A/n: Hello there, dear readers. I haven't written a Gravitation fic in forever. So, this being my first attempt at writing Gravi in a while, I'm asking you to have pity on my poor soul. No, I'm kidding. I've been writing Gravi for almost 5 years now, and this is just the first thing I've published in a couple months. So, without further ado, enjoy the first chapter of Unlimited!


Disclaimer; Standard disclaimers apply in this fic, as they do with all Gravitation fics. I do not own Gravi, it is property of Murakami-sensei.

Rating: M (eventual lemon)


Chapter 1

How many days have I come home wishing I was someone else? How long do I have to live with all this fear? This doubt that looms over my happy persona like an instant storm in the midst of a spring wedding?

It follows me everywhere. I cannot defeat it. I can try all I want to pretend. Those who know me well can see through my poorly constructed façade. But the only one who understands the true depth of my paranoia is me.


Tacktacktacktacktacktack. The only noise that could be heard throughout the spacious apartment was the soft tap of nimble fingers against a worn keyboard. Japan's greatest romance novelist, Uesugi "Yuki" Eiri had been sitting for more than 8 hours.

He had been struck with a sudden creative firestorm, one that quite possibly could've come from his own personal muse. It ignited the novelist's veins, forcing an upsurge of adrenaline to run through him. For once Eiri was excited to write a novel. His muse, however, was a short, lithe pink haired pop star who went by the name of Shindou Shuichi, or as Eiri liked to refer to him, "brat."

As of that moment in time, the muse was currently on a month long tour promoting their third album with the popular new single, 'Pulse.'. Eiri had to admit that Shuichi's lyrics had improved over the past three years, but not by much. He finally began to write something aside from juvenile love songs.

Just thinking of his pink haired paramour sent a pang of longing through the fair haired author's heart. He would never admit to anyone that he missed Shuichi, but the truth of that matter was that he really did. He missed him so much that he'd given a character in his novel the boy's ostentatious hair color. How seminal of him, being the infamous author he was.

He couldn't explain the affect the boy had on him. He hadn't wanted this foolish roseate haired boy to barge into his life, turn it upside down, twist it into an undoable knot and then fix it and as if it was the simplest thing in the world. He hadn't welcomed the change in his life, but now, he hated to admit that he couldn't imagine his life any other way.

He couldn't imagine waking up cold, not having a small warm body to wake up next to. He couldn't imagine not having a human blanket to drape over himself when he felt the need for human contact. He told himself the boy deserved better. He deserved someone who hadn't committed an execrable act against humanity.

Eiri thought of himself as a lowly being, one who should be locked away inside a tower of desolation inside his own heart. But the florid boy had suddenly appeared in his life and he had begun to change the author entirely. Shuichi had showed him that it was alright to let himself out into the sunlight. He had shown him the light, within himself and within others.

The blonde man had a reason to smile, however rare that may have been. He often belittled the boy, but Shuichi knew that Eiri cared for him. And though he had never said it outright, he knew that he loved him. Shuichi was grateful that he'd kept him around.

Because whether Eiri wanted him there or not, he had no intention of ever ending his tumultuous relationship with the fickle author.

Eiri sighed, and paused from typing for a moment, allowing his nimble fingers to come to a moment's rest. He allowed a small smile to cross his face as he shook his head, thinking to himself.

I miss you, brat.


"YES! Only a few more days!"

"How many days is it now, Shuichi?"


Shuichi was beaming, as usual for the sunny boy. He was standing up in his seat, as Bad Luck's van headed towards Kyoto from Osaka. They had two final concerts left; tonight's and tomorrow's, which ended in Tokyo.

Shuichi was excited, beyond that; he was in constant ecstasy, knowing he'd finally be able to see his love again. To Shindou, it felt like he'd been separated by an infinitely vast ocean, and in order to make it home to Eiri, he would have to swim the length of the entire thing.

His heart ached. He had called Eiri twice a day for a week, until the novelist had made him promise not to call again unless he was dying. Shuichi had found it hard, and he'd broken his promise once. He'd called from a payphone just so he could hear Eiri's voice. He knew this would make his homecoming that much more sweet and enjoyable.

As the boys climbed out of the van, and headed into the convert hall, Shuichi heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, Shuichi-kun."

For a moment, he thought it was the voice of his beloved, but he was disappointed. Uesugi Tatsuha. Eiri's younger brother and identical twin save for his slightly darker complexion, his hair and his eyes, both of which were black.

Shuichi and Tatsuha had never really considered one another friends, but after all they'd been through and all the times Tatsuha had alerted Shuichi to his lover's whereabouts, they had gotten to know and care deeply for one another.

Tatsuha merely wanted his Aniki to be happy, and he could clearly see that Shindou Shuichi was what made Uesugi Eiri happy, and that no matter what anyone would they would not split up. Eiri needed Shuichi to complete him, as much as Shuichi needed Eiri to complete him. They were two halves of a volatile and explosive whole. One half was without purpose sans the other half.

Shuichi was snapped out of his reverie when Tatsuha poked him in the forehead. "Hello? Is anyone in there or did fucking my aniki really make you stupid and deaf?"

Shuichi laughed and pouted for a second before he grinned. "So what did you say?"

Tatsuha rolled his eyes. "I asked if you were excited."

"Of course I am! I get to see Yuki tomorrow!" his grin widened, and his smile was enough to light even the darkest of hearts. Tatsuha smiled.

"You really love him, don't you?"

"Of course I do! I love Eiri with all my heart and soul!" Tatsuha rolled his eyes. The boy really was naïve.

But he supposed that's what drew everyone to Shuichi. He was like a magnet, he attracted everyone to him. He had an ebullient personality, like a child who never stopped seeing the light in everyone, he instantly found the best qualities in everyone, and he looked past their faults and saw them for who they really were inside, and out.

As they rushed Shuichi off to be fitted for a costume for the show, Tatsuha realized that he wanted what Shuichi had. True love. However twisted it may be.

(A/n: So corny. . )

A few hours later, Shuichi stood in the wing of the stage, tapping his foot anxiously. He was psyched to go on stage as usual, but he was a little sad because his lover was not present.

The costume department had dressed him in a pair of tight black leather shorts that accentuated his pert butt. He wore a long black jacket made of black mesh fabric, his chest was bare, and his shiny new silver nipple ring shined for all to see. His eyes had been heavily lined, and he was wearing black lace up combat boots that went to above his knees. To top off his outfit, his hair had been dyed black with hot pink and red tips.

"It's go time!" a stage hand called, and Shuichi, along with Hiro, who'd been dressed in leather pants, and a shirt the color of Shuichi's eyes, made their way to the stage. They were accompanied by Suguru, who also wore leather pants, and a white sleeveless shirt that shined in the light. It was a different sort of outfit for the usually reserved boy.

They stepped out onto the stage, and into the throngs of thunderous applause.

"Good evening, we're Bad Luck! Are you ready to rock?" Shuichi screamed, and the band launched into their first number of the night.


A/n: Whew. That took more energy than I thought it would. But I had fun. This story is becoming more interesting than what I had originally intended. I know, not much action in the first chapter, but I assure you it will become more interesting. The second chapter should be up in a few days!

Please read and review! I also appreciate any constructive criticism you are willing to offer, but please no flames. ;) Alright, well I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, and I'll see you soon!
