"Kids is Kids"

An Original Kingdom Hearts story by Mona

Disclaimer: Kingdom Hearts characters are owned by Disney and Square.


"What is it, Sora?"

"Ever consider settling down with Daisy? Find a nice cottage somewhere and raise a family?"

"Why would I?"

Sora shrugged. "I don't know. It's just that sometimes I think what it would be like when I finally go home. Kairi and I can get married and we'll have a bunch of kids."

"Aren't you a little young to be thinking of having children?" Donald said sourly. "You kids are all alike. Always rushing to grow up, never realizing how good you've got it until it's gone. Why can't you be more like Peter Pan? If you and Kairi move to Neverland, you could be kids forever. Never have to worry about taxes or deadlines or making lunches."

"Someone's bitter."

"Sora, do you really want that responsibility?"

"Sure. I'm saving the world, aren't I? There's nothing I can't handle!" Sora looked around. "By the way, have you seen Goofy?"

"I thought he was on the phone with his son."

Goofy burst into the room, holding a cell phone, his face scrunched into a worried frown. "Now, now, Maxie. Don't panic. What did the insurance company say? 'Total loss'! Where did this happen? You crashed it into the castle wall? You were drinking what! No, you cannot have a new car…"

Sora's face went pale, and a drop of sweat formed on his forehead. "Well, maybe I can't handle everything."

"Good answer," Donald replied.

The End.