Disclaimer: No. I don't own the characters of Gravitation. So if you've heard of them outside of this story, they don't belong to me.

Warning: Long chappy.

Yuki could hear the blood rushing in his ears, could feel the subtle thud of his heartbeat.

Kaname was still talking, thought he couldn't make out what he was saying.

His fingers had gone numb and the dull tingle of sleeping flesh waking lingered.

His mouth had gone dry and he could only stand there, listening to his father's voice drone on and on.

"And she was just gone..." Kaname said. "So, per your mother's wishes, I intrusted you to Kina."

His mother was dead.

"I came to visit a few times in your younger years."

She was gone.

"You probably don't remember... that's probably for the best."

She had been ripped from this world in the worst way imaginable.

"I always watched you from the shadows... I've seen how strong you've become."

And he had done it.

"It's amazing."

This man.

"My son."

His father.

"Rrraagh!" Yuki screamed in utter disbelief and agony and rushed forward, blade summoned and swinging.


"So... you planned the whole thing?"

Sara paused for a moment before turning to Shuichi.

"Something like that." She murmured

"Do they... know?"

Sara chuckled.

"Of course not." She frowned for a moment. "I couldn't tell them. It defied all the laws."

Shuichi cocked his head.

"I thought you weren't able to affect anyone's destiny. That you couldn't change the fate of anyone you saw."

Sara nodded.

"That's right."

"But... Kaname was supposed to..." Shuichi began.

"To die?" Sara interrupted, turning to him. "Yes. He was."

"But he didn't."

"Because I did." Sara explained "In a manner of speaking." She added

Shuichi raised an eyebrow. Sara shifted a moment before answering.

"I can't affect anyone's fate or change anyone's destiny... but my own." She explained. "Once I realized what was going to happen and my inability to change it, I realized I had to... die. And that Kaname had to be the one to do it."

"Why Kaname?" Shuichi asked

"Because it was the only way... the only way that I could be sure he would stop fighting and... the only way my death would be believed."

"But you're here now. Alive." Shuichi interjected

Sara sighed, shrugged lackadaisically.

"In a way, yes."

"In a way?"

"In a way, I'm here. In a way, I am, and always will be everywhere."

Shuichi cocked his head in confusion.

"I am the Goddess of Light, Shuichi Shindo." Sara said, standing "I am light embodied. I will always exist. Even if one of my forms does not."

Shuichi said in silence for a moment before speaking.

"So... you've been alive... this entire time?"

Sara didn't answer.

"All these years... and you just left Yuki alone?"

Sara opened her mouth to speak, only to fall silent.

"It's... more complicated than that, Shuichi."

Her eyes were sad.

"I've never been away from Yuki... I've always looked out for him." she explained. "But I couldn't take a form and reveal myself. Not yet."

There was a pregnant pause before Shuichi stood, making his way towards the doorway.

"Where are you going?" Sara asked, already knowing the answer.

"To tell them." Shuichi explained "They need to know."

Sara paused for a moment, her hand reflexively going to her womb, ghosting over it.

"Yes." She spoke at last. "I agree. I think it's about time."


Kaname stared at his son. Golden eyes bore back into his, so confused and conflicted full of sadness and anger.

Yuki was froze, mere inches from him, his blade just centimeters from his face.

"You killed my mother." Yuki said simply, his voice fighting for purchase over his emotions.

Kaname stared back at him, holding his tear filled gaze.

"Yes." he said simply. "Yes."

And Yuki couldn't move. His body was torn between action and run, between push and shove and pull and run. His blade was at Kaname's throat, pushing into the flesh there. And Kaname stared back at him blankly, resting on his throne as a god.

But Kaname was not a god, and neither was he. Kaname was a demon. A being of the purest dark energy. And he was a scared little boy in his presence. A half-ling torn between all things and his father's godlike eyes stared at him longingly, lovingly, almost desperately.

"Do you feel it, Eiri?" Kaname asked. "Do you feel the darkness?"

His mother was dead.

"Do you feel the rage? The power?"

And he was dying inside.

"Do you hate me, Eiri?"
And for a moment everything was silent and still and Kaname's gold eyes reflected back at him in the sunlight, tears rolling unheeded down his cheeks.

Did he?
The father who was never there for him. Who is the sole source of his darkness, who trapped him in Hell and tried to kill him. Who ripped off his wing.

"No." Yuki said, at length. "No. I don't hate you, Kaname. Father. But I'm not like you." He said, his sword disappearing into twilight. "I'm not a murderer."

And he turned and there she was. Shining with light radiating off her, spilling into the dark corners of the room, arms wrapped gently around herself. Beside her, Shuichi stood silently.

"... Mom?"

And for 12 seconds, everything was still. Because for 12 seconds nothing else mattered except the fact that she was there and warm and everything else was so cold and she was there like life-giving fire.

And she was 10 steps away and 5 and 2 and her arms were around him and she smelled like fresh cotton and soap and sunshine and Yuki was a small boy again clutching at her skirt, trying to catch the flying dandelions she blew, saying: 'Make a wish, Eiri.'


And she looked at him and smiled.

"It's me."

"But... But..."

And she is moving past him, and he is cold again. And she is kneeling at the stairs before the throne, a smirk on her face.

