Chapter 10 model behavior

A jeep pulled up into the driveway of the two story house around noon. Tifa got out and looked up at the house it was still the same place he had lived since he'd graduated from college a nice little house with a full front porch that at the moment had a number of teenagers on it playing triad. Sora had gotten up when he saw the scar and ran to see her.


"Hello Sora." she smiled.

Barrett climbed out of the other side and Marlene jumped out the back followed by Denzel and Baralai. Roxas stood up but he stayed on the porch with their friends.

"Hello Roxas."

"Hi mother. Barrett."

"That's the best you're going to get out of him don't worry we've also refused to call anyone else mom." Sora told Barrett as he rejoined his twin. The other teens had moved aside as the others approached, and Fenrir started to bark from the back yard. Cloud came to the door.

"Hello Tifa Barrett."


"Hello Cloud."

"Come on in." He held it open as they filed in Roxas, Sora, Riku and Miki Followed.

They settled in the living room and Sephiroth came out of the kitchen with a tray of drinks and snacks so they could talk.

"Tifa I'd like you to meet my boyfriend Seph."

"Boyfriend?" she asked looking Sephiroth over, it wasn't a bad look he was hot and she could see why Cloud would like him.

"Is there a problem with that mother?" Roxas asked missing the look.

"Of course not."

"Good since dad's relationships are none of your business."

"Roxas." Sora looked at his twin in shock; Roxas had never said anything like that to their mom before.

"Roxas please behave." Cloud asked his son.

"Yes Dad." he muttered and sat on the couch arm close to where Miki sat.

"It's okay Cloud, Roxas I have no problem with any choice you dad makes we made our choices years ago."

"Like abandoning your sons." he demanded and stormed off.

"Roxas." Sora called after his brother and sighed. "I'll go talk to him."

"Thank you Sora."

The brunette found his brother in their room at the window.


"I'm fine Sora."

"No you're not what's wrong?"

"Mom left us."

"Yeah so what dad's great remember the only thing he's ever told you not to do is date Axel."

"I know."

Sora put his arms around Roxas' shoulders leaning on his brother.

"Is everything okay up here?" Riku asked from the doorway.

"Yeah Riku come on in."

The silver haired teen came in and approached the young boys.

"Are you okay?"


"You do realize you're luckier than most kids Roxas."


"Four parents."

"Barrett's not any parent of mine." he huffed.

"Fine three and you have a mom." Riku reminded him.

"Sorry Riku." he said seeing the odd look in hi eyes.

"It's fine besides it's your parents you need to apologize too."

"Later." He turned back to the window. "We're missing a brother though."

"Yeah Miki's talking to Denzel who apparently has a thing for computers and is at this very moment meeting the Monster." he told them thinking of Miki's computer system.

"Poor thing he'll be hooked to it their entire visit." Sora laughed.


"So what about the other two?"

"Living room still though Marlene had pulled out some pictures of Sora in a dress and I had to leave."

"She didn't." Sora groaned and ran out of the room hoping to steal the pictures and destroy them.

"Poor Sora."

"Why did she dress him in her clothes?"

"He was smaller then her and only two years old."

"I see."

The two sat in silence for a while, Roxas staring out the window and Riku watching him. Neither wanted to say a word. Finally Roxas sighed and looked over at him.
"Riku I know it isn't really any of my business and no one ever says anything but what happened to your mother?"
The silver haired youth looked down at his feet for a moment than back at Roxas.
"It's okay, she died when Miki and I were born, the doctors told her it might be bad for her to have kids but she wanted one so badly and when she found out she was pregnant with twins dad said she was so happy but she didn't make it we were preemies by almost two months as it was."
"You wouldn't know it looking at either of you."
"Yeah except Miki gets sick easily that's why he doesn't do many sports."
"I see." he looked back at the window. "Must have been tough on Pops then huh?"
"Yeah at first but we've always bee na team you know dad and us."
"That's great dad and I don't get along."
"I noticed."
"You know we should probably try and save Sora form Marlene."
"Or vice versa."

In the living room the mood had calmed and the adults were talking.
"So Sephiroth wheat do you do for a living?" Tifa asked curious about her ex's lover.
"I'm the chef at Alexander's."
""Really I love eating there the food is wonderful."
"Thank you, what do you do Tifa?"
"I run a bar in the city Seventh Heaven."
"I see. I believe I've heard of it isn't that the place Where Cid is always going?"
"Yeah he goes ther all the time with Yuna and Paine's dad's." Cloud told him.
"At least he hasn't changed." Barret said.

Sephiroth stood and smiled.
"I should check on dinner."
"Want some help?" Tifa asked.
"If you would like." the two left the room leaving Barrett and Cloud.

When dinner was ready they were all gathered again Miki and Denzel were still talking about the computer system. Sora had decided as he ate watching his twin and step siblings talking animatedly seemed to make him even sullener. He picked at the food as he tried not to stare at Miki.

Tifa was watching all the children as they ate she couldn't say anything to Roxas to stop his attitude the on,y time he seemed to relax during the meal was if one of the other kids said something to him. It was a pity he was still and at her over Barrett she sighed and continued to eat.

Once dinner finished Tifa and Barret gathered their kids up to leave.
"Nice meeting you seph you should all come over some time."
"We'll try See you later."

They left and the kids trudged up to their rooms, the four crashed in Riku's room curling up together on the bed. They left and the kids trudged up to their rooms, the four crashed in Riku's room curling up together on the bed. Seph stopped tocheck on them before going to bed himself smiling slightly they were an interesting group of children.