Disclaimer: Disney owns it, Disney owns it, Disney owns it, at least I'm not being forced to write this on a chalkboard a hundred times.

He couldn't believe it. He just couldn't. Elizabeth professed to love him, was engaged to him in fact. She would never kiss another man.

Then why was she kissing Jack? Why was his fiancé making out with his friend? What was going on?

Gibbs said something, and Will hurried down into the longboat, absentmindedly obeying the tone more than the terms of the message.

He had only seen them kiss for a second, but it had been enough. Pain and hurt threatened to overwhelm the pirate, and he forced his heart to still.

Is this how Jones feels? he wondered as Elizabeth descended into the boat. Did I do this to Norrington? But Elizabeth chose me, he told himself defensively. Has she now chosen another?

"Where's Jack?" he asked Elizabeth.

She looked upset and murmured a reply.

Will digested it quietly. As they rowed away and watched the Pearl go down, the young man flitted between anger and sorrow. Anger at Elizabeth and Jack for what he'd seen. Sorrow for the loss of a good – if not always trustworthy – friend. Jack had stayed behind to give the others a chance to escape. Something about that seemed out of place to Will, but he was too preoccupied to realize what his subconscious was trying to tell him.

The others saw his emotional turmoil as the grief they were all experiencing.

What am I going to do? Will asked himself as they set out up the river for Tia Dalma's. He could see Elizabeth's obvious distress and thought it to be caused by Jack's death. She loves him, and he's gone. What can I do?

By the time the toasts to Jack were over, Will had made up his mind. If there was a way to get Jack back, anyway at all, he was willing to try it. All that was required, he would do, if only to make Elizabeth happy.

Even though he doubted his affection was returned, Will Turner loved her still.
