Note: no plus sign equals no own.
Things have never been so peaceful as of late. Knowing that one less demon roamed the Earth, things have quieted down. But, little did I know, I was going to get a strange visit on the Moon base.
Weresheep(that's me): "Ok...paper is in my hand, coffee by my side and no idiot zombies to bother me. read the paper..."
W Intern: "Sir Weresheep!"
Weresheep: "Acckkkk! Knock next time, you buffoon!"
W Intern: "Sir! We are receiving a message. The sender would wish to see you on-screen!"
Weresheep: "Very well. Put it on-screen now."
The Intern pushed a few buttons on the console near him and a view screen came up. I was taking a sip of the Decaff.
: Alien language
Weresheep: Spits coffee all over pants "Gack! Cough! Holy sh- You! Intern! get this message to the president on Earth now!"
W Intern: "Yes sir!"
Weresheep: Cough "Ahem! were saying, Your Highness?"
3 hours later...Anth's cell phone went off. He was walking the streets of Central City, looking for anything that might catch his interest. He was flying solo this time.
Anth: "Huh?"
Weresheep (on the cell): "Anth! Get to the capitol building immediately!"
Anth: "Roger that! I'm on my way!"
In the Mystic Ruins, Sonic was running through the jungle at an incredible pace. His talkie went off.
Sonic: "Talk to me."
Weresheep: "I hope I'm not interrupting anything. Stop whatever it is you're doing and make haste to Central City and get to the capitol building. Anth will meet you there and explain everything."
Sonic: "Sure thing." puts away "I wonder what it could be this time...oh well. Woohoo!" runs faster
Meanwhile, in the darkness of space...a fiend of terrible power was flying to Earth...yes, that's right; he's flying.
? (though not the same guy as before): "Heh heh heh. There it is: what the humans call 'Earth'. Pah! It is pathetic. Our race is far superior to those mortal fools. My kin will blast burn their civilization to the ground and I will claim the artifact for myself. And with it, I will be unstoppable! GRAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"
Black Dragon Horde: "GRAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"
To Be Continued...