Disclaimer: I really don't see owning Fullmetal alchemist in MY new future. Maybe if I become friends with Arakawa-sensei, and mindlessly hint when it's approaching my birthday…

Note: It's kind of based off of the manga, more specifically the events of Chapter 53, The Soul's Guide. The thing that happens in that chapter, however, is only mentioned briefly. Or something. Also I'd like to say…this fic will probably only be a couple of chapters, depending on how lazy I am, ect, and the outcome of the story (the final chapter) may just be influenced strongly by reviewers ;P


'I can't come with you.' The word's of what must have been his brother's body continuously rang through Edward's head.

He lay on his back, staring at the clear blue, cloudless summer sky, chewing lazily on a piece of straw, his left arm tucked behind his head (Winry was repairing his right at this time.)

The words hadn't been able to leave his mind since the incident within the Gate. He knew his brother's body wouldn't last for ever…

It needed it's soul to come back, eh? Ed pulled himself up, and walked down the road, to re-visit his mother's grave. He felt like answers could come to him anywhere, and he didn't want to risk losing them. Besides, it would do him some good to visit it, anyway.

Staring at the grave before him, bearing his angel's name - 'Trisha Elric' - he gently placed some flowers atop it, with a sigh. Glancing around him, he also noticed the Rockbell graves, nearby…

He shook his head, shaking away the thought, returning his gaze to his mother's grave, when, suddenly, the notion hit him.


Winry Rockbell had been busy repairing Ed's arm for a while. Finally done, and extremely tired, she was trying to figure out where in the world he was.

Approaching his younger metal brother, she asked him to confirm her suspicions, "Hey, Al. Have you seen your dimwitted brother?"

She wiped sweat off her brow with the back of her hand as Al replied, "Huh? Oh yeah. He went…" trailing off, Al pointed a hand behind Winry, "Right there."

"Wha..?" Winry turned around to see Ed coming toward them. Fast.

"Alphonse! Winry!" Ed was sporting an almost scary grin.

With a 'what the hell' kind of look on both their faces (or as much of one as Al could manage, anyway), Winry and Al looked to Ed, Winry voicing the question on their minds, "And what, might I ask, is with you?"

"I'll explain later." Ed nodded, his eyes locking onto Winry's. "Is my arm done?"

"Yeah…why do you think I'm not working on it? I don't slack off. I came out here to find you."

"Perfect!" Edward beamed.

"Ed-Edward?" Winry's eyes went wide; feeling her face burn as Ed suddenly flung his left arm around her, in a tight hug.

"You're the best, Winry!" Ed's grin grew wider as it became evident that he was plotting something.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Winry pulled away, taking a deep breath to suppress the blushing. "Just what do you think you're doing! And what are you planning on doing?" she demanded, placing her hands on either hip indignantly.

With a roll of his eyes, Ed dodged the question, "Can I just get my arm back already?"

"Yeah, sure, whatever." Winry turned and began to walk inside.

"Hey…" Ed's voice made her pause, "Where'd Al go?"

"Oh, I think he left around you telling me how amazing I am." She smirked slightly.

"Nah." Ed started, then in a ridiculous, high-pitched mocking tone, "'Ed-Edward!'" he smirked himself, adding in his own voice, "Is probably what did it."

"Whatever." Winry said before continuing in an overly dramatic voice, "I'm sure there's someone out there worthy of my amazing automail." She waved her arms around a little for emphasis.

Ed laughed and chased after her as she quickly entered her home, "Winry, ya jerk! Get back here!"


A few hours later, Edward woke with a groan, his left hand moving up to his mechanical shoulder. "Owww…I hate that feeling."

"Are you alright?" Winry asked, sitting on the end of the couch, like she often would when he passed out from the pain of the nerve connections.

"Yeah, yeah." He groaned, pulling himself up, stretching out his arm to test it out. "I'll get to say 'goodbye' to this pain soon enough, anyway."

"Oh?" Winry blinked, thinking he sounded extremely sure of himself.

"You bet." He beamed, "When I was at my mother's grave, it hit me! I'm positive I can fix at least Al's body! And if I don't get my limbs back then, it won't take long." Edward's enthusiasm poured out as he explained everything, before trailing off. "Winry?" he sounded concerned, "Are you alright?"

Winry's worried expression cracked as she gave him a sad smile, "I'm just…scared, that's all."

"But why?"

"I'm scared that…that I might lose you, Ed." Her eyes shone with unshed tears.

"Winry…I…" he sat up, moving closer to her.

"Just promise me, Ed!" she grabbed either side of his shirt, burying her face into his chest, shaking, and "Promise me you'll be okay!"

"Winry…" she cringed as the cold metal of his right hand rested on her upper back, where her tube top didn't cover, even as she felt comforted by his other, human arm against her. It seemed like a simple analogy of what he meant to her; her comfort, and yet, at the same time, her pain. "I promise." He continued after a long moment, "My brother and I will be okay." He sighed, "And even if something did happen, you know how much I care about you."

She couldn't get any words out, so instead she just nodded into his chest.

"You're…the best friend I could ever ask for."

Winry felt a sudden, inexplicable pang, but she just whispered, "I know, Ed. You're my…best friend."


"C'mon, Al." Ed said, turning away, his jacket over one shoulder.

"R-right." Al nodded, waving hurriedly to Winry, "We'll be back soon, Winry! We'll make things right, and we'll only be just out of town!"

Raising a hand in a half wave, Winry bade them farewell quietly, "Bye, Al…Ed."

None of the three said another word, until the brothers were out of Winry's sight, and she out of theirs. Even then all Winry could manage to get out, was a hushed whisper of, "Please…don't break your promise, Ed."


Knock, knock, knock.

"Winry. I know you're in there. Dinner's ready."

"I know, Grandma."

Pinako sighed, "Winry, please come out."

Winry's muffled response from the other side of the door cam a long moment after, "…Are…they back?"

Pinako let out an exasperated sigh, "Really, Winry. You should be used to waiting for them by now."

"But this time it's different." Winry insisted, "I know they're doing something dangerous, something close to here, and something they have to do." By the sound, Winry buried her face deep into her pillow, "But I can't help them, even now."

"Winry." Pinako sighed, "If you're that concerned, then go find them, already!" They said they'd be just out of town, and you saw what way they went."

"I…" Winry began. There were sounds of movement from inside her bedroom, before the door cracked open. "I want to believe Ed. With all my heart, I do."

Pinako turned to go back downstairs, saying simply over her shoulder, "They went roughly east, right?"

Winry sighed and went to go get changed, "Right."


Den was barking frantically every minute or so, as the light from Winry's lantern sliced through the crisp, black air. Leaves crunched under her feet, and she was about ready to jump at the sound of her own footsteps.

"Ed-Edward? Al-Alphonse?" she called out their names numerous times, over and over before finally stumbling upon a clearing.

She nearly dropped her lantern in astonishment from what she saw. There, before her, in the clearing, was etched a large transmutation circle (Similar to the one from Ed's basement when they were young, which frightened her), right into the ground. There was a bit of blood near the array.

And in the dead center of it lay a human figure, all wrapped up tightly in a familiar red jacket.

Running to the figure, her eyes scanned the slim body that lay curled up there, covered by nothing more than the jacket, long golden blonde hair a mess.

She felt tears brimming her eyes as she looked to the boy.

"Oh, Ed…" she whispered, in a frightened tone, "What was the cost to make things right?"