Welcome to Infragilis Fatalis, my latest Gravitation project! I welcome all readers, old and new, to my newest project. Thank you for coming, all of you! I extend the warmest of embraces to my old friends, who have followed me through thick and thin. My friends are very near and dear to my heart; throughout the creation of 'Eien' (which was previously known as 'Forevermore'), they supported me with numerous emotional matters and engraved themselves deep within my heart. They know who they are; thank you, each and every one of you.

This project follows my last two projects, 'An Angel's Dream' and 'Eien'. It's a direct sequel to 'An Angel's Dream', and follows a certain couple after their blissful wedding (which occurred within 'Eien').For those of you that didn't read 'An Angel's Dream', I will provide a small summation.

That project sent a certain couple through trials of self discovery and revelations; Yuki threw off his false name and became 'Eiri', and grew stronger as he learned of a certain songbird's status. Shuichi was revealed to be an angel within the heavens, and was targeted by a demon named Deus (who ravaged our beloved vocalist). Note; this project was inspired by 'Kingdom Hearts 2', a masterpiece made by the masters at Square Enix.

'Eien' depicts the couple's wedding, which occurred at Tokyo Disneyland (and was put on by Eiri after a week). At one point, Eiri failed to believe that he deserved Shuichi, and disappeared from the scene. After a certain priest healed him through brotherly love, the couple finally found themselves within the altar...and both of them pledged their everlasting love to each other.

'Eien' isn't a strict prerequisite, but 'An Angel's Dream' is recommended for an understanding to this project. The characters will be making a return to a world that was introduced within 'Dream', but I'll make it so everyone can enjoy without being completely lost. I wish to leave no one out of the picture.

Before we begin, I would like to make a warning. I specialize in Gravitation fluff (and lemony fluff). To the ones that aren't yet familiar with me; if you aren't a believer in EirixShu fluff, then go no further. I received a review for 'Dream' which came from a discontented reader, who didn't enjoy the fluffiness of the fic. I repeat; if you aren't into any kind of fluff, go no further.

Aside from that, all reviews are welcome (good and bad). I don't appreciate flames. However, I am open to all reviews, good and bad ones. I am also open to suggestions and questions. Thank you very much for stopping by!

Theme of 'Exorsus': World on Fire (Junkie XL Club/GM Edit) from Sarah Mclaughlan, 'Sanctuary' of Utada Hikaru

Special inspiration: Kingdom Hearts 2 intro movie


A scattered dream that's like a far off memory. A far off memory that's like a scattered dream. I wanna line the pieces up; yours...and mine. –Sora of Kingdom Hearts 2

In you and I...there's a new land...-Utada Hikaru, 'Sanctuary'

Three months have passed since Tokyo's greatest commemoration.

The joyous celebration created a surge of light, which instilled itself into the heavens. It filled Tokyo's inhabitants with pure, new dreams and wishes, passing by their everyday routines in the form of an everlasting zephyr. The smallest of children were transformed into the most energetic, spirited individuals, and even the oldest of Tokyo's inhabitants took on blissful qualities. Families grew closer to each other under the clear skies, holding hands and forming dreams for the future. Lovers drew themselves closer to each other, making their own plans for eternity's embrace. Business individuals carried themselves with spirited steps and high hearts, going about their routines with the brightest of smiles.

One could have said that a fairy had waved her magic wand throughout the skies, but the truth was...an angel was responsible for the endless celebration. An angel's dreams had flown to the surface of reality, which created an acre of never ending happiness throughout his beloved world, Tokyo. They had burrowed through his heart for an immense amount of time, but within a second, all of them were torn from their prisons and etched into the ether above. The young angel had pledged his life to his mate three months ago; that was the celebration that had bloomed within Tokyo.

Their marriage had carved itself into the history of Tokyo, for it had produced a wide range of reactions. The matrimony itself was beauteous, one that shattered all expectations (especially since it was planned within a week; no small feat) and brought all of Tokyo to tears. After the departure of the ceremony, couples of all kinds formed critical decisions. Families carried out hidden, buried secrets and dealt with them, wanting to bring everything their relationships held out in the open.

Couples within the realm of romance faced vital decisions as well. Marriage proposals blossomed in the manner of waterfalls, rushing throughout Tokyo's streets at an alarming rate. Individuals that had secretly wielded love for another brought their feelings to the surface, wanting to spend the rest of their lives with their desired mate. Others simply began their journey of love, entering the field as lovers. Unfortunately, the rate of divorce increased with the surge of newborn relationships; many couples saw that they were unfit for love, and decided to break off whatever connection they held between each other.

