Disclaimer: I will never own YGO GX, If I ever did, I would jump for joy, then introduce my OC in this fanfic to the show. But, I will never do that and I don't own YGO GX. And I will also never meet Wayne Grayson either. Life doesn't like me...


Chapter 1: New Feelings

"Oh man! That means I lose!" Syrus Truesdale exclaimed looking embarrassed.

"That's right!" Airland Yuki exclaimed and she began cleaning up the table where they had been dueling.

Ever since Ailrand arrived at the Duel Academy, she and Syrus had become as thick as thieves. You see, Airland was Jaden Yuki's twin sister. She had the same brown eyes, same shade of brown hair, she had caramel through out it and it stopped at her waist. She was only a tad bit taller than Syrus (so is everyone else at the Academy...) and she loved to duel with her spellcaster deck. But, unlike her brother, dueling wasn't her life. She had other talents too. Like she was an excellent singer, she could give great advice, and she loved spending time with her friends. One more thing about her, she's a Slifer Red Student and she dorms with Jaden and Syrus and Chumly.

"I can't believe how fast I lost." Syrus muttered watching Airland closely.

"You were better than last time. You didn't freak out as fast." Airland pointed out grinning.

"Thanks... I think." muttered Syrus looking confused.

"No problem. Now, how much longer until my dopy brother gets back?" Airland asked sitting back down.

"Uh... an hour and fifteen minutes." Syrus replied checking his watch.

"What's he doing anyway?" Airland asked curious.

"Uh... something with Bastion I think." Syrus said thinking hard.

"What are we gonna do now? We've dueled three times, watched all of our Yugi Moto documentries, played Find Jaden's Journel four times, and had an arguement about Dark Magician Girl." Airland asked naming off the things they had done.

"Um... we could listen to music." Syrus guessed.

"All I got is Michelle Branch." replied Airland.

"How about you practice for the talent show?" suggested Syrus.

Airland had recently entered the Duel Academy Talent Show. She was going to sing a lot of songs. One was a solo, and the others with Jasmine, Mindy, and Alexis. Alexis was her closest female friend at the Duel Academy. And Airland didn't like Mindy very much. Airland shook her head as a response.

"If I hear anymore of those songs, I'm gonna go balistic. How about we get our weekend homework out of the way?"

"That's all we really have left." Syrus replied and he grabbed his homework.

They worked in silence for about ten minutes, that's when Airland threw down her pencil, ran to the bookcase, pulled off a black book from the shelf and opened it. It was a hollow book! Filled with Gummi Worms! She took the entire stash with her as she sat down and put it inbetween her and Syrus.

"How do you stay so thin? And how do you keep such a great complexion?" Syrus asked.

"Dunno. I guess I get it from mom. Jaden and you are the only ones who know about my junk food addiction."

Airland was not very personal about herself with the guys, so she wasn't offended when Syrus asked that question.

"I can't believe your parents still don't suspect it." Syrus commented.

"Hey, they didn't suspect that I was spending all of my allowance on rare spellcasters either." Airland pointed out.

"Airland... where did they get your name?" Syrus asked really curious.

"How am I suppossed to know Sy! Where in the world did they get Jaden's name!"

"It was just a question!"

"Sorry..." Airland whispered quietly looking at her deck.

"Hey, let's finish our homwork and have one last duel."

"Okay... I'm up for it."


Jaden opened his dorm door quietly. Chumly was off with his dad somewhere so Syrus and Airland were the only two there. He spotted Syrus asleep at a small table and Airland curled up in a ball near the front door. She woke up when Jaden accidently stepped on her hand. She let out a cry of pain and surprise.

"Watch it!" she hissed sitting up.

"How'd you get there anyway?" Jaden demanded quietly.

"I think I fell outta my chair..." she replied and they laughed.

"Remember when we used to share a room?" Jaden said closing the door and sitting next to her.

"Yeah... we used to always roll outta bed and try scaring each other." Airland said then giggled. "And when we tried out the bunk bed, you had an accident the night you had the top bunk and it sunk through the mattress."

