A/N: Ok first of all I would like to thank my new beta's spencerhemmingway, and lebrdr, and also one of my best, Black Roses of Death, or a.k.a. Serentity. . Also Im sorry it took me so long to update. Ok now on with the story.
Harry paced the halls at St. Mungo's nervously. A fight had broke out in Diagon Alley by some older wizards, and Harry and Ginny had stepped right in the middle of it. Harry had not been touched, But Ginny had been hit by an unknown curse, knocking her unconsiounce. Now the healers were going over her body to see what curse she had been hit by and if it effected the babies. Just as Harry was about to go crazy from the stress, he saw a healer come out.
"Mr. Potter?" the healer asked looking at him.
"Yes," Harry replied.
"Okay we have been able to identify the curse," said the healer. "It was a very ancient curse called Las' quamiso, but we have been able to find the counter curse. She is awaka, and the babies weren't effected at all. She will be tired for the next couple of days, so I have wrote a letter for Albus Dumbledore stating that she should be excused from classes for the this week and you too, because she will need someone to be with her."
"Ok, can I go see her?" Harry asked anxiously.
"Yes, just check out with me before you leave," the healer said before walking off.
Harry walked to the room Ginny had been assigned to and waited outside the door. He opened the door and walked in. He was suprised to see that beside being pale, she looked fairly normal.
"Harry?" Ginny whispered.
"Yeah, it's me," Harry said walking over to her and puting his arms around her afraid to let her go. "I thought I had lost you."
"I'm right here," Ginny sobbed snuggling closer to Harry.
"I failed you Ginny," Harry said his voice cracking. "I promised I would protect you, and not let anything happen to you, and see what happens, you get hurt right in front of me."
"Harry, you can't be serious," Ginny stated increduosly. "This is not your fault, this isn't any ones fault we were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Now come on, let's go back to school."
"Okay," Harry said standing up. He grabbed onto Ginny's hand and together they walked to the healers office to check out.
Once they got back to school, they immediantly received a letter saying they should report to Dumbledore's office. They slowly made their way to his office. Once they reached his office and went up the staircase, they could here many voices. Harry opened the door, with Ginny right behind him, and they were both bombarded with hugs and questions.
"What happened? Are you okay?" Mrs. Weasley asked worriedly.
"Is Ginny okay? Are the babies okay?" Mrs. Potter asked.
"Okay everybody slow down," Harry demanded.
"We are fine, the babies are fine, and as for what happened, we were simply in the wrong place, at the wrong time," Ginny stated hurriedly.
"Both of us are really tired and have had a really long day, so we just want to go to bed and we'll talk later," Harry stated firmly. Ginny just nodded her head in agreement. After bidding everybody goodbye, they headed towards their suite.
Over the course of the week both rested and were prepared for classes to begin after the weekend. On Sunday night when they were sitting in their suite, snuggled on the couch, they heard a knock on the door.
"I'll get it," Harry said rising of the couch. When he pulled open the door he saw Lissy's tear streaked face. Harry led her in and sat her on the loveseat while he went to go get some tea.
"Lissy whats wrong?" Ginny asked scooting up on the couch and taking her friends hands. Once Harry returned with the tea, Lissy began.
"My Mom sent me a letter last night," Lissy sobbed. "She said that starting tomorrow I would attend Beauxbatons Academy instead of Hogwarts. I tried arguing with her, but her mind is set. So I talked to Draco last night, and he proposed, and he is at my parents house right now, trying to convince them to let me stay."
"I'm sure he will be able to convince them," Harry said reassuringly.
"He proposed?" Ginny exclaimed increduosly. "Okay let me see the rock." Lissy pulled her left hand out of her pocket and showed it to Ginny, will a smile. It was a 3 caret diamond, set with little black stones around it and a white gold band. "It's Beautiful!"
"Let's compare!" Lissy said excitedly. When both girls put their hands out by each others, they gasped. They were exactly the same except Ginny's had emerald stones around it.
"Us guys must think a like," Harry commented, which in turn made the girls bust out laughing. After a few more minutes of joking around, they heard another knock on the door. Harry got up to answer it. He opened the door to a very happy looking Draco.
"Come in," Harry said hoping he had good news, and judging by his grin he did.
"Draco!" Lissy exclaimed. "What did they say?"
"They said as long as we dont get married until after were both seventeen, and you don't get pregnant before we get married then, you can stay," Draco practically yelled. He picked her up and twirled her around.
"Let's go celebrate!" Lissy said hugging her fiance'.
"See you guys later, and congratulations," Ginny said as Draco and Lissy moved towards the door.
"Thanks," they replied before walking out the portrait hole.
Harry and Ginny went to bed, but when they woke up they realized they were late, and Ginny, who had potions first, was scared of Snapes reaction. After trying to wake Harry up and being unsuccesful, she wrote him a quick note and left it on the coffee table. She ate a quick breakfast before jumping in the shower. She hurriedly got dressed, and left for the classroom but when she opened the door she got a very unexpected sight.
A/n: okay how was this chapter good? sry about how long it took me to update! please review.