus and Sirius, carrying James, went towards the Astronomy tower, and stopped at the stairs. Melody had told them to wait there for her signal.

Once inside, they put James in a corner, and waited.

'You sure this'll work?' Sirius asked nervously.

'Yes. The Veritaserum will make it work. Although, I don't know about Lily…She'll be really mad at us…'

'Yeah, we should probably stay out of her way once she's out of there'

They both laughed softly, recalling memories of Lily jinxing them. 'So, what about Melody?' Remus asked with a knowing smile.

Sirius sighed heavily. 'I don't know mate. I really screwed that up. I don't even know why I did it. I suppose I was too scared of commitment.'

'But you were also too scared of letting her go' Remus added.

'It's too late now, anyways' Sirius said smiling sadly.

'It's never too late for friendship, Padfoot.'

Lily had ran in the Astronomy Tower where, she thought, she would be left alone.

She sat on the floor, not caring if her dress got dirty, and let the tears fall freely.

Why? Why? Why did I let it happen? she asked herself angrily.

Because you still love him.

Realization dawned on Lily as she realized that, indeed, she still loved the man who had broken her heart.

'I can't. It can't be possible! I don't love him. I can't love him still!' she said out loud, as she stood up fiercely, only to fall down again after uttering the next words 'Not after what he did to me…'

'What if he didn't do anything?' a soft voice asked from behind her.

Lily turned around, whipping her tears away, to find her best friend looking at her sadly.

'What did you say?' she whispered.

'I said, what if he didn't do anything?' Melody repeated.

Lily smiled bitterly 'I wish he hadn't, but I saw it with my own two eyes, Mel.'

Her friend eyed her curiously, then asked, somewhat hesitantly. 'What if there was a way to know to know the truth?'

Lily's eyes grew the size of saucers, and she asked softly, trying to hold back tears, 'What do you mean?'

Mel turned away, and stepped out of the Astronomy Tower. Lilt heard some shuffling, then footsteps, and finally, Remus and Sirius appeared, dragging a Petrified James.

Mel stepped from behind them, and handed Lily a glass of water (A/N. is it really water? Smirks you'll find out…keep on reading.). Lily eyed it warily, and then asked Mel 'What is it?'

Her friend just smiled, and said 'Drink it.'

Without questioning her any further, Lily did as she was told. Remus and Sirius stepped out of the tower, followed by Mel. They disappeared, but not before performing the counter curse and closing the door.

James groaned, then got up. He looked around him and, by his look of utter surprise, Lily deduced he hadn't know anything about their friends' plan.

'Lily? What-what are you doing here?'

She sighed. 'I really don't know, James and actually, I think I'll be going now. I don't see this leading anywhere.'

She stepped past him and advanced towards the door. She tried to open it, but the door remained ostensibly shut. She tried with her wand 'Alohomora' but it didn't seem to work either.

Then, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around.

'The door won't open. I guess Mel knew what she was doing.'

James looked her in the eye, and she held his gaze.

'Why did you left from the ball?' he asked her.

She wanted to say That's none of your business, but her mouth seemed to be working alone. 'Because I was too afraid of what was happen-' She slammed her hand on her mouth, to stop the rest of the sentence o get out. With horror, she realized she had been fed a truth potion.


James was watching her curiously, his eyes holding a mixture of surprise and…hope?

Lily realized that, if she had been fed a truth potion, then so had he. This was now her chance of finding if James had indeed cheated on her. But first, a little test should be in order.

'James', she asked sweetly, 'where did Remus went each time at the full moon?' He hadn't exactly told her, even when they were going out, though she had figured it out in fourth year.

'He went to the Shrieking Shack, to change into a werewolf.'

Horror filled his eyes as soon as he realized what he had said, and his eyes immediately held a pleading look.

'Lily, please, don't ask me anymore, I shouldn't be saying this…Oh, Sirius, you git, you are SO gonna get it!'

'James, did you or did you not cheat on me?' she asked him, her eyes betraying her apprehension.

However, she needn't worry, because James answered her question without hesitation. 'No'

'Then, what happened that day?'

She was now desperately looking for the truth.

'I came here to wait for you, but you were already here, and without even a 'hello' you started kissing me. Then, next thing I knew, you wouldn't talk to me.'

'You swear this is the truth?'

She didn't need his answer for this question because, just by the look in his eyes, she could tell he wasn't lying.

'I do.'

She couldn't hold his gaze any longer, and she didn't want him to be able to read what she was thinking, so she turned her back to him and went look over the grounds. Before long, she felt his hands on her shoulders, and he was turning her around.

She kept her head low, so he wouldn't see the tears that were threatening to fall.

He raised her chin with his finger to and bore his eyes into her emerald green ones.

'Do you still love me, Lily?' he asked her softly. 'Because I will never be able to forget you' he went on.

As she looked in his eyes, she could feel all his love surrounding her, and she knew that he was the only one that could make her feel that way. Whatever his defaults were, she was ready to accept them.

'I do, James' she said, and the tears escaped her, falling from her long eyelashes. 'And I will never cease to love you.'

His face broke into a huge grin, and he bent lower. Just before his lips touched hers he whispered 'Good, cause I'm not intending on ever letting go of you.'

As their lips met, they could have both sworn fireworks exploded all around them, and they knew, for the first time ever, with no doubt, that they were indeed meant for each other.

Neither of them saw the old man smiling from his window, petting his phoenix.

'If opposites like them can make such sparks, then indeed, Voldemort can be defeated.'

wiping away tears That was so beautiful… Well, bye my baby…I'll miss you…sobs uncontrollably and attracts odd stares…

Thank you so much to all who have reviewed this story, and to those who will. I hope you like the ending…Dea