Disclaimer: Still don't own Fullmetal Alchemist.

Note: I wrote this a while back, based off of a scene from the manga. I'll update with Ed's counterpart to this soon enough. And maybe I'll turn it into a small collection of monologues, or something.

Monologue of Death

It was black.
Voices...from every direction. Who are they? So familiar...but...WHERE are they?
Quiet for a moment. "AL!" The voice is desperate. Wait...brother? But then...who are the other two voices...?...Could it be...?...Mother? Mother! We were...looking for her, weren't we? Yes, that's it! We were lost...were we?
But...if that's so...mother's voice...why does brother sound so desperate...so afraid?
Calling for me? Am I lost? But then...mother...
The darkness is clearing. I hear the two other voices call again...mother and...who? A male voice...could it be 'him'? No...I may not remember 'him'...but...I don't think he sounded like this...menacing...Who is it?
Mother! I can see her, as images shoot through my mind, and past my physical form. She's standing there, just in the distance. Smiling.
But I feel so light. It's so hard to get to her...if I reach out...mother's voice calls to me again, she suddenly looks worried...
I reach out my hand, and she reaches out hers. Finger tips graze, then she's holding my hand firm. She looks happy...then sad? Why?
The creepier voice is back. It calls to me, wickedly. Mother's smile fades, and her form is replaced by...
Me? But...what does this mean? No...it's not me...he's not all there. His right hand, which holds...mine. No, just the entire right half of his body. His face is becoming more 'there'. He's grinning.
No. Not his face. Mine. MY face. I reach my left hand up to my cheek. It's there. I trail my fingertips over my lips, to my other cheek. It's gone.
Horror-stricken I let go of 'it's' hand. A dream? No...the pain I now feel is so real...
What is it? Where did the people I know go? Mother? Brother?
Brother! I hear him scream, it sounds so far away now. What did this 'thing' do to my brother!
The figure is now almost entirely mine, I feel everything going black.

It's quiet. So dark...
A light? Brother's voice again! Finally! He's come to find me! But...where am I, really?
I can see him! His face, most of his body...only some of it's missing. My brother coming out of the darkness to find me. Hope.
He reaches his left hand out to me. I take it, desperate. He pulls me back with him.

The darkness fading again. Everything feels like it was a dream now.
And, like a dream, the memory of it all begins to fade.
