Author's Note: -clears throat- -scratches head- -red in the face- Ummm … well I uhh … don't know what to say. Here I go. Its my first ever posted on M thingy and uhhh –points to beginning of author's note- I'm nervous as hell. Hehe but why the hell should I be? If you don't like it whatever. Hehe … well errr AxelRiku rocks and uh … hope ya'll like this. Heh R&R please.
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters.
Warnings: Mmm … implied shecks. yaoi. language. badness?
"Promise you won't leave till I find who i'm looking for too?"
That promise rose from Axel's lips one night, hung in the air, resided in his eyes on that night and every night after that.
Riku agreed with the words every night with the way his lips would work their way across Axel's blushing flesh, with the way his fingers worked on his heated skin, and the bruised petals upon Axel's face would plead for Riku to take things faster because he knew that when the time came for it, each thrust upon his body would be a word that came together to form the other end of the question, "I won't leave until we both find who we're looking for. Promise."
And Axel would allow a last moan to be torn out from his raw throat, deeper words hidden within the core, "I believe you."
As each finger curled around each other, interlocking to fit perfectly and remind the other of one once loved and lost the silent and yet so deafening words would curl around them, nearly choking them with how close they were.
"I won't let you leave until we both can willingly."
And almost as quickly as they came, "I promise."
No longer was Axel the one the promise was being pounded into, body, mind, and soul (no heart mind you) but it was Riku who was swallowing the words quickly as if his next second relied on them.
Hmmmm ... maybe it did after all though.
He spent a month believing Riku's words, swallowing them so that they became him and lived in his soul (not heart) and look what happened now.
Riku chewed the words for a month then spit them back out like a fading taste and replaced them with new ones.
"I knew we'd find each other again Sora."
Axel wanted nothing more than to throw those fucking words back up, flushing and letting them die into the ocean. The words meant nothing to him, meant shit to him, like Riku and he couldn't believe he let himself rely on the promise like fucking food or water.
Never again.
Though still, Axel wondered why he was getting so worked up over this. He couldn't feel and Riku, all this, meant nothing to him. He had no heart remember?
...Well apparently, neither did Riku.
Author's Note: Uhhh ... review?