"Demon Lord Kaname," She spoke, still kneeling "It appears that you've taken off all your armor."

And Kaname was looking back at her. So utterly confused and insane, yet smirking his infuriating smirk.

"Lady Sara." He said, calmer than Yuki would have expected. "Always, for you."

And he was standing and she was moving toward him, without permission, Yuki noted and her hands were in his and there was such laughter that it exhoed down the halls and filled the towers.

"You don't seem very surprised." Sara said.

"No." Kaname replied, simply.

"Why not?"

"Because, my love. Nothing about you surprises me anymore."

"Such is the benefit of madness, dear Kaname." Sara spoke, reaching up towards his face, gently cupping his cheek and for a moment looking so sad and so serious that it pained Yuki to see her.

"How...?" Kaname spoke after a moment. "I killed you."

"You did." Sara replied, nodding in agreement.

"But then how are you here?" He asked "You look the same."

"As do you, Kaname." She replied.

"You aren't going to tell me, are you?"

"Not a chance."

Yuki took a hesitant step forward, never having been in the presence of both his parents before. He found himself puling his cltohes straight and brushing his hair out of his eyes.

"Look at our son." Kaname said, turning to face him.

"Ah yes, my darling boy." Sara reached out a hand, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear "So beautiful. So powerful."

Yuki's heart was thundering. So loud he could hear it echoing in his ears. His face, neck, hands felt hot. Everything felt hot and all he could see was his mother's eyes, smell her scent, listen to the melody of her voice unable to comprehend what she was saying.

"Mom." He said, again, simply unable to say anything else.

Sara laughed and her voice sounded like church bells.

"Darling boy." She said again, pulling him towards her, embracing him tightly. "I'm here."

Behind her, Kaname chuckled.

"I think you've broken him, Love."

Sara laughed but grew serious, not turning to face him.

"But not you, my Lord Kaname?"

Kaname was silent for a moment, and neither one moved.

"No, my dear. Of course not."

Yuki felt Sara tense, his eyes focusing on Shuichi, still standing in the doorway.

"Eiri."Sara spoke, pulling away from him, and suddenly his chest felt cold and empty. "I'm sure you and Shuichi have some catching up to do."

"And I believe I should do some catching up with your father."

Kaname grinned lewdly. Sara chuckled.

"Not that kind of catching up, Dear."

Kaname mockingly pouted and stretched out a hand which Sara took.

"I'll see you both in the morning?" Kaname asked, as Yuki turned to walk away. "Keep out of trouble."

And then Shuichi was there and they were in his room and Shuichi was kissng him until he gasped for air and held him so tightly that Shuichi protested.

"Ribs- my... ribs." Shuichi wined.

And then Yuki was laughing and for a few seconds all was right in the world as he watched the blush spread across Shuichi's face.

"My parents." Yuki spoke, simply.

Shuichi nodded, unsure of what else to say.

"They're both... here."

Yuki sat on the edge of the bed, folding his hands together.

"I have parents." He spoke in wonder.


"Love. You cross the valleys of the end and come back from the dead to be by my side and yet I have the strangest sense that you're angry with me."

Sara turned to face him, arms crossed.

"It's been over a decade since we've seen each other, afterall."


"And... I... I killed you."

"But now you're here."

"And you're perfectly okay with that."

It wasn't a question.

"Should I not be?"
"You're insane."
That, also wasn't a question.


"You heard me, Demon Lord Kaname." Sara spoke, calmly, advancing on him. "You're insane. Your mind is... lost."

Kaname shook his head.


"I see it all around you, Kaname. It's in the air. Floating around your head. Madness."

Kaname fell silent.

"Your thoughts have become darker. You're so angry and violent. Even more so than normal. For Christ's sake, look at what you did to Eiri."


"And Mizu has been practically running the kingdom for... how long?"

Again, no answer. And so they stood facing each other like two titans.

"This world is darkness," Kaname finally spoke. "With all that I've seen. With all that I've done. Being made to carry this curse. I see that now."

Sara's breath hitched and Kaname grabbed her, pressing his lips to hers, so needy and demanding.

"Sometimes," Kaname spoke, once Sara as panting and trembling on silken sheet beneath him. "Madness is the only thing that makes sense."


Yuki ran down hallways pulling Shuichi after him, as he struggled to keep up with Yuki's long strides.

And the hallways just seemed longer and more crowded. Yuki couldn't seem to run fast enough. And then he is in front of the doors to the throne room, pushing them open there there is the blood red carpet and his blonde-haired mother is there, resting on his father's knee, laughing. And there is Mizu trying to draw Kaname's attention to undoubtedly more important things, and for 12 seconds, everything was perfect.

And then, the alarms sounded.



A.N. Ending with the alarms sounding. Totally shocking, right? I should probably think of a new cliffhanger. Anyways, sorry this took me so long to update. But college and working two jobs kinda sucks. But Yuki's giant face on my wall scroll kept looking at me in disdain so I finally relented and forced myself to sit down and write out this last chapter. Complete side note, I finally bought a kumagoro. It's the most adorable thing ever. Another side note, does anyone make Tumblr themes? If so, let me know! You know the drill, Coffeeshop is up next!