Cry Wolf
Simba proudly looked over the Pridelands from his station on Pride Rock. The sun was only just rising, spreading beautiful colours of pink, orange and gold along the skyline. Narla, Kiara, Kovu and all of the other Lion's in the Pride were still asleep, lying peacefully, un-aware of the things going on.
Simba made a slow path down Pride Rock and into the Pridelands, heading for a small lake to get a drink. As he walked he held his head high, enjoying the sun on his face and back. He got to the waters edge and bent down to drink, taking a long gulp. Completely obvious to the happenings on the other side of the Pridelands.
"Rican, or pack is tiered, they need rest and food, we've been walking for days." Tiekan, the male beta spoke up to the alpha male. Rican looked behind him and saw the pack was falling behind, the cubs were hardly standing. Rican looked at his mate, Li, the alpha female, silently asking her opinion. She gave a slight nod of her head.
"O.K, we'll have a rest, Tiekan, Alsika, Li, you come with me for food." The two beta's and the other alpha nodded and the four set of in search for pray, their tawny rufous coats helping them stay camouflaged and unnoticed. They soon came across a small herd of Reedbuck. They marked out an elderly one and silently positioned themselves. Rican gave the signal and all four Ethiopian wolves attacked at once, they jumped at the Reedbuck, the rest of the herd ran in fright. Rican got on its back, clawing away at it. Tiekan andAlsika bite at its legs to slow it down and keep it from running. Li clamped her jaws around its throat and suffocated it. After a few seconds it fell to the ground with a hard thud, dead. Panting slightly the wolves backed off a few steps, Rican quickly got his breath back and let out a howl, telling the rest of the pack to come and eat.
After the pack had eaten they had a half hour rest before carrying on their journey. "Were are we going?" One of the wolves, Calsa, asked Li.
"I'm afraid we don't know Calsa." Li answered with a sigh, "Some were safe, away from those creatures."
By now all of the Lion's were up and Simba had returned to Pride Rock. Zazu was out patrolling the plains as normal, keeping an eye out for any misshapes, hyenas or a difference in the Pridelands.
"Simba," Came a cry from the air, Zazu landed a few seconds later in front of the king. "Some animals are coming in from the north."
"What are they?" Simba quickly asked, encase they are a threat.
"If I am not mistaken, a pack of Wolves." Zazu informed.
Simba looked shocked at this information. "How many would you say?"
Zazu thought for a moment. "I would say eight, some are only cubs."
"What are wolves, father?" Kiara asked in interest, going to sit by Simba.
"There a little like us, their predators that hunt in a pride, but they call them packs."
"But what on earth is a wolf pack doing in the Pridelands? They've never ventured from their Plains before." Narla said coming to sit by her husband and daughter.
"I don't know, but it certainly can't be good news." Simba said, looking to the north. "Kovu, you and I shall head out to meet them and see what their business is here."
Kovu nodded and to two Lion's set off.
The pack had now been walking an hour since they ate, they had found themselves in a large plain full of vegetation and life. Suddenly a rustling was herd from a large bush in front of them. "Quite." Hissed Rican. "Don't move." The pack stopped dead in their tracks. The bushes rustled again. The pack had their eyes glued to it. The wind was travailing in the wrong direction to pick up a sent. From within the bush two large shapes emerged. The older Wolves immediately recognised them as Lion's and back off a few steps, except the alpha's.
"Who are you and what is your business in the Pridelands?" Simba demanded the alpha's.
Rican and Li looked at each other hastily. "I am Rican, this is Li, we are the Afro pack from the Afro alpine mountains. Are home was attacked by creatures that came with fire and strange weapons."
"We have been running for days, but are young can't carry on for much longer." Li continued.
Simba was greatly interested in the creatures that the wolves spoke of. But he believed and accepted their story. "I am Simba, King of these Pridelands, and this is Kovu, the next in line. Come with us to Pride Rock, you will be safe their."
"Thank-you." The pack said gratefully.
The odd site of Lion's and Wolves made their way to Pride Rock together, Simba and Kovu leading the way, the alpha wolves walking a step behind, the beta's three steps behind and the rest of the pack bringing up the rear.
Okay this is the part were I say PLEASE review, lol.