Disclaimer: I will never own YGO GX, If I ever did, I would jump for joy, then introduce my OC in this fanfic to the show. But, I will never do that and I don't own YGO GX. And I will also never meet Wayne Grayson either. Life doesn't like me...


Chapter 8: Push

Is it really her? Syrus' eyes widened as the figure collapsed. It is! AIRLAND!

They all took off at once and reached the unconcious girl. Jaden and Syrus began to carry her at once down to the dorms. They reached their dorm and put her in Jaden's bunk. Chumly had been off with his dad again so he had no clue what was going on.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Jasmine asked with Mindy.

"She's alive!" Jaden and Alexis kept on saying while hugging and laughing and acting happy. "She's alive!"

Bastion and Chazz high-fived each other before acting like they hadn't. Syrus was simply sitting at Airland's side, watching her sleep. He had thoughts whirling in his already confused mind. Everyone left the dorm so they could not disturb Airland's rest. Syrus brushed her hair out of her eyes and began to sing a song he was thinking of.

A/N: This song was requested by Atilea. The world's largest Evanescence Nut! (Next to Syrus Fanatic 4-Ever) So, Disclaimer: I don't own the song 'Understanding' also known as 'Wash It All Away'...

The pain that grips you
The fear that binds you
Releases life in me
In our mutual
Shame we hide our eyes
To blind them from the truth
That finds a way from who we are
Please don't be afraid
When the darkness fades away
The dawn will break the silence
Screaming in our hearts
My love for you still grows
This I do for you
Before I try to fight the truth my final time

Can't wash it all away
Can't wish it all away
Can't cry it all away
Can't scratch it all away

Lying beside you
Listening to you breathe
The life that flows inside of you
Burns inside of me
Hold and speak to me
Of love without a sound
Tell me you will live through this
And I will die for you
Cast me not away
Say you'll be with me
For I know I cannot
Bear it all alone

Can't fight it all away
Can't hope it all away
Can't scream it all away
It just won't fade away, No

Can't wash it all away
Can't wish it all away
Can't cry it all away
Can't scratch it all away

Can't fight it all away
Can't hope it all away
Can't scream it all away
Ooh, it all away
Ooh, it all away...

"Syrus?" moaned Airland as her eyes opened. "Is that you?"

"Yes." Syrus said quickly gripping her hand.

Airland laughed, "It's always nice to wake up to your cute face." Syrus blushed as she touched his cheek gently, "I missed you so much, Syrus..."

"Where have you been?" Syrus choked out.

"All over the island... trying to help Eria, Aussa, Hiita, and Wynn." Airland said truthfully.

Wait a sec... aren't those the names of the Elemental Charmers? Airland... should I tell you now? Can I finally reveal my secret?

Syrus was about to, when Airland suddenly passed out again.

"Airland!" exclaimed Syrus, but she didn't wake...


Airland's Dream: (Disclaimer: I don't own the song, Hello, by Evanescence.)

Airland stood in the schoolyard of Domino High. Rain clouds looming overhead. She heard a school bell ring in the background and she was wearing her old outfit. Red and black sneakers, black jeans, and a red spagheti strapped top over a black tank top. She soon heard a voice singing in the sky.

Playground, school bell rings


Rain clouds come to play


Has no one told you she's not breathing?


I am your mind, giving you someone to talk to


If I smile and don't believe

Soon I know I'll awake from this dream

Don't try to fix me, I'm not broken


I end the lie

Living for you so you can hide

I don't cry

Suddenly I know I'm not sleeping


I'm still here

All that's left of yesterday...

"What does this mean?" Airland asked no one.

She jumped when a voice answered. She looked towards the old swings.

"Go to the one you love... he will feel the same..."

"What?" Airland said taken aback.

She never found out anymore as her dream ended and she awoke...


The sun streamed in through the door window as Airland awoke suddenly, her stomach growling. She had no recall of the dream as she opened the mini-fridge and made herself a sandwich before she ate it and brushed her teeth and hair. Stretching, she went outside. The sun was just rising and she decided to go for a walk. She ended up at the old playground where a set of swings and a slide were. She sat on one of the swings and moved barely, she sweatdropped when she realized she had forgotten how to push herself on a swing. Jaden or her dad used to be the ones to push her and she never really learned how to do it herself. She suddenly felt someone push her and she looked behind her when she started swinging. It was Syrus!

"Syrus?!" she choked out.

Syrus didn't respond as he continued to push Airland on the swing. She smiled as she gripped the cool metal chains with her hands and was glad she had tied her blazer around her waist before she started swinging. Syrus smiled brightly at her when she came to a stop.

"Thanks, Syrus." Airland said breathlessly. "I hate to admit it, but I had forgotten how to push myself."

Syrus only stared at her, a soft smile on his lips. Airland watched him as he sat down in the swing next to her.

"What are you doing?" demanded Airland slowly as Syrus took her hand and they started swinging slowly and gently in harmony. Airland blushed slightly, "Sy?"

"Airland." Syrus replied. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Well, techinically, you just did but you can ask another one." teased Airland.

Syrus only smiled as the swings came to a stop. Airland watched as he stood up. He seemed hesitant at first before he stood directly in front of her. She looked up and into his grey eyes. His soft light blue bangs falling into his eyes as he quickly kissed Airland on the lips.

My first kiss... she realized.

"I thought you were going to ask me a question." Airland said, blushing a rosey red.

"I did." replied Syrus softly. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Airland's lips slowly formed a halfsmile before she leaned up from the swing and kissed Syrus fully on the lips. His cheeks instantly began to burn and his eyes widened in surprise. She whispered one word before she pulled away.


One push was all it took for the two friends to realize they loved each other. Airland looked up at the slowly rising sun and the golden pink and orange clouds thinking thoughtfully as her new boyfriend and her sat together, side-by-side, on the swings.

Dueling isn't everything anymore... Syrus is...


A/N: Aww... so sweet. I have completed with my first fanfic! Took me long enough! But I'm writing a sequel! And now that I know Season 2's storyline, I can write it that way! HAHA! And I shall be improving my dueling skills! Thanks for Reading my first fanfic! Please R&R!

Anime Goddess and Protector