Yo! Master Fifer and Liger Zero writing again! This time, Kyou, Yuki, and Haru are bugging the hell out of Shigure when they're youngsters! You all are trembling, I know, but still! BE THRILLED THAT WE ARE WRITING FOR YOU! WE DO SO MUCH FOR YOU! (Laughs like Akito)
Sup, this is Liger Zero Nightmare ((I'm in bold)) as for that (looks up) that's just Fifer. Ignore her she does that (though it is extremely funny)) we RP …a lot. Enjoy the show everybody!
(Laughs like Akito HARDER and falls off chair)
Uncle Shigure
11 o' clock at night. The door was closed. Locked actually.
Shigure sighed as he climbed into bed. Finally, FINALLY, he had gotten Haru, Kyou, and Yuki into bed after a fight about counter space, who was going to use the green tooth brush, and why flossing was indeed important.
Shigure got on his hands and knees and did 3 Circles on his bed (A/N you know, like what your dog does … teehee!).
"1, 2… and 3." He lay down.
Sleep was just coming when suddenly…
Sighing, Shigure climbed out of bed and walked down the hall to the room.
"What now, Haru?"
"Kyou keeps pulling my hair! And he says I look older than 6!"
"That is so not true, you whiny little brat!"
Haru started crying. Yuki looked pissed off at being woken up AGAIN and was moodily staring at the wall. Shigure sighed, and picked up Haru.
"Kyou, it's not nice to make fun of people's appearances. Even if they are somewhat… noticeable…"
"UNCLE SHIGURE!" Haru looked shocked at his "Uncle."
"Nevertheless, apologize to Haru."
Kyou crossed his arms, looked away, and mumbled.
"I'm sorry, ya whiner."
Haru sniffed and buried his head in Shigure's neck, sucking his thumb.
"Can you three please go to sleep now? I have a busy day tomorrow."
"I guess."
"I didn't even do anything!" Yuki protested.
Shigure put Haru back in his bed and was about to leave when …
"Uncle Shigure, don't leave yet!"
"Why not, Haru?"
"Because Kyou told me that Akito was under my bed!"
Shigure gave Kyou the "look" all parents, babysitters, and care takers know by heart.
"Akito does NOT live under your bed, Haru. He lives and was created much, much deeper underground than a bed. God, that child..."
"Never mind. Go to sleep."
Haru wriggled into bed, sighing nervously. Shigure made sure there were no more interruptions, then closed the door.
He went to his room and crawled in bed, after repeating the process of the 3 Circles. For good luck and happy dreams, of course.
4 o' clock in the morning. Door OPENED after somehow being unlocked.
"Uncle Shigure?"
Shigure grumbled and turned over.
"Go away, Patty. Shiggy doesn't want to play right now. Later."
Haru got angry, going Black immediately.
The sudden outburst sent Shigure flying out of bed, screaming. Haru, meanwhile, was breaking anything of value and screaming about how he thought Shigure loved him and knew his name and how he was not going to get a birthday present and his robe smelled etc etc. etc.
"Haru! Calm down! What's wrong?"
"I am not yelling at you!"
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. What do you want?"
Black Haru left, leaving White Haru.
"I'm thirsty."
"I thought we agreed that when we get thirsty in the middle of the night we go to the bathroom and get ourselves some water?"
"It's too dark."
Shigure sighed again, took Haru by the hand, and walked into the bathroom. He grabbed a cup by the sink, filled it with water, and handed it to Haru.
Haru stared at the water.
"What's wrong?"
"It's contaminated."
"What do you mean?"
"There are things floating in it."
"No there's not, drink."
Shigure ground his teeth.
"Fine, but only because if I don't drink it, it will go to waste." He finished the water, wiping his mouth on his PJ sleeve.
Shigure tossled the white bangs playfully and took him by the hand. He walked down the hall and into the boys' room.
"Seriously, go to sleep."
For the third time that night, Shigure did his 3 Circles, and fell asleep, thankfully not awakened again.
7 o' clock in the kitchen reading the paper. Shigure sipped his coffee. The boys weren't up yet, but they would be soon, knowing them.
A sudden clunk startled him from his quiet moment. Then crying and screaming. Kyou came running down the stairs, bawling, tripped on the last step, and went sprawling into the hall. He got back up and sat on the ground, crying HARDER about some unknown disturbance.
Shigure picked him up and took him into the kitchen.
"Kyou, I swear… What happened this time?"
"I had another d-dream!"
"Dear lord… What happened this time?"
"I w-w-was being chased by a-a bunch of dogs… and they wanted to eat me!"
"There aren't any dogs that are going to eat you."
"Are you sure?"
"One hundred percent?"
"One hundred and ten percent."
Kyou continued to sniff for a while the finally calmed down.
Yuki came downstairs later, groggy and moody. Haru came down next 15 minutes later, black and white hair sticking straight up in the most comical fashion of bed head, screaming his lungs out at the others for leaving him alone and upset in the room. Some juice and a rice ball quickly distracted him, however.
Shigure suddenly yelped.
"OH MY GOD! I totally forgot! I have to go see Aya today! I have no one to take care of you!" He hit himself in the head with his palm.
"Grrr… okay, okay. Someone's gotta be able to…."
Haru tugged his sleeve.
"I want Uncle Hatori!"
"No, no, Unlce Hatori is busy today. Everyone is… except… but that would be just be stupid and idiotic… but I did promise Aya…"
Sighing, Shigure got up and grabbed the phone, punching the numbers in.
"Hello, Hatori? I need to ask Akito a favor."
UH-OH! Mind you, this is before Akito went mental, he would actually be about 12, so LZN and I are just guessing that he would be a bit more in control. Aren't they cuties, our little Zodiacs? We've decided that Shigure is 16, Yuki and Kyou are 7, and Haru is 6. just thought it would be a cutie. Please tell me what you think about our Little Zodiac Club! Thanx a lot. R & R puh-lease!