"I still remember your screams of surprise and grossed outness." Jaden said then added. "Sorry about that."

"And then when I had that slumber party and you had your slumber party, both groups kept trying to kill each other."

"And finally mom left our cousin in charge before she and dad left to get some sleep in a hotel."

"That was so much fun, because in the end, we ended up combining our slumber parties together."

"Why don't we ever do stuff like that anymore?" Jaden asked quietly.

"I guess it's because we got older. You started liking girls and I started getting intrested in my singing and dancing and giving advice. I guess we just grew apart." Airland whispered hugging her knees.

"Remember in second grade when your hair was short?"

"Yeah, no one could tell us apart. They called us Jaden-or-Airland."

"And when the Valentines day party came, a boy asked me to dance! He thought I was you."

"I'm glad you got your hair styled after that and I let mine grow out."

"Hey... Sis."


"Why do you think we have Duel Spirits?"

"Because we're special."

"Out of all the girls in the world, Airland, I'm glad you're my twin sister."

"Same here Jay."

"You've never had a nickname huh?"

"Nope. The best one anyone could come up with is Air or Land. Airland sounds prettier."

They sat in silence and listened to the crickets outside. Finally Jaden spoke again.

"You know, I haven't told you a secret in over three years." Jaden said realizing how long it's been.

"Same here." was Airland's reply.

"Can I tell you a secret now?" asked Jaden grinning.

"Sure, if I can tell you one of mine." Airland said the same way.

"We'll take an oath never to tell." Jaden began.

"Unless we have permission to." finished Airland and they hooked pinkies.

"Promise." they said together and Jaden whispered in her ear.

"I think I might love Alexis."

So, Airland whispered in his ear.

"I think Syrus is really cute and I want to go to the Halloween Hop with him."

Afterwards, they carried the almost knocked out Syrus to his bunk, Jaden climbed into Chumly's, and Airland climbed into Jaden's, with pleasent dreams filling their heads and a new day awaiting in the morning...


"Eggwich! Eggwich!" Jaden chanted happily.

It was Eggwich day, one of Jaden's favorite days ever. So he was up earlier than usual. Airland rolled over sleepily with one brown eye open.

"Knock it off..." she said tired, she pulled a pillow over her head trying to block out the noise.

"Puh-leeze!" Syrus exclaimed from above her.

"Never!" Jaden practically screamed.

The two sleepy roommates finally rolled out of bed. The started the morning routine of each gender leaving so the other could get dressed and ready for the day. (Airland doesn't wear a guys uniform, she wears Slifer sneakers, black capri pants, a white belt with her deck holder, and a normal Blazer like Jaden's. She also wears a white tee shirt underneath it.) When that was finished, Airland pulled her blazer on correctly and they ran off towards the Card Shack for Sandwich Day.

"Man, I can just taste the golden egg of the golden rooster in my mouth." Jaden said.

Syrus and Airland exchanged a look that said 'Should-you-tell-him-or-should-I?' before Airland cleared her throat.

"Uh... bro... Rooster's don't lay eggs... Hens do... Roosters are boys... Like Female woman can, boys cannot give birth, and laying an egg is basically birth..."

"I don't think he heard you." Syrus mouthed to Airland as Jaden practically dove into the Sandwich bin, choosing his sandwich carefully. "Here we go..."

"Down the hatch!" exclaimed Jaden ripping off the wrapper and taking a bite, he got the sick anime look on his face and Airland sweatdropped. Jaden swallowed before telling them what it was. "It was liver and trout."

"Gross!" they exclaimed and watched Alexis pull out one.

"Ew! Onions and Mushrooms and mayo!" she said dropping the sandwich.

"That's a disgusting combination." Syrus commented while Airland stuck her tongue out disgusted. Syrus picked one. "Okay."

"Is that one it?" Airland asked hopefully.

"No, but it's okay. Peanut butter and bananas." Syrus admitted after he had taken a bite. "That's one of your favorites too."

