I'm writing this with Namine14, Kyllex of Darkness, and Rihxanonn of Evilness.

Disclaimer: I don't own any Harry Potter characters, but I sure wish I did!

Oh yeah, I'm trying to make it funny, I really am, but I promise it will get better once the party actually starts! Really!

Chapter 1: The Idea

"Hermione, take a seat at the end," Mrs. Granger gestured to the last of four chairs in her dental office. "I'll be with you in a moment." She hurried over to her other patient.

Hermione sat in the adjustable chair, reaching over to operate the controls to raise it to an upright position. She waited for several moments, apprehensively preparing what she was going to say.

"OK, I'm done." Her mother plopped down in the swivel chair behind Hermione. "What did you want to tell me?"

"Well, you know my birthday's coming up..."

Her mother nodded. "August 19th. Open wide."

Hermione obliged, stretching her jaw to accommodate her mother's probe. "An'ah com' off agef thif yar," she mumbled, her speech impeded by the size of the tool now being poked around her gums.

"Oh yes! I had forgotten it was a year earlier for witches! Did you want to plan something special?" She lay down her instruments, allowing Hermione to relax. "You haven't done anything the last six years."

"Well, I've been busy with Hogwarts!" Hermione retorted. But she looked thoughtful. "You're right. I was thinking of inviting some of my old, non-magic friends as well as Harry and Ron." (Hermione never used the word muggle around her parents, she considered it a tad offensive. Just imagine if your daughter went around calling you a muggle. Ok, that's a little freaky.)

"Oh, like Kelly, Noelle, Glynis, and that hyper one, what was her name?"

Hermione grinned as countless memories of crazy sleepovers and birthday parties flooded her mind. "Rhiannon."

"Oh yes. How could I forget her?" Mrs. Granger teased. "Do you think Harry and Ron will like them?"

Hermione's smile faded. Oooh. Harry. She had completelyforgotten. What would he be like, after Dumbledore's death? Ouch.

"We'll talk more later," Her mother turned to greet a new patient, waving Hermione towards the door.

"Alright. See ya later."

(At this point, I would like to apologize for the added family member you're about to read about. My sister is forcing me at knifepoint to add her to my story.)

"This sounds fun!" Mr. Granger was ecstatic. He stabbed at his salad absentmindedly with his dessert fork. "You could have your magical friends come a day later to let you catch up with the other girls." He glanced down at his food and, realizing what he was doing, exchanged his fork for his forgotten salad utensil, muttering darkly about protocol and fancy forks.

Mrs. Granger rolled her eyes and turned to Hermione. "It's settled then. I think you're old enough to make the arrangements yourself. Just give me the invitations so I can mail them."

"Who are you inviting, Mione?" piped up Hermione's adopted younger sister, Allison. She was only six.

Hermione ignored her sister for the moment and spoke instead to her mother. "Thank you, but I should be able to send Ron and Harry's by owl. Harry sends Hedwig over almost everyday, he's just begging for mail."

"Alright. We better get them out early, so everyone can fit it into their schedules." Mrs. Granger concluded. "Speaking of schedules, we only have three patients tomorrow..."

Hermione quickly lost interest in the conversation. She was already planning.

When Hermione finished the invitations, the only owl available wasn't Hedwig, but the tiny Pigwidgeon.

"Why on earth did Ron send you?" Hermione raged at the cute, fuzzy owl. "There's no way you can lift all three envelopes." She had decided to invite Ginny as well. This might help Ron and Harry connect with Hermione's muggle friends.

Just then she noticed a strip of parchment tied to Pig's leg with a length of red ribbon. She unwound it, while Pig tried desperately to fly with Hermione's hand clamping him to the window. The note read:


Harry's at the Burrow. Want to come?


Hermione scowled. Snatching up her fancy, eagle feather quill from her desk, she scribbled a reply on the back of Ron's paper:


Send Hedwig! LLL


"Only hope he knows what LLL means she said as she secured the paper to Pigwidgeon. "You tell them it's Longer Letter Later, OK?" She hurled the owl out the window like the world's fuzziest baseball.

Okay, sorry this chapter wasn't very funny, but I'll get better, I promise!
