Just Another Hannah Montana Fan Fic

Disclaimer: I don't own Hannah Montana...just the plot and maybe new characters later on!

Miley Stewart and her friends, Lilly Trescott and Oliver Oken, were turning sixteen! Well Miley was Oliver was already sixteen but Lilly still had two months to go. Anyway they were all at Miley's house going on and on about Miley's sweet sixteen.

Lilly- So Miley are you goin' to go all out like those girls on Mtv?

Miley- I don't know... I mean I have just as much money as most of those girls, or even more, because of 'Hannah'... what do you think Oliver?

You see Miley and Oliver have a crush on each other but neither one of them wants to make the first move. So Lilly has promised herself that she would get them together even if it killed her.

Oliver- Uh well...yea you should... you should do a like Paris theme.

Lilly- You are sooo right Oliver... we could have like a mini effial tower... It will be so ROMANTIC!

Miley- okay I guess... so we have the theme now about that guest list?

Lilly- well you and me of course!

Oliver-okay fine I guess my great idea won't be seen by me!

Miley-okay you can come too...we are V.I.P's

Oliver- well yea DUH!... How about Johnny?

Miley- uh sure... I guess.

Miley had just gotten over her crush on Johnny when along came Oliver!

Lilly-okay...just one question.

Miley- okay...

Lilly- are we inviting those two lying little nasty's... Amber and Ashley?

Miely- NO!

Lilly- GOOD!

Oliver- I thought you weren't goin' to call them that anymore?

Lilly- well not infront of Mr. Picker!... Anywho can we invite your brother?

Miley- well he HAS to come! Why?

Lilly- Just wondering!

They had made up the guest list. It had 200 people on it! Lilly and Oliver decided to stay the night at Miley's...

So that night in Miley's room with Miley and Lilly ( Oliver stays in Jackson's room, they are close friends and eww not that way) was a night of confessing!

Miley-uh... Lilly can I tell you something and trust you not to tell Oliver?

Lilly- yea I am all ears and no mouth!

Lilly had some what of an idea as to what she was going to say!

Miley-okay here it goes... I have a crush on him!

Lilly- who him?

Miley- don't play dumb!

Lilly- who's playing?

Miley- Oliver!

Lilly- Oliver's playing dumb?

Miley- No! I like Oliver!

Lilly- Oh...Now I know why I can't tell him!

Miley- yea... So DON'T!

Lilly-don't worry I promise! And I have to tell you something to tell you and you can't tell anyone!

Miley- I'm all ears and no mouth!

Lilly- I like...


Lilly- Spit what out?

Miley- who you like!

Lilly- oh yea... JACKSON!

Miley- WHAT?

End of Chapter 1

A/N: I hope you liked it if I get 3 reviews I will post my 2nd chapter!

Love always Chaseandzoforeva!