Welcome everyone! I'm so happy that I finally made this story! I've been so wrapped up in my current story The Beyblade II: The Possessor and I need a break from it, so here you go!



My dad sucks. Seriously, I am not talking to him ever again.

Let me tell you about my father, Katsuro Tatibana, a money making weasel. He tries every trick in the book to get money fast, easy, and without any help from anyone. Sure, he may be a movie producer, but like my dad always says, with producing, its either feast or famine. And, let me tell you, he really means it.

But, I should be grateful. After all, he's the one who took care of me when I was young. My mom died when my brother Eric was born. Me, my 17 sister Sora, and my 19 year old sister Sakura were devastated for months. And, me being 7 and all didn't understand why she couldn't be saved. Hospitals could do anything, and everybody else was so gloomy to talk about it. But now, I still don't know why she died, and I'm afraid if I ask again, it might make us all sad like before.

Anyway, back to the point. Usually, my dad's schemes are none of my business. I mean, sure, he sometimes embarrasses me in public and stuff with his money grubbing ways, but at least I know he'll fail. Like always; and I always hope that one day, he'll realize what a person he's trying to be, and how dumb he's being.

But, unfortunately, I'm not that lucky.

This is the main reason why I'm such a good student. I never want to be like my dad, with the whole money thing. I want to be something that I know that I'd enjoy, like a teacher or a doctor. Or, if I'm lucky, maybe a beyblader. But, obviously Tyson and the others won't teach me.

Well, whatever. Maybe I should go back to the beginning. Then you'd probably understand where I'm coming from.

"Hilary, can I talk to you for a second?" asked Miss Kincaid, during class. I was busy reading my textbook, while the others were crowded around Tyson's desk, listening intently about his latest victory. Lately, I've lain off Tyson. It's his problem if he wants to slack off. But, I do think that it's wrong of his to take the whole class with him.

Everybody looked up at Miss Kincaid, then to me, giving me a suspicious look. The teachers never ask to talk to me, since I've never been in trouble before. In fact, I've never been to the detention room either. Even Tyson's paused in his story, and looked up at me, sending a 'what did you do' look at me, which by the way, I use on him all the time.

I ignore his look, and walk up to Miss Kincaid, sitting at her desk, with papers all over her desk. I look closely at them, subtly of course, and realize they were last week's tests. The first one on the desk belonged to some girl in our class named Maya, who had a huge, totally obvious crush on Tyson. There were red marks all over it, and her grade was a 58. Ouch.

"Hilary, I need you to tutor the students." She said quietly. Miss Kincaid was never a real teacher; all demanding and mean. Which is the exact reason I looked at her like she had two heads.

"Why? Is something wrong?" I whisper. I didn't want the class to overhear. But, I doubt they will, since they're back into Tyson's story.

"It's just that…except for you and Kenny, everyone here failed the test last week." She explained, leaning closer to me, so that nobody would hear. Obviously, she isn't too observant. "And, as you're well aware, we have exams in about a month, and if this keeps on happening, then the class will fail."

I sighed and looked around the room. If everyone studied better, and stopped wasting time with their video games, and beyblade stuff, then none of this would be happening. Honestly, I hate being the mature one in the class!

"Fine," I said, "who do I tutor first?" I hope it was someone easy, like Mark, the funny Korean, or something.

Miss Kincaid played with her fingers, and mumbled a name. She really liked to beat around the bush, doesn't she? "Tyson's first. And, since he's the one who…needs the most help, so…it would be appreciated if you could finish with him ASAP." She finished. The bell rang over us, and everyone sat in their seats for homeroom. Miss Kincaid stood up in front of the class, with me behind her.

"Class, I have the results for your last test, and let me say that it's not that good. So, I have decided to have Hilary tutor each of you. Individually, of course." She stated. Miss Kincaid has always been kind of…shy, but today, she isn't. Probably because she knows that she won't have to deal with them, since its Friday.

Ah…Friday, my favorite day! Today is the day where I don't have to study! Yeah, I do hate studying, you know! I am human. Plus, I get to go home, relax, talk with my sisters, and play with Eric.

Back to the story….The class groaned largely and Tyson stood up defiantly, his eyes burning with anger and his finger pointing at me. "This was all your idea, wasn't it?" he asked angrily. He hated the idea of opening a textbook, let alone get a tutor.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "Like I would want to tutor you anyway. You're a lost cause. But, seeing as you're my first student, I suggest you shut up." I tell him. He's so full of himself, I swear.

We argued some more, and he finally gave up and agreed to come to my house today. Obviously, Tyson wasn't too happy, but once I told him I'd bake him cookies afterwards, he couldn't refuse. His stomach is his weakness. I'm surprised his enemies didn't try to persuade him with food.

"I'm home!" I called into the house, as Tyson and I entered the room. We took off our shoes, and entered the foyer, and into the living room, until Sakura called me and Tyson into the kitchen.