"Please nothing that will make me gross out." Airland muttered as she took a bite out of her sandwich.

"Is it it?" Jaden asked with a pleading look.

"No, it's shrimp." Airland replied.

"Trade you." Jaden replied holding out his sandwich.

"What are you nuts?" Syrus and Airland said together.

"If I'm trading with anyone it's something I like!" Airland said thoughtfully.

"Wanna trade?" Syrus asked a minute later after looking at his sandwich.

"Okay." Airland replied and they switched.


While walking towards the gym to help the dance commitee, Alexis and Syrus began discussing what drinks they didn't like.

"I don't like milk at all." Syrus admitted.

"Join the club." Airland muttered.

"I can't stand Kool-Aid." Alexis replied.

"Thank you!" Jaden exclaimed.

"I can't believe it's almost Halloween." Airland said a minute later as they walked into a mob of people hanging up decorations for the Halloween Hop. "Who's going to the Hop?"

"Me." Jaden and Alexis said together.

"Maybe." Syrus said shrugging.

"Same here. I'd definitely go if I have a date." Airland said shrugging herself.

"Then why not go with me?" Chaz Princeton asked from behind her.

Now, out of all the girls, Chaz had a crush on two. Airland and Alexis. Just their luck if you ask me...

"Uh..." Airland said facing him, her cheeks red.

"She can't!" Syrus blurted out, looking red himself.

"Why not?" Chaz demanded.

"I..." Airland stammered, Jaden and Alexis exchanged a look of confusion.

"She's going with me." Syrus said jumping in.

"She is?" Chaz and Jaden exclaimed.

"I am?" said Airland confused, when did this happen?

"You haven't asked her!" Chaz exclaimed realizing it after hearing Airland say that.

"Airland, do you wanna go with me to the Halloween Hop?" Syrus asked turning to her.

"Sure." she replied kinda confused and flattered.

"Now I did." said Syrus smugly to Chaz.

Chaz stormed off angry while Airland gave a huge sigh of relief.

"Thanks Sy, you saved me from going with that vampire." Airland said thankfully.

"Oh man!" Syrus exclaimed. "That's what my costume is!"

"Attack of the Blue Bats!" Jaden and Airland said together.

"That's not funny." Syrus muttered blushing while Alexis was giggling.

"Sorry." she said and she laughed again.

While Airland smiled at Syrus (who was slowly turning into a new and undiscovered shade of pink and red) she felt a new feeling emerge. She began to rock on her feet and her mind began to race. She woke up out of it when Alexis had pulled her aside.

"What has gotten into you?" she demanded.

"Huh?" Airland said sounding spacey.

"You got this sappy look on your face. Do you like Chaz or something?" Alexis asked and pointed to Chaz, who happened to be in the direction she was looking in.

"What? Gag me much!" Airland shrieked quietly. "If I liked him I would have gone with him to the dance."

"Sorry. Just a guess." apoligized Alexis.

"No, I was just thinking of Sy and the dance." Airland finally said answering Alexis' original question.

"That took a lot of courage." Alexis commented.

"What did?" asked Airland.

"Syrus jumping in like that and inviting you to the dance." she answered.

"Yeah." said Airland thoughtfully.

"Well... we got practice after we work in here. We gotta go over your song." Alexis said changing the subject.

"Okay. I'll be there." Airland replied.

"Good... and by the way. Have you ever worn a dress in your life?" Alexis asked.

"No." Airland said flatly.

"We so need to detomboyify you Airland."

Airland stuck her tongue out annoyed and made a face. Alexis just rolled her eyes and gave a sisterly smile before they had to run away from Jaden and the glitter glue... That boy needs to get a brain... (Airland's words!)


A/N: I finished! Yeah! You wanna know what I do for fun? I take pictures of the GX gang and make funny pictures out of them on the Paint program on my computer. I turned Alexis into Airland and she looks really cool! (After I got the right shade of colors from Jaden.) Anyway, please review guys (and girls) Peace Out GX fans! Alos, I'm not trying to be attention hungry.

Anime Goddess and Protector