Tokyo's beloved couple instantly submerged themselves in a new journey, one radiant with undying passion. After a celebration with their family in Tokyo Disneyland, the two lovers embarked on a seven day cruise upon a Disney cruise ship, and every minute of their honeymoon brought them further and further into the bliss known as love. Several situations turned out to be 'awkward', due to the songbird's outbursts of shyness. Shuichi Shindou, the vocalist of Bad Luck, was painfully shy around his husband several times (due to his husband's overwhelming 'hotness').

However, even those situations led to the deepest passion. The lovers constantly found themselves buried within each other, happy and content. The songbird's prince, Eiri Uesugi, playfully teased his other half at times, and the other had returned each of his 'attacks' in his own way, purring within his arms like a loving kitten. Within the first rocky phases of their relationship, Eiri (who had been referred to as 'Yuki') had mistreated the hyperactive songbird with the worst imaginable insults. Insults and remarks were still present within their relationship, but they were harmful and playful...sometimes even sensuous and tantalizing.

The end of their honeymoon brought about a joyful family reunion; Claude K.Winchester, Tatsuha Uesugi, Mika Seguchi, Hiroshi Nakano, Suguru Fujisaki, Tohma Seguchi, Shiri Seguchi, Judy Winchester and Ryuichi Sakuma had met the newborn couple at the airport. Both Shuichi and Eiri were immediately immersed in kisses, hugs and tears, which were all radiant with profound love. Every one of their family members brightened the world's skies with their smiles, for they were beyond happy at the return of their beloved friends.

The angel and his prince returned to their home, shortly after the rapturous family reunion. Their utopia was drenched with a golden degree of radiance, one they had never encountered before...but that was simply because it was ready to greet its newborn couple. It had never looked more beautiful to either one of them...and they were ready to begin their new journey within their precious haven.

Both of them spent most of their time in silence, bearing no need for words. The light they shared surpassed the need for human vocabulary, and left both of them completely breathless at times. Throughout the day they carried themselves through normal routines, such as the art of breakfast and laundry...bearing the most sacred light within their eyes. The prince, who was none other than Tokyo's greatest novelist, formed a masterpiece from his fingers within seven days...and refused to share any of it with his husband (who playfully pouted at times due to the constant refusals). The vocalist formed his own masterpieces, which were destined for performances upon radiant stages. After the tribute he received within their wedding ceremony, he was determined to create the greatest pieces of his life.

The days were peaceful and golden, while the nights were passionate and fierce. The angel and his prince immersed themselves in deep lovemaking within the tides of every night, blissfully caressing every bit of each other's bodies. Even though the days were silent, their kisses and caresses spoke a thousand words...coupled with their moans of undying pleasure. Cheeks flushed as tongues consumed hot, fiery and liquefied skin...tears removed themselves from shining portals as hands squeezed the most desired places...and hearts struck their cells as cries wrenched themselves from burning throats, pleading for the greatest splendor. The muscular, firm body of the prince melted into the smaller, graceful and delicate frame of the angel...and throughout every night, the two of them rose higher into the night skies...and upon the doorstep of daybreak.

The days were painful for the angel, and they were actually painful for his prince as well. As they went about their usual activities, both of them tried their hardest to keep their thoughts from even higher lovemaking (which was incredibly, intolerably hard). A part of their hearts told them that they couldn't possibly spend the entire day in sheer passion, but all of their efforts to hold back failed miserably. Simple smiles led to heavy kisses...and at times, the mere sounds of their voices drove the other crazy. After two days of restraint, both of them silently agreed to give into their heart's desires; there was no holding back when it came to either one of them.

The passage of time brought about several celebrations. Eiri Uesugi's latest masterpiece was published, and its release brought a flood of ecstasy into all of Tokyo. It had been given the title 'Aeturnitas', which stood as a Latin word for 'eternity', and it stirred up a massive amount of enthusiastic responses. Many of his admirers hailed it as his greatest work. It depicted the passionate, blossoming relationship a prince shared with an angel...who was none other than the novelist's beloved husband, Shuichi Shindou. Neither character received a name throughout the course of the novel, but it only the first page to figure out who the book centered on. The angel went into a blushing fit of rapture as soon as he found his copy (he was always first at the bookstore, whenever his husband's books were released). The prince's brother, Tatsuha Uesugi, and the prince's caretaker Tohma Seguchi, happily shared the pages of the tale with the blushing angel...who fell deeper and deeper into love with his husband due to the creation of the book.

The songbird completed his latest pieces, just in time for more of his band's performances. Since his prince had refused to spill any secrets before the publication of his book, the songbird refused to share any of his songs with the prince, asking him to wait until their Tokyo concert (with a maddening fit of purring, which drove both of them into a pit of ferocious lust).

Three months had passed since the wedding of Shuichi Shindou and Eiri Uesugi.

The world seemed to drenched in everlasting light...pure, warm and clear...

...but the heavens knew...that its light wasn't going to last throughout eternity.