Yeah, this is the last chapter. This has been a good run, and now that I have successfully finished this one, I am either going to start a new story or try and finish Misery Never Misses. I love all of you!

I don't own Naruto, but I wish that I could own Sasuke.

NejiNaru is LOVE (new scene transition)

5 years after the wedding.

"BUAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!" Naruto wiped away the tears that were leaking from blue eyes, holding his side with his other arm, trying to calm down the laughter that was racking his body. His laughter doubled as his son yelled "MOMMY!" once again. He has been in hysterics for the past few minutes as Neji gritted his teeth and glared at his now spazaming blonde.

How could Keito call HIM mommy? Naruto was OBVIOUSLY the feminine one. Of course that didn't explain why when Neji brought his son's breakfast over to the highchair the two year old grabbed his fathers hair and screamed 'mommy' at the top of his lungs.

Naruto had finally stopped outright laughing, and managed to sputter out "Your hair is so pretty, Mommy." Neji simply picked up the bowl of applesauce, moved to an arm length away from Naruto, and dropped the slimy food on his husband's head. "WAAAAAHHHHH!"

The pale eyed man smirked as his husband shrieked and slipped while trying to punch the elder. Neji held his hand to his son, and the little boy slapped it and grinned widely and giggled. "Daddy fall DOWN."

It was then that Neji decided to cut his hair.

NejiNaru is LOVE

"I can't believe you actually did it." Naruto gaped at his husband. He had been sitting in bed reading a scroll when he had heard Neji getting ready for bed. He hadn't looked up from his reading until Neji's smirk practically radiated through the room. He had slowly lowered the scroll, afraid of what his sadistic husband had done.

Naruto had at first just stared blankly at his hubby's head, in complete shock. The blonde moved forward, reaching out for the now chin length hair of his husband. Tan fingers ran through the brown locks.

"You look even girlier now." Naruto's face disappeared as he was knocked off the bed by a pillow flying through the air at high speed. "THAT WAS UNCALLED FOR, WOMAN!"

NejiNaru is LOVE

Neji had a half smile on his face while watching his little boy trot around in the backyard, attempting to catch Naruto, who was crouched down walking backwards keeping a foot between himself and Keito. His smile slipped slightly and changed to a thoughtful line when he saw a very pregnant Sakura wandering into the yard of his home.

Four years ago he and Naruto had started to tentatively talk about the idea of children. They began to look through the option of adoption, talking to different homes and parents who were expecting children. When it came down to it, it was decided by the court that as ninjas, there was no promise that they would be there for their children, and their adoption application was denied.

After the adoption fiasco, Kiba came to them with the idea of a surrogate mother, who would bear the children and donate the egg. The problem was who would be willing. At the time Hinata was newly married to the Inuzuka, Ino had just discovered that she and Shikamaru were having a baby, and TenTen was barren.

That left Sakura.

In the end, Neji did not regret that Sakura had been the one to give him and Naruto their son. She came by often to visit Keito, and seemed joyful in the fact that even though she wasn't the one raising him, she gave birth to Naruto's child.

Now it was Sakura's turn to have happiness. After a year of heavy arguments between the blue eyed man and Neji, Naruto gave his friend a baby of her own to care for.

Stepping out from the porch, Neji returned the bright smile that the two blondes sent him, and gave a soft nod to the pink haired woman. Neji gently sat himself down next to the two and reached over for his son who promptly screamed "MOMMY!"

They might be a dysfunctional family, but the fact was that they were a family.

"By the way, Hyuuga-san, your hair is very cute! I think I'll get it cut like that!"

"I told you that you look like a woman."

NejiNaru is LOVE

Once again, thank you reviewers and readers. I send my lurve to all of you!