"Hi, Hilary. Oh, welcome Tyson!" said Sakura cheerfully. Tyson smiled at her, and bowed to her, and she bowed back respectfully. Sakura is always like that; all happy towards everyone, no matter what kind of situation she's in. Sakura's been like my mother figure since mom died, and it's great and all, but who's her mother figure?

"Hi, Sakura. Tyson, help yourself if you want something to eat." I told Tyson, and he grinned at me, and started to raid our fridge. Sakura laughed, but I rolled my eyes. Nobody told him to make himself at home.

"Oh, and Tyson, your father is in the living room with Dad." Said Sakura, going back to the stove to cook. Tyson choked on whatever he was eating, and choked our, "Dad is in there?"

Sakura nodded, and resumed her cooking. I was so surprised. What would my dad have to say to Mr. Granger, the famous bit beast archeologist? I glanced at Tyson and by the look on his face-he's so transparent-, he's probably thinking the same thing.

"Well, come on! Let's go!" I exclaimed happily, grabbing Tyson's arm, and dragging him away from the fridge to the living room, where I heard talking and laughing. I was so excited! Tyson has told me so much about his dad, and I haven't seen him since I was about ten years old.

I walked into the living room, and pushed Tyson ahead of me. I went outside, to let him have a reunion with his dad before I come in. After all, he should see him first. I heard laughing, and I recognized Tyson's dad's laughing anywhere. It was so friendly and compassionate and warm.

"Where's Hilary?" asked my dad, and I took that as my cue to come in. I strolled in, and saw my dad sitting in the couch opposite to the one of Tyson and his dad. I smiled warmly at Mr. Granger, and went over to him to give him a hug. He smiled back and patted me on the shoulder and said, "My, hasn't she grown? She's so pretty." I blushed furiously, and sat in the couch beside my dad. Nobody has ever called me pretty. Yes, maybe cute, but never pretty. And, I've never been one to put on large amounts of makeup, since they might make me look cheap, or easy, which I'm clearly not. I've never had a boyfriend!

That probably has to do with the fact that I don't
hang with the girls anymore, I thought, as the three men-actually, make that 2 men and one boy-chatted about Tyson's ongoing, rising career. All of the others had boyfriends before…

Plus, it's not like I make an effort anyway. I don't want a boy coming after me and ruining my chances at life and success. Even if I'm wasting my teen years.

"So, Hilary, what have you been up to these past few years." Asked Mr. Granger, snapping me out of my thoughts, and into reality. I was about to say something, until Tyson spoke up.

"Well, she's turned into a nerdy, bossy, Ms. Know-it-all, witch." Said Tyson, earning a smack in the head from his dad. "Respect her!" he commanded. Finally, somebody to teach him some manners.

I ignored his comment, and decided to answer for myself. "Nothing much, just studying and training Tyson and his team." I replied happily.

"Yes, I've heard about how you've been taking good care of my boy." He smiled. I blushed lightly, and nodded slightly, mumbling a "I try my best." If only he knew how hard and stubborn he can be…

Tyson muttered something, and I forced myself not to go over there and smack him. I haven't been on his back recently, and he's been trying to get me to crack. Like I'd waste my time on him anyhow.

"What did you come here for, Dad?" asked Tyson. I must admit, that was the smartest thing he said today, seriously. His dad stroked his chin thoughtfully, as if thinking if he should tell us or not. He looked at my dad, and my dad nodded solemnly.

"Dad…what's going on?" I asked him. Something is definitely wrong here…I can feel it. My dad is never this serious, unless it benefits him. I better not be part of his money making schemes!

"Hil, honey, did you know that me and Tyson's dad knew each other since our freshman year in college?" asked my dad randomly. Tyson and I sweat dropped, and Mr. Granger just nodded.

"Yeah…and…"I started, letting my dad know that he should continue. My dad sighed.

"And, we made a promise to each other. This promise bonded us to each other, and kept us friends. Plus, we've always wanted to merge families, anyway." Said my dad. Yeah, Dad. Real helpful!

Wait a minute… merge families….does that mean…

"Dad, you're not saying that Tyson and I…"I lost my voice, when my dad nodded his head. My eyes started to water slightly as my anger rose and my blood boiled. My face turned red, a clear indication that I wasn't happy. Not in the least.

"How could you! You're so selfish! I am so not…doing this!" I cried angrily. I glared at Tyson and watched his confused face. Doesn't he understand that we're now….that we're…?

I stormed out of the room, not before glaring at my dad once more. I knew there was no point in talking to him about this. I mean, he's Katsuro Tatibana, the most stubborn, selfish, money-grubbing person alive. And, once he said promised something, he'd keep that promise until it was fulfilled.

I ran up the stairs, pounding on the steps. I ran to my room, slammed the door hard, and sat down angrily on my bed. My dad just ruined my life. And I'm not even exaggerating. It's all over for me. I'll never find my soul mate, my one true love, my love.

"What!" I heard Tyson yell downstairs. I snorted; now he gets it.

Too late though, I thought, its not we can go back in time to stop our dads from making us…

I gulped, and said the words I never thought I'd say. "I'm engaged to…Tyson."

That's it! Please review; I have great plans for this story!

Kendo Baby